Nerd Jimmy

Nerd Jimmy Patron

Favorite films

  • Perfect Blue
  • Le Samouraï
  • Whisper of the Heart
  • Patlabor 2: The Movie

Recent activity

  • The Way We Talk


  • Thor


  • Captain America: Brave New World


  • West Side Story


Pinned reviews

  • Transformers One

    Transformers One


    this film did the impossible task of being made for everyone , underneath it all is a dystopian epic where a cog defines social class , but look at the background , that’s Jazz! How cool is that ? That’s almost the first batch of G1 Autobots in arrival to Earth being inspired by the arise of Optimus ! And look at that fight we’ve been waiting for , all the gimmicks and transformations were part of the “action choreography”…

  • Transformers One

    Transformers One


    “What defines a Transformer isn’t the cog in his chest that makes transformation , it’s the spark in your core that’s willing to transform the world.”
    TFONE got the touch , it got the power , biblical epic of kids movies , Transformers will always have children as part of the target audience , it’s about kindness and sincerity versus ruthlessness and brutality as powerful figures of the world , that’s the wholesomeness and simplicity of G1 that made me…

Recent reviews

  • The Way We Talk

    The Way We Talk


    之前俾人邀請去左同一堆青少年睇,後面有導演同鍾雪螢及吳祉吴出嚟分享會,導演人幾溫柔,性格反映到起套戲入面,講得唔太好聽但就係一套raise awareness on diversity嘅電影,見到觀眾前席有啲聾人真心被觸動擺手語傳譯感謝,例如起佢哋耳中有幾刻真係一同體驗過呢種無助,所謂扮聾但係現實中見到鍾雪反應係真係sincere地化身入呢個身份,簡單來講就係一個”stand proud”信息,我唔係聾但係我聲音弱,所以當女主角好有自信咁講野毫無條理及後面以自己方式去聆聽欣賞周邊微小美麗時,的確係令人窩心嘅


  • Thor



    kind of miss when Thor’s attitude as a character was the definition of boring , I am not saying things should be completely comic-accurate , I am glad that Thor’s human host persona as Dr Donald Blake was dropped , but now MCU is full of quirky space adventures , why can’t the character just be his dramatically cringey folktale warrior self , like an actual Norse mythology hero. Sure the 2011 film was average at best when they dropped…

Popular reviews

  • Megamind vs. the Doom Syndicate

    Megamind vs. the Doom Syndicate


    We are truly here to witness the return of the age of straight-to-dvd sequels and half-assed put together tv pilot , now in the form of Megamind vs. The Doom Syndicate


  • Look Back

    Look Back


    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.