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    • Prehistoria, Neolítico, Mesolítico
Dipartimento di scienze Storiche, Università di Roma Tor vergata
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyArcheologiaLithic Industries
In this essay I will propose an analysis of Aristotle's concept of kinesis aisthetike/phantastike. I have collected many short pieces of evidence that can be detected in Aristotle's psychological corpus about this topic, in order to... more
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In this essay I will propose an analysis of Aristotle's concept of kinesis aisthetike/phantastike. I have collected many short pieces of evidence that can be detected in Aristotle's psychological corpus about this topic, in order to... more
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    • Sociología
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      Environmental AestheticsPhenomenology of Space and PlaceEmotions, Feelings, Brain
rivista on-line del Seminario Permanente di Estetica anno II, numero 1 pag. 49 © aisthesis pratiche, linguaggi e saperi dell estetico 2009/1 Atmosfericità Prima impressione e spazi emozionali Tonino Griffero 1.... more
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      AestheticsPhenomenology of Space and PlaceAffect, Emotion and Feeling
trópoς • numero speciale • 2008
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      AestheticsExistential Phenomenological PsychotherapyAffect, Emotion and Feeling
Tra estetica e atmosferologia di Tonino Griffero 1. L'esperienza atmosferica.
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Saying that modesty has disappeared from our society is too quick and easy. In truth, it has simply migrated to other contexts, within which it performs a regulative function in relation to post-traditional values. It would be incorrect... more
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      Phenomenology of the bodyPhenomenology of Space and PlaceEmotions, Feelings, Brain
Through an atmospherological approach, primarily inspired by the New Phenomenology (Hermann Schmitz), the paper investigates the relationship between emotional situations and language, sketching briefly some less known solutions of... more
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      AestheticsPhenomenologyAffect, Emotion and Feeling
In a philosophy reflecting on how you feel "here and now", i.e. on irreducibly qualitative aspects of your Umwelt and life-world, the phenomena of emotions are a key theme. Starting from (neo)phenomenological realism and not from... more
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Les monuments se caractérisent par une temporalité stratifiée et oxymorique : d'un côté, le passé se cristallise autour d'une image et devient mémoire ; de l'autre, on érige des monuments en envisageant un avenir sur lequel ils sont... more
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      AestheticsImage AnalysisPhenomenology of the Body (Philosophy)Estetica
Università di Tor Vergata) 1. Die Einbildungskraft an die Macht Seit der Antike wird der Einbildungskraft (oder der Phantasie) und ihren Bildern eine ontologische Kraft beigemessen. Nahezu vorherrschend war diese Ansicht im Zeitalter der... more
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    • Imagination
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      AestheticsContemporary ArtPhenomenology of the body
tra parentesi il titolo dell'opera, seguito dai numeri del capitolo e del paragrafo).
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    • Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling
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    • Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling
Durch seine identitätsphilosophische Konzeption einer symbolischen Darstellung, in der das Allgemeine und das Besondere absolut eins sind, eines Sinnbildes, das nach dem Muster der griechischen Mythologie intransitiv und anschaulich,... more
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Quasi-cose. La realtà dei sentimenti. 152 pp. Bruno Mondadori Editore, Milano 2013-05-15 ISBN 9788861597693
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