Vassilis Kroustallis

Vassilis Kroustallis

Film and animation professional.
Animation reviews:
Fiction reviews:

Favorite films

  • Small Change
  • His Girl Friday
  • 8½
  • Tokyo Story

Recent activity

  • 52 Tuesdays


  • Animals


  • Good Luck to You, Leo Grande


  • Driveways


Recent reviews

  • 52 Tuesdays

    52 Tuesdays


    The female-to-male transition process of a mother seems to elicit strong sentiments from her daughter, in a series of monthly vignettes that heighten tension and empathy.

    Not always successful, and somewhat more enigmatic than its main character, it's still a vivid testament of a relationship in terms of redefinition.

  • Animals



    Powerful end-of-girlie party innocence, and two radiant performances in an honest film about the need to choose between love and love.

Popular reviews

  • Playground



    It takes only 72 minutes, but it feels like an aeon in the intense (but never claustrophobic), beautifully observed study of school bullying in Laura Wandel's first feature film Playground (Un certain monde).

    the full review at Film Is A Fine Affair

  • The Fallen Idol

    The Fallen Idol


    It gets under your skin, with an elaborate story and production design architecture. Not that claustrophobic, but still circumscribed by all kinds of lies and half-truths, it reminds how uneasy childhood is -and how rich children don't necessarily have all the luck. Carol Reed uses a smaller canvas than The Third Man, and plays with floors, staircases and half-lit rooms, whereas Philippe (Bobby Henrey) is torn between loyalty and the need to tell the truth. Some early psychoanalysis (pet snakes)…