Miss Vicky

Miss Vicky Pro

I'm the Resident Bitch from MovieForums.com.

Favorite films

  • Quills
  • Gladiator
  • Up
  • Mary and Max

Recent activity

  • Encino Man


  • Romper Stomper


  • The Negotiator


  • Hide and Seek


Recent reviews

  • Encino Man

    Encino Man


    [Watched in Preparation for the MovieForums.com Top 100 of the 1990s Countdown]

    Encino Man is stupid, juvenile, ridiculous, and rather dated... but it's also sweet, funny, and I have always loved it - and not even in a guilty pleasure kind of way. I just genuinely love it. Brendan Fraser was really hot in the 90s and as much as I love him as a dramatic actor, this silly role as a teenaged caveman thawed out in modern day will…

  • Romper Stomper

    Romper Stomper


    [Watched in Preparation for the MovieForums.com Top 100 of the 1990s Countdown]

    I've seen a fair number of movies that deal with racism and several that specifically depict Neo-Nazi skinheads, but - outside of holocaust movies - none stand out to me the way that Romper Stomper does. It is unrelentingly, realistically brutal. It is gritty, it is chaotic, it is bloody, and it feels authentic. I also really appreciate the way that it never comes across as preachy or…

Popular reviews

  • The Matrix

    The Matrix

    This film was released in theaters in the spring of my senior year of high school. My friends and classmates absolutely raved about it. So I watched it. 

    With its slick costumes, Sci-Fi premise, slow-motion stunts, characters with names like "Neo," "Trinity," "Cypher," and "Morpheus," and a soundtrack that features the likes of Prodigy, Rage Against the Machine, Massive Attack, and Rob Zombie, The Matrix came off to me then as tryhard "hey, look how edgy I am!" bullshit. I…

  • Genocide



    I don't have a whole lot to say about this as I never really know how to review or rate documentaries. I think overall it did a fine job of stirring emotions but then what Holocaust film doesn't?

    I was a little surprised to learn (or perhaps relearn? I can't recall it ever being covered in school) how many countries, including the U.S., turned a blind eye to the suffering of the Jews and refused to offer sanctuary to those…
