your favorite бабушка
my only weakness is that i love angsty movies blindly
and esoteric bullshit !!!!!
i was absolutely dying to see this movie after all the aegyo robert pattinson promos
obvi can't exactly live up to parasite but it was soooo good n sweet n n goofy n campy!!!
felt very cathartic to see a plainly obvious trump caricature in a Real Film™️ (i had to suppress a giggle every time the little scratch was on screen) that will withstand the test of time, where everyone in the future can watch this movie & know how…
idk i thought it was a fun & silly ride!! will ferrel movies r nostalgic somehow
was just annoyed at all the casual misogyny (even tho its in like every comedy movie ikkk)
sorry, i unapologetically loved this as a kid and now still apologetically do.
the way that xie lian says san lang..... my heart fuckin melts everytime aahdkflrkb