We consider a scheduling problem in which a bounded number of jobs can be processed simultaneously by a single machine. The input is a set of n jobs J = {J 1 , . . . , J n }. Each job, J j , is associated with an interval [s j , c j ]... more
For an edge-weighted connected undirected graph, the minimum k-way cut problem is to find a subset of edges of minimum total weight whose removal separates the graph into k connected components. The problem is NP-hard when k is part of... more
For a given graph G over n vertices, let OPT G denote the size of an optimal solution in G of a particular minimization problem (e.g., the size of a minimum vertex cover). A randomized algorithm will be called an α-approximation algorithm... more
Existing works on variational bayesian (VB) treatment for factor analysis (FA) model such as . Variational inference for Bayesian mixture of factor analysers. In Advances in neural information proceeding systems. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press;... more
Given a metric d defined on a set V of points (a metric space), we define the ball B(v, r) centered at v ∈ V and having radius r ≥ 0 to be the set {q ∈ V |d(v, q) ≤ r}. In this work, we consider the problem of computing a minimum cost... more
For an edge-weighted connected undirected graph, the minimum k-way cut problem is to find a subset of edges of minimum total weight whose removal separates the graph into k connected components. The problem is NP-hard when k is part of... more
The Steiner problem on networks asks for a shortest subgraph spanning a given subset of distinguished vertices. We give a !-approximation algorithm for the special case in which the underlying network is complete and all edge lengths are... more
Hopfield neural networks Energy function Mathematical programming penalty function Lagrange multiplier Primal and dual functions a b s t r a c t
A strategy for adaptive control and energetic optimization of aerobic fermentors was implemented, with both air flow and agitation speed as manipulated variables. This strategy is separable in its components: control, optimization,... more
The maximum 2-satisÿability problem (MAX-2-SAT) is: given a Boolean formula in 2-CNF, ÿnd a truth assignment that satisÿes the maximum possible number of its clauses. MAX-2-SAT is MAX-SNP-complete. Recently, this problem received much... more
This paper considers variants of the one-dimensional bin packing (and stock cutting) problem in which both the ordering and orientation of items in a container influences the validity and quality of a solution. Two new real-world problems... more
The Multiple Subset Sum Problem (MSSP) is the variant of bin packing in which the number of bins is given and one would like to maximize the overall weight of the items packed in the bins. The problem is also a special case of the... more
While preparing these proceedings, we received news of Timo Raita's tragic death, after a severe illness. He came to the Department of Computer Science, University of Turku, in 1980, received his PhD in 1988, and acted first as a... more
Research in VLSI placement, an NP-hard problem, has branched in two different directions. The first one employs iterative heuristics with many tunable parameters to produce a near-optimal solution but without theoretical guarantee on its... more
A full-rank under-determined linear system of equations Ax = b has in general infinitely many possible solutions. In recent years there is a growing interest in the sparsest solution of this equation-the one with the fewest non-zero... more
In this paper, we present new approximation results for the offline problem of single machine scheduling with sequenceindependent set-ups and item availability, where the jobs to be scheduled are independent (i.e., have no precedence... more
For an edge-weighted connected undirected graph, the minimum k-way cut problem is to find a subset of edges of minimum total weight whose removal separates the graph into k connected components. The problem is NP-hard when k is part of... more
In this paper, we consider the problem of maximizing the lifetime of a target-covering sensor network in which each sensor can adjust its sensing range. The network model consists of a large number of sensors with adjustable sensing... more
We consider the graph balancing problem of providing orientations to edges in an undirected multi-graph to minimize the maximum load. We first obtain an FPTAS when the multi-graph is restricted to a tree. We also obtain some additional... more
We consider a multi-agent scheduling problem on a single machine in which each agent is responsible for his own set of jobs and wishes to minimize the total weighted completion time of his own set of jobs. It is known that the unweighted... more
Partitioning a permutation into a minimum number of monotone subsequences is N Phard. We extend this complexity result to minimum partitioning into k-modal subsequences; here unimodal is the special case k = 1. Based on a network flow... more
Due to their axiomatic foundation and their favorable computational properties convex risk measures are becoming a powerful tool in financial risk management. In this paper we will review the fundamental structural concepts of convex risk... more
Most game programs have a large number of parameters that are crucial for their performance. While tuning these parameters by hand is rather difficult, successful applications of automatic optimisation algorithms in game programs are... more
Society relies heavily on its networked physical infrastructure and information systems. Accurately assessing the vulnerability of these systems against disruptive events is vital for planning and risk management. Existing approaches to... more
We present a polynomial-time heuristic for the Consecutive Block Minimization Problem such that the solutions generated do not differ from optimal by more than 50%.
The problem of grooming is central in studies of optical networks. In graph-theoretic terms, this can be viewed as assigning colors to the lightpaths so that at most g of them (g being the grooming factor) can share one edge. The cost of... more
We consider the m-machine ordered flow shop scheduling problem with machines subject to maintenance and with the makespan as objective. It is assumed that the maintenances are scheduled in advance and that the jobs are resumable. We... more
The maximum cut problem is known to be an important NPcomplete problem with many applications. In this paper, we investigate this problem (which we call the nonnal maximum cut problem) and a variant of it (which we call the connected... more
We present a short overview on polynomial approximation of NP-hard problems. We present the main approximability classes together with examples of problems belonging to them. We also describe the general concept of approximability... more
We study a variation of the vertex cover problem where it is required that the graph induced by the vertex cover is connected. We prove that this problem is polynomial in chordal graphs, has a PTAS in planar graphs, is APX-hard in... more
We study the problem of packing element-disjoint Steiner trees in graphs. We are given a graph and a designated subset of terminal nodes, and the goal is to find a maximum cardinality set of elementdisjoint trees such that each tree... more
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with... more
We consider the problems of finding the maximum number of vertex-disjoint triangles (VTP) and edge-disjoint triangles (ETP) in a simple graph. Both problems are NP-hard. The algorithm with the best approximation ratio known so far for... more
The paper describes and studies an iterative algorithm for finding small values of a set of linear forms over vectors of integers. The algorithm uses a linear recurrence relation to generate a vector sequence, the basic idea being to... more
This paper considers the problem of scheduling a two-stage flowshop that consists of a common critical machine in stage one and two independent dedicated machines in stage two. All the jobs require processing first on the common critical... more
We present a novel technique for approximating finite-impulse-response (FIR) filters with infinite-impulse-response (IIR) structures through extending the vector fitting (VF) algorithm, used extensively for continuous-time... more
Maximum Independent Set (MIS) and its relative Maximum Weight Independent Set (MWIS) are well-known problems in combinatorial optimization; they are NP-hard even in the geometric setting of unit disk graphs. In this paper, we study the... more
Using flow and matching algorithms to solve the problem of finding disjoint paths through a given node, and with a technique of Chekuri and Khanna, we give an O(√ n) approximation for the edge-disjoint paths problem in undirected graphs,... more
We introduce a new combinatorial optimization problem in this article, called the minimum common integer partition (MCIP) problem, which was inspired by computational biology applications including ortholog assignment and DNA fingerprint... more
In online learning, each training example is processed separately and then discarded. Environments that require online learning are often non-stationary and their underlying distributions may change over time (concept drift). Even though... more
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is a powerful tool to extent knowledge of biomechanical processes in cardiovascular implants. To provide a standardized method the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) initialized a CFD round robin... more
In multi-objective convex optimization it is necessary to compute an infinite set of nondominated points. We propose a method for approximating the nondominated set of a multi-objective nonlinear programming problem, where the objective... more
We study the problem of computing the similarity between two piecewise-linear bivariate functions defined over a common domain, where the surfaces they define in 3D-polyhedral terrains-can be transformed vertically by a linear... more