Pregnantal Yoga
Pregnantal Yoga
Pregnantal Yoga
• Pre Eclampsia,
• Placenta Previa,
• Cervix Incompetent
• Hypertension
• A history of bleeding and miscarriage in earlier pregnancies.
Development of abnormal placenta
Development of abnormal placenta
Pre- eclampsia
Pre- eclampsia
Pre- eclampsia
Blood pressure
Pre- eclampsia
Pre- eclampsia
Pre- eclampsia
Pre- eclampsia
Pre- eclampsia
Placenta Previa
Placenta Previa
Modification in Prenatal yoga
• Warms up standing
• Warms up sitting
• Joy breathing
• Belly, rib, chest breathing.
Joyful Breathing
1st Trimester (1 – 14 weeks )
• Fetal condition
• In this period amniotic sac and umbilical cord begin to form. The
embryo will begin an important phase for the formation of the
brain, nervous system, and circulatory system.
1st Trimester (1 – 14 weeks )
1. Hormones engage
Estrogen and HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin)
2. The condition of pregnant women
• Changes of the body in this trimester is not obvious.
• Hormonal imbalance caused by high levels of
oestrogens and HCG (human chorionic
• Pregnant women experience imbalance such as
nausea and vomiting, anemia, irritable and weak.
3. Discomforts of pregnancy: Morning sickness
Discomforts of pregnancy Morning sickness
• To overcome discomfort
• Lots of rest
• Maintain the freshness of the body by drinking lots of water and
consume lots of fruits.
• Drink warm ginger tea to keep body warm and to eliminate
sickness Eat small amount of meals at the time but often
• Yoga movement that focus on standing postures and balance
posture that help to the pregnant women to feel freshness and
• Restorative yoga, relaxation, and pranayama will help her feel
comfortable especially in the mental stage.
* Note
1. Restorative Yoga:
v Savasana ( Corse pose) Mudhasana ( child pose),
v Supta baddha konasana ( modify lying down butterfly)
v Viparita karani ( lay down leg on the wall)
2. Cat stretch
• Bilikasana 1 ( Cat stretch )
• Bilikasana 2 ( Cat Balance)
3. Standing Postures:
• Tadasana ( Standing moutain pose) , Vrikasana Tree pose
• Trikonasana ( triangle pose prenatal)
4. Arm, leg and back strengthener:
• Setu bandha sarvangasana ( bridge pose)
• Maricyasana ( light twist)
5. Flex/ Relax and strengthening the pelvic:
• Sitting posture heel stick to knees
6. Postures and advice to overcome morning sickness.
Restorative yoga
Bilikasana 1
Bilikasana 2
Flex/ Relax and strengthening the pelvic:
Sitting posture heel stick to knees
Side Savasana
Viirabhadrasana- Warrior 1-2
Arm & back strengthener
Modify Garuda
Modify Gomukhasa
Flex/ Relaxes & strengthen the pelvic posture- Kapotasana
3rdtrimester (28 – 40 weeks)
• Encouraged to conserve your energy and return to a
practice of restorative yoga, meditation, visualizations
and positive thinking.
• Replace any fears you may have about labor and the
impending birth of your child with positive thoughts
(affirmations) and visualizations.
• Breath techniques are particularly focused on during this
trimester, as they are very useful in supporting you
during labor and delivery.
• The hormones released during the birthing process are
those designed to make you feel euphoric.
• By gently moving and exercising your body in an asana
practice, you can become more aware of the needs of
your body and your baby.
3rdtrimester (28 – 40 weeks)
1. Fetal conditions
• Fetal development in the womb will reach perfection and get ready for
• Body length of approximately 40 cm with a weight of about 1.5 kg and at the
end of pregnancy approximately 45 cm with weight of 2 – 3 kg.
• His/her body began to contain (bigger in size) because of the formation of
fat under the skin. This fat will help the fetus to regulate their body
temperature as soon as he/she born.
• His brain is now bigger and better structured so that began to adjust his skull
with brain growth.
2. Hormone engage
Relaxin, oxytocin (hormone causes contraction)
3. The condition of pregnant woman
• The weight will be increasing 10 – 15 kg till the end of pregnancy. Required a
good upright posture and strong to keep the burden rested with a good
• Fetal growth would further compress the chest cavity and into the pelvic
cavity. Required good posture and firm to create ‘space’ so that mothers
stay comfortable.
• Difficulty breathing because of fetal growth will
further pressurize and squeeze into the chest cavity.
• Weak bladder
• Sciatica, pelvic pain due to pinched sciatic nerve in
the pelvis
• Haemorrhoids
• Insomnia
• Anxious
To overcome discomfort
• Difficulty in breathing : pranayama (sitkari), and full
yoga breathing
• Weak bladder : kegel exercise (yoni exercise)
• Sciatica: variation of table poses
• Haemorrhoids: taking healthy diet (rich in fiber)
• Insomnia: regulate sleeping pattern, relaxation, long
deep breathing, and meditation
3rd Trimester: Suggested yoga practice
1. Restorative pose: Mudhasana e side savasana
2. Standing pose:
• Utkatasana: Modified chair pose.
• Hip opener
• Goddess
• Pelvic Rocking: rotating hips
3. Relaxes / Flex and strengthen the pelvic
• Squating pose: Pato waling
• Baddhakonasana ( butterfly 1,2,3,4)
• Sufi rotation
4. Posture and advice to overcome discomfort
Standing pose: Utkatasana: Modified chair pose. Goddess pose.
Pelvic rocking