
mattgoold Pro

Favorites are my most recent 5s.

Favorite films

  • Sing Sing
  • Hi, Mom!
  • A Different Man
  • Magnolia

Recent activity

  • Tangerine


  • The French Connection


  • Babygirl


  • The Young Girls of Rochefort


Recent reviews

  • Tangerine



    Baker’s most raw. It’s fast and loose, quick and dirty, it’s simmering over an open flame and then boils into mayhem. Same as his other films, there’s funny stuff that doesn’t quite make me laugh, but there’s emotional moments that take my breath away. 

    What an ending to this one. Sean is the apparent master of stomping on your heart in the last 10 seconds of a movie. Wooooo wee.

  • The French Connection

    The French Connection


    Friedkin is good, Hackman is good, Scheider is good—this couldn’t not be good.

    There’s a lot of Big Gene running all Gumby-legged that is just joyful. Wouldn’t be the same if it was Roy sprinting—he’s too cut. But a big old oaf, that’s cops baby.

    I thought the music was great, a chaotic jazzyness that feels obvious only once you hear it. And the scene in the club with Everybody Gets To Go To The Moon is so perfect.


Popular reviews

  • Magnolia



    Literally seconds into this and I'm realizing this is going to be my absolute jam. 25 years late, but oh baby, this is excellent.

    The cast is incredible, the story is dynamic, the ambition propels it through a hefty 3 hours with such athleticism it feels half that length. Remarkable.

    Could go on and on about Tom's hair, Julianne Moore's face, John C. Reilly's mustache, Bill Macy's little earring...these characters are designed so lovingly, they feel real.

    So many feelings to feel, thoughts to think, and sights to behold. P.T. Anderson really might be the greatest director. Who says no?

  • Pearl



    Now this had some juice that X couldn’t squeeze.

    Whole thing just worked so much better for me. The tone felt right, the character was more defined, the story more interesting, there was a reason to care about her and what she wanted. Loved the aesthetic inspiration and choices for this too. As a schtick, it clicked much better.

    Mia Goth was impressive in this in a way that  I don’t think she ever got the real chance to be in X. That monologue! It just kept going! We love Mia Goth don’t we folks?