WORK 2.0
Copyright © 2013 Sergiusz Prokurat
Cover illustration by alfespirit /
Illustrations and charts by / SP Publishing
All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America
Printed by CS, North Charleston, SC
Publisher’s Cataloging-in-Publication data:
Prokurat, Sergiusz.
Work 2.0 : nowhere to hide / written and illustrated by Sergiusz
p. cm.
Includes bibliographic references.
ISBN 978-1-4922-5246-7
1. Economics–Future Trends 2. Economics–Impact of Advanced
Technology on 3. Technological Unemployment 4. Job satisfaction 5.
Organizational change I. Title.
Available on Amazon, Kindle and other book stores
ISBN-10: 1492252468
ISBN-13: 978-1492252467
Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN): 2013921119
Book has a dedicated website:
Chapter 1: The Transformation
Chapter 2: World 2.0 and the Changing Labour
Chapter 3: The World of Work 2.0
Chapter 4: The Organisation in the World of Work
Chapter 5: An Individual in the World of Work 2.0
Chapter 6: A Time of Challenges for Individuals?
Chapter 7: Work 2.0 Repercussions. Are Machines
Our Best Friends?
Chapter 8: Conclusions. What Should We Do?
List of Figures and Tables
Author’s Note to Readers
WORK 2.0
Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only
way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.
And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If
you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all
matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it.
Steve Jobs
We're living through a dramatic revolution. Ten years ago,
there was no such thing as Facebook. Ten years before that, we
didn't have Amazon or the Web. New technologies have
opened up new opportunities. They bring with them an ever
more complex reality. Growing complexity is a process caused
by globalisation, technology and progress–a broader set of
activities, more departments in companies, more workers,
more processes to service, all of these provoke a continuous
rise in the number of functioning procedures, new policies and
rules. They bring about the phenomenon of extreme worker
specialisation (also known as hyperspecialisation). This calls for
a different approach to management and work. For some time
now we’ve observed a greater focus on flexibility, mobility, and
the ability of quick adaptation of workers. The world of work
is in evolution.
You have to know that globalisation cannot be stopped.
After work we sit down with our computers and look for
products on the internet without considering location. We like
to shop cheaply. But we don’t always like to manufacture
cheaply. In such a situation government budgets and our
pockets can’t possibly be balanced. This is the problem the
West is currently facing. People still want to buy things, but
they’re often out of work and consequently lack the money to
do so. This is a significant fact, as today we don’t compare our
production or industrial capabilities with a neighbouring
country as before, but with a manufacturer from China,
Taiwan, Indonesia or India. We see the inhabitants of these
countries on TV and still can’t believe that they’re so close…
right next to us, thanks to technology.
When we look at the business realities of the 21st century
such as a decentralised work force and companies which
leverage both networks and communities, we see opportunities
for a more rapid pace of innovation, more efficiency in
production and a truly global market for products. A special
part of making this happen has been the rise of Web 2.0, which
has provided millions of people all over the world with the
ability of to influence thoughts and behaviour on a global scale.
It might not be an exaggeration to state that one person could
bring about a revolution. We can now attract people who think
alike and build support for our ideas and actions. We have the
ability to gather as never before to brainstorm, voice our
opinions and think about solutions. We can interact with
people thousands of miles away as if they were in the other
room. Our voice can be heard regardless of location and
context, and this is what makes social media a truly powerful
But technology is a double-edged sword, as it has the ability
to both liberate and enslave. Technology is changing the nature
of work, enriching us, and as companies redefine how and
where different tasks are carried out, they require new skills
and new employer-employee relationships. However, jobs for
workers others than the global hyper-skilled or hyperconnected elite are disappearing—this transformation is
leaving many people without a job for good. Globalisation
WORK 2.0
continues to suppress the future income of those who still
haven’t started working. World 2.0 is approaching, while in
countries which were formerly considered rich, people are
losing jobs due to automation or the shift to low-cost
locations. The result of this globalisation is that there is a huge
surplus of labour supply - a vast army of people who are out of
work, with little money or prospects. The majority, in terms of
job security and availability has suffered badly. The stats you
can find in this book clearly show a huge amount of wealth
flowing up to the top 1% and the bottom 80% falling behind
dramatically, a drop in employment, and youth fresh out of
school with no job prospects because they don’t know how to
navigate this new world which has its own brand new set of
rules. The global youth is becoming unemployed and
Work will ultimately return. But it won't be the same kind
of work as before. China is under immense pressure, and cash
is flowing out of all emerging markets, Europe is experiencing
huge tensions, so no one is really surprised that global growth
is sluggish at best. However, a small group of insightful
economic thinkers suggest that our current situation isn’t
temporary, but the start of a completely new cycle of slower
growth. Their reasoning is as follows: our work will be done by
computer programmes, apps basically, while we need to learn
how to use them, how to change the way we build
relationships, and how to engage in online communities. No
one is going to pay you a salary just for showing up at work.
Employers will have new expectations for their workers, thus
creating a more flexible, more freelance, more collaborative
and far less secure world of work. It will be run by people with
new values, driven by the coming of Work 2.0.
The old employment system of secure, lifelong jobs with
predictable advancement and stable pay is dead. It’s time for
Work 2.0. There is nowhere to hide. Resistance is futile
and eventually all of us will be assimilated.
The rest you can find in the Book