Traipse through an apocalypse.
The deliberate disregard for historical accuracy makes me love the political commentary, until I remember that Alex Cox is not from a real country. Still goes ridiculously hard.
To me, this is just Regular-size Trouble in Little China.
Literally the coolest thing ever. Made with so much love for the martial arts genre, Carpenter delivers his signature spectacle and, as always, delivers an amazing soundtrack. The fact that this movie flopped, leading to Carpenter abandoning Hollywood, is a tragedy.
Obsession, the greater forces controlling us being just as petty and capricious, the futility of revenge.
First time I watched this movie, I knew I had to talk about it. Ended up talking to a friend for hours, and doing a writeup on the mise-en-scene for a Film final. Coming back to it years later, I feel like I appreciate it even more. The tension is even higher with the knowledge of what approaches, but this doesn't rob the funnier parts of their impact.
Also, I completely forgot there's just a shot with a human-sized ant halfway through the movie.
"How was Fargo?"
"Oh, real good."
Since I first saw this, it has been one of my favorite movies. I always appreciate a comedy. I would call this a classic comedy: it maintains a sense of reality unlike full parodies such as Airplane and Zoolander, yet keeps enough focus on its comedic aspects to avoid being a film of a different genre with comedic elements, such as Die Hard or Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.
The thing I appreciated…