
tadeorsr Patron

♠ Defender of the undefendable ♠
♣ Hunter for the underrated ♣
♦ Weakened by a massive ego ♦
♥ Lover of adjectives and adverbs ♥

Favorite films

  • Devs
  • Sing Sing
  • The Vast of Night
  • Past Lives

Recent activity

  • Final Destination


  • The First Omen


  • Middletown


  • Thought Crimes


Recent reviews

  • Final Destination

    Final Destination


    I was seven years old when I knew I would always be alone.

    Final Destination was on the TV and I could not handle the idea of death coming to me. The realization that no one, not even the police, could help you if the shadow of destiny was on your tail. I was not a melodramatic kid, but in that moment… that's when I became self-aware and endlessly afraid.

    It's a deep introduction for a movie that made me have…

  • Rachel Carson's Silent Spring

    Rachel Carson's Silent Spring


    This was a reminder of how much society loses when it does not read.

    While one could argue Dr. Jeffrey Wigand's 60 minutes interview on tobacco changed the world similar to how Rachel Carson did, I do not feel there was as fast or as radical of a change as when the nation read Silent Spring.

    There's a reason we say words move a person. They change your way of thinking in a more nuanced way than any other medium…

Popular reviews

  • Sing Sing

    Sing Sing


    The last time I saw my uncle Daniel was in his kitchen. We sat across from each other drinking beer. I'd had three; he'd had seven. I lived in a floor above him, and it was the first time in twenty-two years that I've ever talked with him.

    "Are you writing a book, Tadeo? Or why do you want to talk with me," he said.

    "No, uncle," I said in-between a chuckle. "I just want to get to know you."…

  • Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

    Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness


    I have no idea who wrote this, but they should never be allowed to write ever again.