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Sante Guido, La “riscoperta” di un’opera di Nicola da Guardiagrele: il busto reliquiario di san Massimo d’Aveia Diacono Martire, in "OADI - Osservatorio per le Arti Decorative in Italia",
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      Art HistoryHistory of ArtMedieval Art15th Century Italian Art
The numerous plagues that overflown Bologna in the second half of the 15th century were the reason for the spread of saint Sebastian’s iconography in the city, which reached its climax in the last twenty years of the century. The possible... more
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      History of Sculpture15th Century Italian ArtMedieval Sculpture (XIII-XVth Century)
Un mio contributo sulle fanterie italiane nel XV secolo uscito sul volume "Anghiari 29 giugno 1440. La battaglia, l'iconografia, le compagnie di ventura, l'araldica" autore Massimo Predonzani, edizione Il Cerchio Anno di prima... more
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      Military HistoryMedieval History15th Century Italian ArtReenactment
The first part of this article presents technical information clarifying the original function of the scenes known as the Stories of Esther by Jacopo del Sellaio (Florence, ca. 1441/1442 – Florence, 1493). The five fragments, now divided... more
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      Gender HistoryRenaissance ArtItalian Renaissance Art15th Century Italian Art
L'autrice presenta aggiornamenti sulla figura di Piermatteo D'Amelia, pittore umbro poco noto, e sulla Pala dei Francescani, da lui eseguita per la chiesa di S. Francesco a Terni, dedicata al Poverello di Assisi che ebbe modo di visitare... more
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      Painting15th Century Italian ArtUmbriaSTORIA DELL'ARTE
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      OpticsRenaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismRenaissance Art
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyEgyptologyNear Eastern Archaeology
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      Italian Renaissance Art15th Century Italian ArtMedieval Sculpture (XIII-XVth Century)cross-cultural artistic exchanges in the 14-15th cent Mediterranean
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      Art HistoryFeminist TheoryArt TheoryEarly Modern History
A transcription of Alexander Agricola's (1457/58 - 1506) "Tandernaken." For a recording with a score video see the link below:
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      MusicMusical CompositionEarly MusicMusic History
This paper, which was first presented at the Colóquio de História da Arte e da Cultura do Renascimento, Museo de Arte de São Paulo Masp (16-17 May 2016), illustrates the social and art-historical context of the production of embroideries... more
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      TextilesEmbroideryEmbroidered Textiles15th Century Italian Art
"Il concetto d'imitazione nella lettera di Pietro Summonte (1524). La pittura fiamminga e la costruzione di un’identità culturale napoletana aragonese", in La Corona d'Aragona e l'Italia. Atti del XX Congresso della Corona d'Aragona... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryRenaissance HumanismItalian Humanism
Essay preview, p. 64-66
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      IconographyPaintingCatholic TheologyItalian Renaissance Art
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      Cultural HistoryArt HistoryRenaissance StudiesRenaissance
"Gli affreschi dell’oratorio della Ss. Annunziata di Riofreddo (circa 1422) sono oggetto del presente studio ove è tratteggiato il contesto politico e artistico durante il quale sono stati realizzati; sono esaminate le singole... more
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      Art HistoryBonaventureHistory of ArtChristian Iconography
NB: the link at the end of page 2 should read ...."" instead of ... "" ... In this paper an entirely new approach is proposed to unravel the perspectival construction in Piero della Francesca's Flagellation of... more
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      History of Perspective in PaintingItalian Renaissance ArtPiero della Francesca15th Century Italian Art
Il corso intende introdurre gli studenti ai fondamenti dell’Iconologia, attraverso lo studio di alcuni temi-cardine come la sopravvivenza dell’Antico attraverso la cultura astrologica, mitografica e letteraria, la migrazione delle... more
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      MythologyIconographyRenaissance StudiesRenaissance Art
Nazzareno Gabrielli, Sante Guido, Giuseppe Mantella, Monument of Sixtus IV Description, tecnological analysis and restoration process, Bolletino d'Archivio Capitolo Vaticano, n.6-7, 2009. The long and precise restoration project, which... more
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      Heritage ConservationHistory of ArtItalian Renaissance Art15th Century Italian Art
The Lamentation of Chomranice, now in the Diocesan Museum, Tarnów, though not well-known outside Poland, is one of the most interesting examples of Polish panel painting of the first half of the fifteenth century. Its creator was a... more
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      Painting15th Century Italian Art15th Century Netherlandish ArtGothic Art
The Spanish version of the text (on pp. 155-177 of the catalogue) also includes the illustrations.
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      Christian Iconography15th Century Italian ArtMaterial CultureItalian late medieval and Renaissance devotional art, ritual, and patronage
Elia della Marra was a 15th century terracotta "sculptor", or moulder, active in Mantua with a trnsitional style between late Gothic and Renaissance. Hos works are spread all over the Gonzaga domain
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      15th Century Italian ArtItalian Renaissance sculptureThe Gonzaga of MantuaRenaissance Mantua
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      Eschatology and Apocalypticism15th Century Italian ArtLate Gothic PaintingOddone Colonna
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      Eschatology and Apocalypticism15th Century Italian ArtLate Gothic PaintingThe Last Judgment
The importance of Early Netherlandish painting in the fifteenth century was so great that it was considered by humanists such as Bartolomeo Fazio and Pietro Summonte to be an 'ars nova' equal to antiquity. In the Mediterranean region... more
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      Translation StudiesArt TheoryRenaissance StudiesRenaissance Humanism
The lecture focuses on the painting The Feast of Herod, one of the frescoes created by Filippo Lippi (c. 1406-1469) and his workshop for the Pieve di Santo Stefano in Prato, and the particular treatment of textile in this painting. I will... more
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      Renaissance StudiesHistory of TextilesHistory of Florence15th Century Italian Art
The paper proposes a survey on the activity of a painter active in Abruzzo and Lazio in the early 15th century, the so-called 'Maestro della Cappella Caldora'. A panel painting is added to his oeuvre and a proposal is made - thanks to... more
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      15th Century Italian ArtLate Gothic PaintingSubiacoHistory and Culture of Abruzzo
In the Sanctuary of the Madonna di San Luca in Bologna there is a little-known painting of the 15th century depicting the Madonna and Child with St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Dominic, St. Luke, St. Matthias, St. Peter Martyr and St. Vincent... more
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      PaintingItalian Renaissance ArtReligious art15th Century Italian Art
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      Art HistoryHistory of Art15th Century Italian ArtSTORIA DELL'ARTE
Transcription of Matteo da Perusio's canonic Gloria from Codex Modena A. For a score-video with recording see the link below.
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      MusicMusical CompositionMusic HistoryMusic Theory
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      Italian (European History)Italian StudiesItalian Renaissance Art16th Century Italian Art
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      Art HistoryModern ArtItalian artSculpture
Il Pavone in epoca medioevale tra simbologia e cultura materiale Articolo di Eugenio Larosa pubblicato su : Il pavone assume in epoca medievale diversi significati, un simbolismo... more
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      15th Century Italian ArtSforza family15th CenturyAraldica medievale
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht mit den Florentiner Sgraffito-Dekorationen des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts eine in der Forschung seit langem bekannte, aber wenig erforschte Form der Außengestaltung von Bauwerken. Mit Sgraffito wird eine... more
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      Rome (Renaissance)Italian Renaissance ArtArt and technologyRenaissance Rome
The article presents a new photograph of a lost painting, formerly in Berlin and destroyed in 1945, during the Second World War. The photo, found in the Photo Archive of the Getty Research Institute, allows us for the first time to see... more
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      Cultural HistoryArt HistoryMuseum StudiesItalian Studies
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      ArchivesItalian Renaissance Art15th Century Italian ArtPittura Rinascimento
Saggio breve posto in appendice al volume indicato (pp. 199-213).
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      HistoryLate Middle AgesMedieval HistoryHeraldry
Deadline: 1st August 2022 // Interdependencies. Arts and Artistic Techniques VII – Variety, Variation, Multiplication. Imaging Techniques in Premodern Art and their Products // Printed images and moulded artworks have one thing in... more
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      Art HistoryRenaissanceRenaissance ArtArt and technology
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      Italian Renaissance ArtPiero della Francesca15th Century Italian ArtRinascimento
40 tempera on wood, Renaissance Bean Ceiling Tables formerly Myron C. Taylor Coll., Locust Valley, New York, provenance from a Riario Della Rovere palace, here attributed to Jacopo Ripanda
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      Italian Renaissance Art15th Century Italian ArtFederico da MontefeltroRoman Emperors
Convegno, 30 November - 2 December, 2017, Florence
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryItalian StudiesRenaissance Studies
The peculiar iconography of the winged horse surmounted by several puttos, as appears in the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili sixth woodcut, turns out to be unprecedented and enigmatic at a glance and it’s the result of the depth and complexity... more
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      IconographyArt HistoryRenaissance StudiesRenaissance Humanism
Federico Zeri, Everett Fahy, and Filippo Todini studied extensively the “Master of the Greenville Tondo” proposing different lists. I tried to unify these opinions, adding a few new pieces, in a research that spotted some paintings in the... more
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      15th Century Italian ArtMaestro Del Tondo Greenville
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      Prints (Art History)15th Century Italian ArtPrints and DrawingsHistory of Printmaking
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    • 15th Century Italian Art
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      Renaissance ArtManuscript StudiesPortraitureFrench Renaissance
in 'Gli Antichi alla corte dei Malatesta: echi, modelli e fortuna della tradizione classica nella Romagna del Quattrocento (l'età di Sigismondo)', Atti del Convegno Internazionale, Rimini, 9-11 giugno 2016, ed. F. Muccioli e F. Cenerini,... more
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      IconographyItalian Renaissance ArtClassical Reception Studies15th Century Italian Art
Lo Stato dell'Arte 9", atti del convegno IGIIC, Cosenza,  Palazzo Arnone 13-15 ottobre 2011,
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      Art HistoryArtConservationCultural Heritage Conservation
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsPrinting History15th/16th c. German Art15th Century Italian Art
Quattrocento processional panels from the Marches, with checklist.
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      15th Century Italian ArtProcessionsHistory of The Marches (Italy)Confraternities