17th- and 18th-century Philosophy
Recent papers in 17th- and 18th-century Philosophy
This paper contains an investigation of Leibniz’s ontology of time. Standard debates on Leibniz’s theory of time hinge upon the question whether the nature of time is relative or absolute and focus mainly on the Leibniz-Clarke... more
Course Description: A continuation of the Classical Mind, the Modern Mind is an introduction to modern philosophy focusing on texts from selected early modern and modern thinkers. The class builds upon the history, thought concepts, and... more
En el siguiente trabajo presentamos una reflexión acerca de la cuestión del lenguaje en Descartes, considerando que el lenguaje es la prueba fundamental que establece para diferenciar al ser humano de los animales y el reconocimiento de... more
The present book is devoted to a cultural phenomenon in the form of a collection of musical manuscripts written with a specific instrument in mind in a monastic milieu, but one which contains no liturgical compositions. The collection in... more
Free download: http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/y3DipH2m3WDBKSa2QB65/full One of the most renowned pages of Pascal's Pensées offers an astonishing phenomenology of the all-powerful action of imagination in human life. This article... more
Publieksbeschrijving: Alva zit op een troon, gekleed in een wapenrusting en met het Gulden Vlies om. De scepter in zijn hand geeft zijn (militaire) macht aan. Aan zijn rechterhand (dus links) staat kardinaal Granvelle. Hij geeft Alva met... more
If the greatness of a philosophical work can be measured by the volume and vehemence of the public response, there is little question that Rousseau's Social Contract stands out as a masterpiece. Within a week of its publication in 1762 it... more
Enlightenment is an approach that is based on the mind and the individual by purifying the world from the effects of superstitions associated with religion, and it has caused great changes in the way of thinking and social life of Western... more
Locke endorses a distinction between passive reflection and voluntary attentive reflection, which he occasionally labels contemplation. Failure to recognize this distinction properly has had an effect on interpretations of Locke’s theory... more
Here I have uploaded the final draft of my long introduction to the correspondence. Anyone wishing to quote etc., will need to get hold of the book. However, content-wise it is pretty much what appears in the final version and includes my... more
Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Fundamental Political Writings includes the Social Contract, Discourse on the Sciences and the Arts, Discourse on the Origins of Inequality, and “Preface to Narcissus.” Each text has been newly translated, and... more
This is an introductory essay to a critical edition of Hale's MS treatise on natural law (British Library, MSS Add. 18235, Harley 7159, and Hargrave 485). Chapters 1-5 were published along with this introduction. An edition of the entire... more
Spinoza famously holds that we standardly believe whatever it is that is perceived or goes through our mind, unless we hold stronger beliefs to the contrary. So if you see a winged horse on your lawn, you will also believe that there is a... more
In this paper I argue that there is an important sense in which we should regard Leibniz as an advocate of mysticism. I make the case for this claim by considering the complex phenomenon of mysticism itself and Leibniz's discussion of... more
The concept of inner sense plays a prominent role in Kant’s attempts to define the character and scope of anthropology. Moreover, Kant denounces the terminological confusion between inner sense and apperception as a source of paralogisms.... more
Introduction et table des matières de ma monographie à paraître chez Garnier, coll. Histoire et philosophie des sciences
This book contains the first complete interpretation of all aspects of Hobbes’s philosophy which treat religious convictions and practices. Not only his philosophy of religion and his philosophical theology, but also his biblical theology... more
What do we know about the friendship between the great Tory and the great Whig? A paper for the Johnson Club and the Edmund Burke Society, 1999
We propose to read Francis Bacon's doctrine of the idols of the mind as an investigation firmly entrenched in his mental-medicinal concerns and we argue that an important role therein is played by the imagination. Looking at the ways in... more
The wall hanging is in the salon at the rear of the upper floor of the house, a room measuring six by seven and a half metres. The decoration runs around all the walls apart from the window wall on the east, interrupted only by the... more
Ideas about soul and body – about thinking or remembering, mind and life, brain and self – remain both diverse and controversial in our neurocentric age. The history of these ideas is significant both in its own right and to aid our... more
Монография составлена из ранее опубликованных автором статей и материалов по истории и методологии исследования российского дворянства конца XVIII — начала XIX века. В книгу вошли результаты более чем двадцати лет работы. Предлагается... more
Table of Contents Introduction ix by Nazif Muhtaroglu Timeline for Occasionalism xviii Part One: Occasionalism in the Islamic Tradition 1. Al-Maturīdī’s View of Causality 3 by Nazif Muhtaroglu 2. Al-Ghazālī’s View on Causality 22 by... more
This chapter is from a volume of papers devoted to providing introductions to many of Leibniz's key philosophical writings. It provides an overview of one of Leibniz's most impenetrable works, the Theodicy. I argue that the Theodicy is... more
This chapter provides an outline of the main philosophical and interpretative problems involved in Spinoza's key concepts: Substance, Attribute, and Modes. Spinoza's God has infinitely many qualities that constitute, or are adequately... more
This is a critical discussion of the literature on Leibniz's Pre-established harmony written in 1997. Whilst primarily a discussion of previous approaches, it contains some original thoughts and I hope it might provide a useful guide to... more
Adam Smith closes the first chapter to Theory of Moral Sentiments, 'Of Sympathy', with a harmless enough assertion: 'We sympathize even with the dead'. Death is not a topic that much interests Smith in Theory of Moral Sentiments. With... more
Hobbes’s political philosophy starts from a number of premises that are supposed to be self-evident, supplemented by various observations from experience. These statements are examined critically and in their interrelatedness in order to... more
Tra i pensatori settecenteschi, Denis Diderot è senz’altro tra quelli di più difficile classificazione. Autore di romanzi, opere teatrali, testi scientifici e di critica d’arte, oltre che di filosofia. È difficile separare le sue opere... more
Spinoza is known for his radical views on freedom. In this article, it is explored to what extent this reputation is justified. He integrates human actions in the necessary development of the universe and seems to leave no room for human... more
This paper is a new translation and interpretation of an essay known as Leibniz's Philosophical Dream, which was written around 1693. The essay consist of an autobiographical sketch followed by a dreamscape - reminiscent of Plato's... more
The dissertation examines the meaning of the public or common good considered as an end or purpose of government in the public debate over the adoption of the U.S. Constitution. Federalists and Anti-Federalists assert that the purpose of... more
On montre que la thèse de doctorat de Vincent Carraud est un invraisemblable tissu d'âneries.
The MLJ reviews books, monographs, computer software, and materials that (a) present results of research in-and methods of-foreign and second language teaching and learning; (b) are devoted to matters of general interest to members of the... more
Comprender la modernidad filosófica como un período signado por dos grandes corrientes, la racionalista y la empirista, se ha consolidado como un relato canónico que nos ha permitido un acceso fácil a los temas centrales del período. Pero... more
This paper is an outline of the ideas contained in Joseph Glanvill's most famous work, The Vanity of Dogmatizing. It is a first foray into a longer term project of recovering Glanvill's philosophy.
L'étude des officiers de marine et des officiers des galères est un sujet principalement méconnu. L'article se propose de se concentrer sur les chefs d'escadres des galères afin d'offrir une première vision de ces officiers sous le règne... more