The kids’ pick for movie night.
I’ll never object to throwing on one of my favorite adaptions of The Communist Manifesto.
The kids’ pick for movie night.
I’ll never object to throwing on one of my favorite adaptions of The Communist Manifesto.
Circumstances presented an evening where it was just myself and my 5YO, so we stayed up “late” and watched a movie -
This isn’t good - but the positive memory of seeing it in theaters when I was around his age coupled with the incredible surfer/metalhead goon ensemble of Fester, “Hammer” and Marcus - leaves me with a serious affection for this.
“Dude, what time does school get out?”
“I dunno… I never stayed to the end.”
Seriously, incredible writing…
I don't want to comment on specifics (yet) because seeing this (mostly) blind in a fairly full theater was absolutely delightful. It was a reminder of how social watching a movie can be, and why movie theaters are wonderful and important. There were several, audible, collective gasps. Shoutout to the guy behind me who, when this finally cut to black, says loudly to his companion: "what the fuck did you just make me watch?"
I will say I don't…
i love movies and i love making movies and i love movies about making movies and i do often find myself thinking about the relationship between our sense of self and how much of it is performative and how in turn that performative part of ourselves actually gets realized as part of who we are, and how the art/media/"content"/(and these days, our sort of social media/online presence) that we take time and effort to cultivate and express ourselves with has…