please don’t take any of these reviews seriously I have no idea what I’m talking about
favs are recently loved movies
superbly off putting movie with a disgustingly good james franco as white trash culture vulture. abstracted commentary on american dream, race, hedonism, capital that kind of gets scrambled towards the second half. but it doesn’t need to say too much I think. the arthouse neon dreamscape is just very good at making you uncomfortable, pure hedonism sans spirituality built off the violent video game-like appropriation of Blackness is the white american dream. I loooove that they feature Gucci and Vanessa…
just as incredible as I remember it from the dallas angelika 8 years ago, when we walked into the wrong theater and saw the ending first.
everything is so thorough, so meticulous, that the jumps in time I thought were confusing on my first watch don’t even matter when they’re overshadowed by the sheer beauty of the music, the characters, the actors, the dialogue. the ocean as metaphor, as home for the lonely and abandoned (and the Black), the sound…
yeah it’s well shot, but it’s frankly unimaginative for so many of these global south elite directors to conceptualize these boundary/caste-rupturing relationships with domestic help as revolutionary, rather than licentious aspiration arising from the very same kind of casteism they’re trying to undermine.
it’s a cute story and subtly told, I was even rooting for this stupid man child writer character, but I think I’m bored tbh!!
nice shots of Mumbai, moments of urban joy, I’d like to visit sometime :)
very strange film, I really wanted to like it.. sorry this could’ve been soo good but it just ends up reifying violence against Pakistani/Muslim women, it’s insanely torturous to watch and doesn’t allow her any nuance or resolution in the matter. i left watching it completely hopeless, as if this main character exists only to be tortured and perceived through the lens of her family. guess what!! it’s not revolutionary to make a movie that reinstantiates violence against her on…