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2017, International Association for the Study of Dreams, 34th Annual International Conference
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Poster presented at the International Association for the Study of Dreams, 34th Annual International Conference, June 16-20, 2017. The poster outlines a study on avatar animation of dreamer motor behavior from electromyography collected at the University of Texas, Austin, Cognitive Neuroscience Lab in 2016.
Current Biology, 2011
Since the discovery of the close association between rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and dreaming, much effort has been devoted to link physiological signatures of REM sleep to the contents of associated dreams . Due to the impossibility of experimentally controlling spontaneous dream activity, however, a direct demonstration of dream contents by neuroimaging methods is lacking. By combining brain imaging with polysomnography and exploiting the state of ''lucid dreaming,'' we show here that a predefined motor task performed during dreaming elicits neuronal activation in the sensorimotor cortex. In lucid dreams, the subject is aware of the dreaming state and capable of performing predefined actions while all standard polysomnographic criteria of REM sleep are fulfilled . Using eye signals as temporal markers, neural activity measured by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) was related to dreamed hand movements during lucid REM sleep. Though preliminary, we provide first evidence that specific contents of REM-associated dreaming can be visualized by neuroimaging.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 2021
CASYS: …, 2002
... Record Details. Record ID, 159378. Record Type, journalArticle. Author, Ariane Bazan [801000840422] - Ghent University; Filip Geerardyn [801000704218] - Ghent University; Veroniek Knockaert [801001463141] - Ghent University; ...
Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 1998
The study of sleep and dreams has enjoyed a major breakthrough with recent findings from brain imaging studies in humans. Several independent groups have shown global deactivation of the brain during non rapid eye movement sleep and a regionally selective reactivation during rapid eye movement sleep. These results are complemented by new brain lesion and electrophysiological recording data to give a detailed picture of the brain dynamics of changes in conscious state. Abbreviations EEG electroencephalograph MRI magnetic resonance imaging NREM non rapid eye movement (sleep) PET positron emission tomography RAS reticular activating system REM rapid eye movement (sleep)
The DreamThrower is a novel technology that explores virtually creating, throwing and catching dreams. It detects users' dream state by measuring rapid eye movement. Once the dream state is detected, sound and light stimuli is played to alter the dream. Users report on their dream, and they can send the stimuli that they have used to another person via an on-line website. A working prototype accurately detects REM sleep. Based on results from the first experiment with three subjects, light and environmental sounds such as a jungle and ocean were found to have little influence on dreams. The second experiment with five subjects found that voice sound stimulus could influence dreams in one case. Interestingly, our subjects felt that the DreamThrower system would be a fun gaming experience and many said that they would share their dreams for a collaborative gaming experience. User engagement with the social network may be sufficient to alter dreams. Two studies with different stimuli showed some evidence that dreams can be altered. Ó
Dreaming, 2001
A single definition for dreaming is most likely impossible given the wide spectrum of fields engaged in the study of dreaming, and the diversity in currently applied definitions. Many studies do not specify a definition, yet results are likely to be comparable only when comparable definitions of the topic are used. The alternative is to develop a classification system organizing the multiplicity of definitions for dream. A dream should not be exclusively defined as a non-conscious electrophysiologic state. Dreaming is, at least in part, a mental experience that can be described during waking consciousness. Definitions for dreaming should be utilized in research and discussion which address the various axes which define dreaming: Wake/sleep, Recall, and Content.
Psychological Science, 2013
When looking at static visual images, people often exhibit mental animation, anticipating visual events that have not yet happened. But what determines when mental animation occurs? Measuring mental animation using localized brain function (visual motion processing in the middle temporal and middle superior temporal areas, MT+), we demonstrated that animating static pictures of objects is dependent both on the functionally relevant spatial arrangement that objects have with one another (e.g., a bottle above a glass vs. a glass above a bottle) and on the linguistic judgment to be made about those objects (e.g., “Is the bottle above the glass?” vs. “Is the bottle bigger than the glass?”). Furthermore, we showed that mental animation is driven by functional relations and language separately in the right hemisphere of the brain but conjointly in the left hemisphere. Mental animation is not a unitary construct; the predictions humans make about the visual world are driven flexibly, with ...
El libro nos menciona que un factor importante para ganar una guerra es destruir al enemigo psicológicamente y no solo físicamente, por lo que se deberá planear diversas estrategias las cuales se tendrán que adaptar en la batalla según las condiciones y circunstancias del momento para lograr desconcertar al enemigo, derrotándolos asi en un punto de vista intelectual y moral. "Es mas importante superar a tu enemigo mentalmente que con la fuerza" Menciona varios aspectos fundamentales para el arte de la guerra, los cuales son: se debe evitar la batalla, valiéndose de la estrategia; uno se debe conocer así mismo y al enemigo, poder practicar el arte del engaño para confundir y asi debilitar al enemigo En el arte de la guerra hay cinco elementos fundamentales que se deben tener en cuenta para salir victoriosos en las batallas: 1. Doctrina: "La doctrina significa aquello que hace que el pueblo esté en armonía con su gobernante, de modo que le siga donde sea, sin temer por sus vidas ni a correr cualquier peligro." Se refiere a que el pueblo debe de estra de acuerdo con su líder o gobernante, debido a que le tienen confianza y están dispuestos a dejar sus vidas en las manos de este 2. Tiempo: "El tiempo significa el Ying y el Yang, la noche y el día, el frío y el calor, días despejados o lluviosos, y el cambio de las estaciones" Se debe elegir el momento adecuado para llevar a cabo tus acciones, tomando en cuenta el clima presente para evitar cualquier dificultad. 3. Terreno: "El terreno implica las distancias, y hace referencia a dónde es fácil o difícil desplazarse, y si es campo abierto o lugares estrechos, y esto influencia las posibilidades de supervivencia." En todo conflicto vamos a enfrentar dificultades y el conocer el terreno donde se va a llevar a cabo puede dismnuir problemas, el tener buen conocimeinto y posición en el terreno puede determinar al vencedor en el combate. 4. Mando: "El mando ha de tener como cualidades: sabiduría, sinceridad, benevolencia, coraje y disciplina." Todo aquel que tenga el mando tendrá que elegir que tipo de mando va a llevar a cabo, siempre aplicando sabiduría, sinceridad, benevolencia, coraje y disciplina. El líder deberá tomar decisones rapidas y claras, ya que el tiempo de reacción dependerá mucho en como se desenvolverá el resto de la situación. 5. Disciplina: "la disciplina ha de ser comprendida como la organización del ejército, las graduaciones y rangos entre los oficiales, la regulación de las rutas de suministros, y la provisión de material militar al ejército." Se puede entender como cuales son las cadenas de mando, como se transmite la comunicación entre los miembros, por donde se moviliza a los miembros, cómo se les brinda instrumentos para sus actividades. Las guerras se ganan con la inteligencia y no con la fuerza bruta, si es posible que no exista el derramamiento de sangre entonces ese será el mejor camino. Siempre tienes que ser superior a tu enemigo en conocimiento, donde las estrategias planteadas antes de entrar en enfrentamiento directo serán indispensables para lograr una victoria con las menores bajas posibles.
International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 2023
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Mediterranean Marine Science, 2016
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International Journal for Advance Research and Development, 2018
Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio, 1998
The Mathematical Gazette, 2006
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Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research, 2015