
redactyl Pro

Favorite films

  • Chungking Express
  • Peppermint Candy
  • Ritual
  • Parasite

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  • Howl's Moving Castle


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  • Anomalisa


  • Black Bag


Pinned reviews

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    I don’t think my feelings on MICKEY 17 will settle after one viewing. This film does not exist in a vacuum (no film does but especially this one) being the direct follow-up to Bong’s previous, industry-disrupting, all-time modern classic, PARASITE. But whereas that film felt unfettered and incisive in its commentary on class disparity, MICKEY 17 feels more in line with the performative neoliberal milquetoast values espoused by Hollywood’s wealthiest Kamala-worshipping studio executives in its whitewashed depiction of colonialism and…

  • Anomalisa



    To be in the company of friends and family who love you, but none of whom quite get you. An ineffable malaise that diffuses into every interaction, but remains unspoken for fear of being labeled ungrateful — a champagne problem to the nth degree. In search of an unattainable, near metaphysical connection that can exist only in fiction, desperately clinging to whatever seems closest to it, only to be disappointed when reality rears its unsightly head. Beauty exists insofar as ugliness defines it. Existence is imperfection incarnate, why would love be the exception?

Recent reviews

  • Howl's Moving Castle

    Howl's Moving Castle


    I think I finally “get” how to watch Miyazaki’s films in my adult age. I missed out on watching most of them during my most impressionable years and so I’d often walk away from them as an adult underwhelmed — but as a I sat down today to finally knock this off my watchlist, something clicked. I remember catching Pokémon movies on Cartoon Network and watching those stories unfold as if they were historical events rather than a manmade story…

  • Black Bag

    Black Bag


    Why are Soderbergh’s movies all like this

Popular reviews

  • Blue Beetle

    Blue Beetle


    Throughout the first two acts, I couldn’t help but think, “This movie would be so much better if it was more centered around Jaime’s family.” Someone must have been listening because (most of) the third act is pretty great. It’s refreshing seeing a superhero movie where the adolescent hero’s family not only knows of his alter ego, but collectively actively pushes him toward his self-realization. Jaime’s family really is the heart of the story and they all get a chance…

  • Escape



    It sometimes feels as though South Korea’s film industry is obligated to put out at least two to three of these anti-communist propaganda blockbusters a year. This one is at the very least watchable, with some decent cat-and-mouse action that kept me engaged enough to ward off boredom. It’s just unfortunate how the script has no ambition to be anything beyond a fabricated Red Scare hit piece that dehumanizes the everyday citizens of the DPRK. Every prominent character is reduced…