West Side Story (2021) Good. Spider-Man NWH Bad.
I only watch sh*tty horror, mainstream kids movies, and musicals.
Damn, it's actually not bad! I'd honestly only heard kind of bad things about this movie, but I legit enjoyed it. It's got some likable (though simple) characters, the plot was engaging, and the songs were good! My biggest problem is probably that the songs, while good and catchy, don't sound like songs that are from a musical. My only guess is that Billy Joel's writing doesn't really fit a Disney film imo. It all just sounds like songs from…
Ugh what do I even say about this? It's another awful remake, end of story. Okay, well other than that, what does this offer? Well, it has some decent camera work. The director sure knew how to frame a shot well. It's also got some pretty incredible landscapes and costume design. Aside from those visual aspects though, not much here shines too bright. Mulan herself is incredibly boring, barely getting any lines to herself. Most scenes that involve her have…
"Front is back, when back is lost."
Whatever the hell that means.
Spirit in the Woods is barely a movie. It legitimately feels like something you would find on someone's camera roll. Only they never posted it anywhere because it was an extremely uninteresting trip. Literally nothing happens in this movie until 5 minutes before the ending. And even then, I was more confused than scared. They like to play with the camera filters a lot because I'm pretty sure that was the only effect they knew how to do. Well, that and spraying red paint on some rocks.