
ollie Patron

enjoyer of cinema, it changes your life.

Favorite films

  • The Worst Person in the World
  • Heat
  • Another Round
  • Pride & Prejudice

Recent activity

  • The Intouchables


  • Yes Man


  • Flow


  • Now You See Me


Recent reviews

  • The Intouchables

    The Intouchables


    Reading the reviews on this film after my re watch, and just knowing that the reviews saying this film is about race and colour and the provoking issues with this film and always underlying with factors of ethnic background and origin, is so laughable, like the film is not based on a true story, about two CLASSIST, backgrounds clashing and becoming platonic soulmates is a tragedy to cinema in and of itself, so many people take issue and have opinions…

  • Yes Man

    Yes Man


    stupid cheesy netflix throwaway comedy. kind of what it says on the tin sort of film, enjoyable but not overly funny for a comedy.

Popular reviews

  • Heat



    First and foremost I would like to say, for me this is the greatest film of all time. Being able to live through a film moment to moment, shot to shot, and feel completely gripped to your screen the entire time with two of the best onscreen performances of all time and a script that god himself bestowed upon Michael Mann is a blessing in itself. It's a worrying how real I thought this was on my first watch many…

  • Before Sunrise

    Before Sunrise


    In awe at how simple a film, can provoke such tragic emotions from within me.
