

aspiring writer
ND with mid taste in movies

Favorite films

  • Baba
  • Boo
  • 'E'
  • Y

Recent activity

  • The Poughkeepsie Tapes


  • Anantaram


  • Harlan County U.S.A.


  • A Nightmare on Elm Street


Recent reviews

  • Anantaram



    Horny spirals of love and would-be lives.

    This one really caught me off guard. Maybe this will change on repeat veiwings but ajayans story in the first half of the runtime, as idealized as it is felt really genuine to me, to the point where I think if you just cut the runtime at the half way point then it would've been a great standalone film. The dramatic turn to ajayan being an unreliable narrarator is handled with a zen…

  • Harlan County U.S.A.

    Harlan County U.S.A.


    Really poignant watch with the modern jump in union popularity. Works as a handbook for future generations of labor on what to do when you organize and what will be done against you. Most importantly though this shines as a personal tale of this Kentucky county and the struggles of its miners, by the end of this viewing I'd guess most people would also be charmed by harlan residents.

Popular reviews

  • Inland Empire

    Inland Empire


    After rewatching this with some friends I was talking about how it makes no sense LB doesnt have it listed under horror considering certain scenes are a gold standard for terrifying a viewer, if not the the best I've seen period. But thinking about it now it would seem kindof cheap to put what Lynch does to unsettle you under the label of horror or even just call it unsettling.

    Lynch conjures up a primal fear in me with Inland…

  • Ingeborg Holm

    Ingeborg Holm


    the final act is jaw dropping. extremely poignant silent era work, as good as it gets from what I've seen.