

Personal Letterboxd account of a cult film enthusiast/ the king of cinematic bad takes.

(positive review =\= viewing recommendation)

Favorite films

  • The Empire Strikes Back
  • Hot Fuzz
  • The Thing
  • The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Recent activity

  • The Street Fighter


  • Dirty Harry


  • Summer of 84


  • Badlands


Recent reviews

  • The Street Fighter

    The Street Fighter


    A Martial Arts flick that plays more like an ultra-violent Japanese gangster movie. The filmmaking at hand is genuinely good, but two things really elevate  "The Streetfighter" and turn it into a Grindhouse classic: (1) it’s gory (and impressively disgusting) moments of extreme X-Rated combat and (2) it’s spectacularly vicious protagonist. Sonny Chiba plays a man who’s too ferociously villainous to be called an anti-hero.
    The rain-heavy finale is perfect for this kind of enjoyably disreputable genre exercise.

  • Dirty Harry

    Dirty Harry


    Liked it a lot more than during my first viewing. Dark, potently crafted by Don Siegel and pretty damn thrilling. It’s pulpy genre fiction at its most gritty, uncompromising and perversely endearing.

Popular reviews

  • The Passion of the Christ

    The Passion of the Christ


    This is hard to describe but there are few movies that are both as grotesquely violent and as stunningly beautiful as this. A gritty yet heartfelt depiction of the Passion of Jesus Christ.
    For reasons that are deeply personal , I can quite honestly say that I loved this.

  • Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

    Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan


    Warning: This is going to be yet another unreasonably long Letterboxd review of a movie I like. It’s probably going to be both dry and extremely incoherent. 

    I was first introduced to Star Trek 2-The Wrath of Khan when I was ten years old. By that point, I had seen 1 Episode from the 2nd Season of TOS and I had watched "Star Trek-The Motion Picture" (sometimes also referred to as "Star Trek-The Slow-Motion Picture"). I appreciated the emphasis on…
