

Favorite films

  • A Clockwork Orange
  • Titus
  • Until the End of the World
  • Dersu Uzala

Recent activity

  • Syriana


  • Crescendo


  • Blue Thunder


  • True Stories


Recent reviews

  • Syriana



    incidental confessions of a network of terrorists called government officials and agents, lawyers, and corporate heads

    mostly boring

    made for the post-9/11/01 propaganda machine of confusion

    bob is like 30 different people and the 'financial consultant' a symbol of ignorant sacrifice and more

    my heart goes out to all the victims of the divide & conquer, that's all of us


  • Crescendo



    this isn't a thriller, it's not erotic, there's no suspense

    the story has some merit but then becomes far-fetched

    the writing is horrible and the directing is bad, the acting barely competent

    the reveal happens in the beginning and then makes you wait until the resolution to do anything with, it doesn't make sense to do this way other than a bad directing thinking it is clever


    it's interesting, given all the bad writing and directing choices, that they:…

Popular reviews

  • Attack of the Killer Tomatoes!

    Attack of the Killer Tomatoes!


    this is so-bad-it's-good fun trash

    decent writing, smart directing, with excellent pacing, good bits of situational humor that aren't overplayed or in poor taste, professional level cinematography and score+soundtrack, as well as a few standout sequences

    not enough Lois, not a good enough intrigue plot as could have been there with more focus on that and her investigation into it, would have been a lot stronger of a movie

    smashing good time


    can see that Tim Burton got some ideas from Mars Attacks! from this (and a direct obvious rip too)

  • To Die... To Sleep... Perchance to Dream

    To Die... To Sleep... Perchance to Dream


    a lament, melancholic sentimentality

    to the memories of a past dreaming of a future that never came, longing for a past that never was

    to dream a life instead of live it

    dreams cannot be reality, they are dreams, and to live in a dream, is to be dead

