Trevor Schoenfeld

Trevor Schoenfeld

Husband, father, teacher, blogger, podcaster and all around movie fanatic.

Favorite films

  • Alien
  • The Thing
  • The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
  • The Empire Strikes Back

Recent activity

  • Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol


  • The Divide


  • Contraband


  • Moonrise Kingdom


Recent reviews

  • Footloose



    If you'd never seen the original FOOTLOOSE, the 2011 version is a totally serviceable teen dance flick with plenty of copycat charm.

  • Project X

    Project X


    "Project X" is like a lifetime of good and bad party memories thrown into one gigantic pile. It is a teenager to twenty-something's wet dream of irresponsible partying. It is a dart board of ideas but the trouble is, as crazy as the party gets out of control, it never seems that outrageous or totally over the top. Sure, some insane stuff happens, like a little person jumping out of an oven or a guy with a flame-thrower burning down…

Popular reviews

  • The Grey

    The Grey


    "The Grey" is not the movie I expected, it is better. Going in I thought the audience was simply getting Liam Neeson fighting wolves. A survival action with Neeson taking down some Alaskan wolf pack one by bloody one. I pictured director Joe Carnahan behind the camera revving up the action and going for the throat with edge of your seat thrills for ninety plus minutes. By every stretch of the imagination, I was absolutely content paying to see exactly…

  • The Killer Inside Me

    The Killer Inside Me


    The psychology of a sociopath has always intrigued me. The masks that they wear to hide who they truly are. What started their deviations. Michael Winterbottom's film "The Killer Inside Me" is a masterful approach to unmasking one psychopath set to a noir thriller in the 1950's.

    Winterbottom's film feels like an instant classic. It is a impeccable dissection of sociopath who used sadism as one of his outlets. Not only is the film a thrilling look into the mind…
