I liked this more than anyone else did and can't explain why.
Two attractive and charming people courtng each other AND Surprise plant zombies? Sure!
Expected to fall deeper in love with Rachel McAdams in this movie but instead fell deeply in love with Bill Nighy.
This movie was hyped up for me and I felt like it lacked a bit. Except Bill Nighy who was perfect.
I’m shocked at how much I enjoyed this movie. They managed to not make it overly dramatic and kept a lightness the whole time. It felt very fun as someone who has gotten more into playing D+D the last 5ish years.
Also, the first action movie in recent memory where I felt like the 3rd act was the strongest act.
Not enough rope used imo.
I liked this movie. I was thrilled during it and it had a jump scare that really got me, which does not often happen. It felt like running through the hits of the Alien franchise but I don't have a huge connection to that so I felt ok about it. There were definitely some decisions they made that I really wish they didn't. That said, I came out of this movie wanting to watch more by this director.