Communication as a Key Determinant of the Successful Coaching

Gomal University Journal of Research

The existing study was primarily conducted with the determination to assess the perception of athletes regarding communication skills on part of coach and its role in uplifting of athletic performance. Athletes of various activities from Punjab University (n-300) were taken as a population of the study and thus 100 athletes were selected as sample by using the available sample technique. In order to collect the required data about various perspectives of the said issue, the comprehensive questionnaire was developed and distributed among the respondents (athletes of Punjab University) and got back after filling by respondents. The gathered data were administered through statistical package for social sciences (SPSS, version 26). On basis of data analysis, it was concluded that a coach as well as a trainer with good communication skills can make a coaching process easy and effective formhis/her players. Based on conclusion, it is recommended that coaches andmtrainers need to use prope...

GOMAL UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF RESEARCH Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan ISSN:1019-8180 (Print) ISSN: 2708-1737 (Online) Website HEC Recognized Social Sciences CrossRef DOI:10.5138 0 COMMUNICATION AS A KEY DETERMINANT OF THE SUCCESSFUL COACHING. Alamgir Khan1, Muhammad Zafar Iqbal Butt2 & Muhammad Jamil3 1 Department of Sports Sciences & Physical Education, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan Department of Sports Sciences & Physical Education, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan 3 PhD. Scholar, Department of Sports Sciences & Physical Education, University of Sindh, Pakistan 2 KEYWORDS ABSTRACT Communication Skills, Coaching, Coach, Punjab University, Athletes The existing study was primarily conducted with the determination to assess the perception of athletes regarding communication skills on part of coach and its role in uplifting of athletic performance. Athletes of various activities from Punjab University (n-300) were taken as a population of the study and thus 100 athletes were selected as sample by using the available sample technique. In order to collect the required data about various perspectives of the said issue, the comprehensive questionnaire was developed and distributed among the respondents (athletes of Punjab University) and got back after filling by respondents. The gathered data were administered through statistical package for social sciences (SPSS, version 26). On basis of data analysis, it was concluded that a coach as well as a trainer with good communication skills can make a coaching process easy and effective for his/her players. Based on conclusion, it is recommended that coaches and trainers need to use proper communication skills for the uplifting of player performance. Article History Date of Submission: 01-11-2021 Date of Acceptance: 26-06-2022 Date of Publication: 30-06-2022 Corresponding Author DOI 2022 Gomal University Journal of Research Alamgir Khan: INTRODUCTION Coaching is a process which mainly focus on current performance of athletes rather than past and future. In this linking, various coaching modals likw GROW, TGROW, OSKAR and CLEAR Coaching modals are used. In all these coaching modals, coach is not considered an expert but coach is regarded as facilitator. Different resaerch studies (Rooff, 2011, Pan, 2014; Khan, Khan, Islam & Khan, 2017; Ahmad, Shaharim & Abdullah, 2017) were carried out by different scholars for assessing effectiveness of coaching modals. No such study was conducted which examine the role of coach as a facilitator in term of good communication skills. As good communication skills on part of coach always proved helpful in overall development of athletic performance (Asrar, Gomal University Journal of Research, Volume 38, Issue 2, JUNE, 2022 Khan, Butt, Jamil … Communication as a Tariq & Rashid, 2018; Putra, Akrim & Dalle, 2020). A good coach also know that player can find answer of questions but only need clear and well explained direction. Self-confidence and selfability of students helps in developing positive relationship in both teacher and student through nonverbal communications. In this connection, how much communication skills of a coach play its role in the effective coaching process? To discover the fact this resaerch study was initiated. Consequectly, the outcomes of this resaerch study will proved helpful regarding the clarification of the concepts about communication skills of the coach and its active role in effective coaching process. In contemporary comptitive enviornment, with reference to sports, player and officials (referees, umpires & judges) all are interconnected with the each other. In addition, the role of facilitators (coaches, managers and trainers) can not be ignored. For this optimal performance in sports, it is important for the officials and facilitators to have a good communication with player (Rooff, 2011). In this fast changing world, the importance of communication can not be ignored due to its vitality. Through communication one can share his/her feeling, wishes and thoughts (Collier, Mary, 1966; Khan, Khan, Islam & Khan, 2017; Meyer & Hühn, 2020). The communication is consequently effective for various outcomes especially with reference to the players i nspirational motivation. A person with good communication skills always find more successful in routine activities. Self-confidence and self-ability of students helps in developing positive relationship in both teacher and student over nonverbal communication. The lacking of good communication skills may cause failure particularly in the teaching learning profession (Sullivan & Philip, 2004). The communication is a process of transmission of massages which take place between sender and receiver. Communication skills are important in context of coaching process because coach need to transmit his/her information to the players (Khan et al., 2017, Philip, 2013). The authors further explained that effective communication skills play vital role in academic promotion of students. LITERATURE REVIEW Numerous sports activities need one way communication or display skills to communicate and deliver messages to players. The body language, facial expressions and other verbal and nonverbal behaviors all are basics of communication. A self-regulatory process that has been associated with role distress in the officials is impression management (Thatcher, 2005). The author further argued that one-way displays (posture & confidence) and tools (whistle, hand signals & lagging) were regarded as essential to support and deliver credibility and authority as an official. For the attainment of administrative goals, it is vital for the organizers or the authorities to have a good intrapersonal communication skills. Thus, in case of improper or poor communication, various organizational conflicts may take place within the organization (Kehinde & Osibanjo, 2011). For developing a positive academic relation in both, teacher and student, it is considered necessary for both have effective communication (Baruch, Hershkovitz & Ang, 2015, Asrar, Tariq & Rashid, 2018). It not only make teaching and learning process effective but help in reducing academic conflicts (Richmond, 1990). Consequently, self-confidence and self-ability of students helps in developing the positive relationship between in both, the teacher and student through nonverbal communications. Student and teacher relation have momentous outcome on learning process among the students. It is important for teacher to have a positive and effective relationship with students (Chesebro & McCroskey, 2001; Rahman, Jumani, Akhter & Ajmal, 2011). A friendly environment among Gomal University Journal of Research, Volume 38, Issue 2, JUNE, 2022 206 Khan, Butt, Jamil … Communication as a teacher and students also promote learning environment (Pan, 2014; Khan et al., 2017; Ahmad et al., 2017). Trainer player positive academic relationship have a significant output in term of learning process of sports skills. Many of players opined that trainers with positive relationship always proved themselves the good trainers. Therefore it is essential for trainers to develop and maintain good and positive relationship with students (Liberante, 2012). In this connection, lack of communication skills may leads deficient sportimg achievements among the players. No such study was conducted that examine the effective role of coach as a facilitator in term of good communication skills. As good communication skills on part of coach always proved helpful in overall development of athletic performance. Thus, the professionalism in any profession totally associated with communication skills of the concerned facilitators. In this drive, to promote the performance goals, it is considered important for both, the players and facilitators to have the decent communication linkage (Mathis, 2007; Nazari et al., 2011; Nazari Yektayar & Davari, 2013). In sports like football, rugby, hockey and basketball. officials and facilitators work very closely with players and thus there are interactions significantly influence the performance of players (Dosseville, Laborde & Bernier, 2012; MacMahon & Plessner, 2008). Communication is the way of sending and receiving information which take place between teacher and students (Johnson, 1999; Catt, Miller & Schallenkamp, 2007). The basic aim of this process is to transmit required knowledge to learners (Robbins, 2000). As a result of all the above brief discussion, now it is clear to say that communication is the key tool for an effective outcome in context of athletic performance. A person with good communication skills always find more successful in routine activities. The lacking of good communication skills may cause failure particularly in teaching learning profession. Poor communication skills always leads a player toward poor performance among players? How much communication skills of a coach play its role in better performance of players. To notice the fact, the researcher plan to conduct the research study under the title “Communication skills of the coach and its role in effective coaching process”. This particular resaerch study will help in clarification of concepts about role of communication skills on part of coach in the optimal performance of player. As a result of critical analysis of above literature, below hypothesis were formulated and were tested by using descriptive and inferential analysis procedures:   There is significant role of communication skills of the coach in effective coaching process. Poor communication skills may cause poor performance of the player in diverse situation. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY To reach at certain findings and conclusion, the below procedures were adopted in study by the researcher. Nature of Study As the present resaerch study was associated with communication skills and coaching process therefore to reach at certain findings and conclusion researcher applied a quantitative research design with cross sectional approach in order to conduct the study and thus reach the desired conclusion. . Population of Study According to Shukla (2020), term population used for the cluster of items or entities on which the outcomes or findings of the study are to apply for particular purpose and outcome. Hence Gomal University Journal of Research, Volume 38, Issue 2, JUNE, 2022 207 Khan, Butt, Jamil … Communication as a the population of this specific research study was contained of all players playing at university level. Sample & Sample Size Watson and Moritz (2000) defined sample and sampling as the term sample used for the small unit which represent whole population. In addition the author further explained that sampling is process through which the researcher selected sample from the population. Similarly the total number of players in Punjab University are round about three hundreds (300). Time as well as financial constants restricted researcher to contact all respondents. Therefore to overcome these constraints researcher one hundred (100) athletes were conveniently chosen as a sample of the study. Instrument & Instrumentation Instruments refers all those instruments which use the researcher for the collection of data while instrumentation is the process of developing instruments (Burnside, Preski & Hertz 1998; Jones & 1992). In this connection,for the collection of data, the Likert type scale was developed by the researcher. Validity & Reliability The scale comprised of 25 questions (1st daft) according to the different parameters of the study was developed and sent to the field experts for content validity and thus 10 questions are deleted as per their suggestion. Thus, process of validity and reliability has also been done accordingly. The reliability of instrument was measured through Cronbach’s Alpha and found .633, .875 and .614. Data Collection The developed questionnaire was personally served by the researcher among the respondents. After filling the questionnaires by the respondents, researcher collected it back and thus after complete securitizing questionnaires, valid questionnaires were used for the said purpose of the study. Ethical Consideration Before conducting the resaerch study, ethical approval was taken from the concerned institute (University of the Punjab) and similarly consent was also taken from all the respondents before participation in the study. DATA ANALYSIS The obtained data were tabulated and were analyzed by using numerous statistical tools through application statistical package for social sciences (SPSS, Version 26) similarly suitable statistical tools are applied according to the parametric data in order to find answers and desired statistical outcomes. Table 1 Age-wise Classification & Frequency of Respondents Age wise distribution of Athletes- N(100) 18 years old 20-22 Years old 23-25 Years N 40 35 25 Gomal University Journal of Research, Volume 38, Issue 2, JUNE, 2022 % 40% 35% 25% 208 Khan, Butt, Jamil … Communication as a The above shows the age distribution of the respondents. The results vealed that the total number of respondents was (N=100), respondents aging 18yearswere 40 (40%),respondents aging 2022 years were 35 (35%) and respondents aging 23-25 years were 25 (25%) as per the frequencies distributions. Table 2 Gender-wise Classification & Frequency of Respondents Gender wise distribution of Athletes- N(100) N Male 25 Female 75 % 40% 35% The above shows the gender wise distribution of respondents participated in the study. The total number of respondents was (N=100), male respondents were 25 (25%), female respondents were 75 (75%). Table 3 Role of Communication Skills in Effective Coaching Process Model Summary Model R R Square 1 .179a .033 F Sig. 7.003 .005 (b) a. Predictors: (Constant), Communication Skills Table 3a Role of Communication Skills in Effective Coaching Process Unstandardized Standardized t Model Coefficients Coefficients B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 2.222 .334 6.839 Communication Skills .235 .083 .184 2.839 a. Criterion Variable: Athletic Performance Sig. .000 .005 The above table indicates role of communication skills of coach and its role in player performance. The regression results revealed that R-square is .033, that is nominal which means 3% effect of coach communication skills on player performance .The B is .235 (p=0.005) which mean total 1 unit increase in coach communication skills will cause .234 unit overall increase in the athelites performance. Table 4 Perception of Male & Female Testing Variable Category Communication Skills Male Athletes Female Athletes α=0.05 N 25 75 Mean 3.51 2.53 SD .56 .83 Df 2.527 T 5.828 Gomal University Journal of Research, Volume 38, Issue 2, JUNE, 2022 Sig. .000 209 Khan, Butt, Jamil … Communication as a Above table indicted the perception of male and female athletes (N-100) about communication skills of coach and its role in the effective coaching process. Data were expressed as standard deviation and mean. Mean and SD of male athletes was 3.51±56. Mean and standard deviation of male athletes was 2.53±83. The t-value of both groups was (2.527) = 5.828. and P = .000 < α = 0.05. FINDINGS & DISCUSSION The role of coach communication skills is not well understood. This resaerch study was basically conducted for the purpose to assess the communication skills of a coach and its role in effective coaching process. After adaptation of systematic procedures of resaerch, the researcher find out that coach need to have the good communication skills because lacking of good communication skills may cause poor performance of athlete. Inline of this finding the study carried out by Khan et al. 2016; Gould, Nalepa and Mignano (2020) found that for effectiveness of coaching process it is important for coach to adopt those strategies which promote the athletic performance such adaptation of good communication skills, setting the well-defined goal and create a conducive learning environment for players. The self-confidence and self-ability of students helps in rising positive relationship in both teacher and student through nonverbal communications. A person with good communication skills always find more successful in routine activities (Khan, Khan, Islam & Khan, 2017). The lacking of good communication skills may cause failure particularly in teaching learning profession. A good coach also know that player can find answer of questions but only need clear and well explained direction. Such emerging concept is further explored by Simmons, (2006) stating that players can often attempt to create doubt in officials’ decisions by discouragement their confidence and by operating communications with officials (Simmons, 2006). It is also concluded by the researcher that for optimal performance or output of athlete, it is so much important for a coach to adopt positive and effective way of communication with players. Such emerging concept is supported by the study conducted by khan et al. (2017) by stating that communicator either he/she a teacher or a trainer need to adopt positive communication skills for the well clarification of concepts of the learner. In this fast changing world, the importance of the communication can not be ignored due to its vitality. Through communication one can share his/her feeling, wishes and thoughts. The finding of the study conducted by Asrar, Tariq, and Rashid (2018); Zayyadi et al. (2020); Putra, Akrim and Dalle (2020) indicated that performance and communication skills both are interconnected phenomena. Consequently, self-confidence and self-ability of students helps in developing the positive relationship between in both, the teacher and student through nonverbal communications. Due to this fact, it is important to give proper concentration to this element of teaching and learning professionalism. In this connection, for effectiveness of coaching and avoiding the organizational conflicts it is important for the coach or trainer to adopt dynamic positive communication links with athletes. Effective communication helps to create well and positive working environment player. In addition, lack of motivation as well as financial assistance cause conflicts among the players (Wang & Ramsey, 1998). CONCLUSION Current was mainly rendered upon the role of coaches communication skills in the uplifting of player performance. To obtain the said goal of study, a systematic survey study was conducted among the players of Punjab University Lahore Pakistan. So based on results, researcher arrived Gomal University Journal of Research, Volume 38, Issue 2, JUNE, 2022 210 Khan, Butt, Jamil … Communication as a at conclusion that effective communication skills are considered as key determinant of successful athletic performance. It is also concluded by researcher that for optimal performance or output of athlete, it is so important for coach to adopt positive and effective way of communication with players. In this linking, the study further concluded that poor communication skills may cause poor performance of the players. Majority of respondents opined that they need such type coach which clarify their concepts by using the understandable procedures and skills of activity. 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