Joakim L. Møller

Joakim L. Møller Pro

Favorite films

  • Jurassic Park
  • Alien
  • Terminator 2: Judgment Day
  • The Empire Strikes Back

Recent activity

  • Hidden Figures


  • Body Bags


  • Ms .45


  • Creepshow


Recent reviews

  • Hidden Figures

    Hidden Figures


    Hidden Figures (2016) is a truly uplifting feel-good movie with a powerful message. It’s both inspiring and frustrating. The cast is outstanding, delivering strong performances that elevate the film even further. A well-crafted and engaging story that both entertains and enlightens.

  • Body Bags

    Body Bags


    Body Bags (1993) was a real surprise. I expected some sleazy B-horror, but it turned out to be well-produced, well-acted, and filled with three genuinely great stories. It delivers a mix of intensity, creepiness, sci-fi elements, and just the right amount of gross-out horror. Plus, it’s a treat to see both Mark Hamill and John Carpenter having fun in their roles, along with some other great familiar faces.

Popular reviews

  • Ms .45

    Ms .45


    Ms .45 (1981) is a brutal and effective revenge film that stands out with its bleak atmosphere and minimalist storytelling.

  • Creepshow



    Creepshow (1982) is a mix of horror tales with some great practical effects. "Father’s Day" looks good. "Jordy Verrill" has a fun premise but is too goofy, and "Something to Tide You Over" also leans too much into silliness. "The Crate" really stands out with solid tension, great effects, and great satisfying payoff, while "They’re Creeping Up on You" has one genuinely gross moment.