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In this paper, my aim is to elaborate disability movement praxis so that transnational struggles for justice over the production of impairment emerging from the Global South can be represented within the transnational frame of disability... more
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesDisability policy (Social Policy)Disability Studies
O objetivo deste guia é o de caracterizar o que é capacitismo e o de apresentar algumas estratégias para a produção de práticas anticapacitistas no âmbito do ensino superior.
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      Disability StudiesDisability Studies in EducationAbleismAnti-Ableism
A pernicious impact of ableism is its tendency to take-for-granted ability as a legitimate criterion for negative differential treatment, thereby making disability discrimination difficult to challenge for people with disabilities. This... more
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      Social identity theoryAbleismSocial Model of DisabilityPerceived Discrimination
‘Gifted and talented’ has become the official way of referring to high-achieving, able school pupils. The author questions the validity and appropriateness of this label and calls for a more sophisticated and inclusive framework.... more
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      PsychologyPositive PsychologyTeaching and LearningSocial Sciences
For inclusive Integrative
Biology +, 1st (virtual) inclusiveIB Symposium
August 25th, 2020, 10am - 3pm, UC Berkeley.
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      Ableismableism academia
he article pursues literature research on the vital question: to what extent does explicit verbal persuasion, consistently provided by a special education teacher, increase the self-efficacy of students with specific learning disabilities... more
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      Self-EfficacyLearning DisabilityAbleismInclusivism
Na perspectiva marxista, a pessoa com deficiência é um corpo fora da ordem capitalista, por ser um corpo de “menor valor” e “incapaz” para o trabalho e por isso um obstáculo para a produção. De fato, as pessoas com deficiência são um... more
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      Disability StudiesAbleismSociology of Disability
What the Devil is Studies in Ableism?
Fiona Kumari Campbell
Professor of Disability and Ableism Studies
‘Discovery’ Talk, January 2021, University of Dundee
(this is an outline of my presentation; it is not a verbatim transcript)
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      Ableism and Ability StudiesAbleismStudies in Ableism
Uncovering the philosophical underpinnings of eugenic ideology is as equally paramount in discovering truths regarding past medical atrocities as it is about understanding modern bioethical issues that are relevant in today’s swiftly... more
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      Feminist TheoryDisability StudiesSchizophreniaObesity
This article continues the tradition of writing about embodied knowledge production to highlight the underanalyzed issue of ableism, providing an opening for a disciplinary reckoning with oppressive legacies towards creating collective... more
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      AnthropologyResearch Methods and MethodologyEthnographyDisability Studies
Welcome to the third edition of Refugee Review, an open-source, peer-reviewed journal that aims to showcase unique perspectives and emerging voices in refugee studies. In this edition, we are pleased to present 18 academic articles,... more
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      Refugee StudiesLabor MigrationCapitalismAbleism
In a multicase qualitative study, inclusive school leaders attempted to move their schools from the excessive use of suspension; they employed positive behavioral intervention and support (PBIS) as an alternative they thought would be... more
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      Educational LeadershipCritical Disability StudiesAbleism and Ability StudiesDisability Studies in Education
The chapter considers potential possibilities and pitfalls encountered by music learners and scholar-practitioners when using tablet-based technologies for music making and learning. The authors address this question by providing a... more
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      Assistive/Adaptive TechnologyDisabilityMobile appsAbleism
Wordsworth’s poems about disability —‘The Idiot Boy’ and ‘The Blind Highland Boy’ and other long poems in which disability plays a tangential yet pivotal role like The Prelude and, less obviously, ‘The Ruined Cottage’ — posit the... more
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      SpectatorshipAdam SmithDisabilityWordsworth
All individuals with end stage renal disease (ESRD) will perish from the disease unless they receive a donor kidney in time. The purpose of this research was to compare groups of candidates on the kidney transplant waiting list in the... more
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      Social JusticeAgeismAbleismErikson's Theory on psychological development
A thesis submitted in accordance with the regulations for the award of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Sheffield I hereby declare that, except where explicit attribution is made, the work presented in this thesis is entirely my... more
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      Research MethodologyCritical Disability StudiesHigher EducationDisability Theory
"Answering Our Detractors –Argument in Support of Studies in Ableism as an approach to negotiating Human Differences and Tackling Social Exclusion", Keynote for Conference on Studies in Ableism, University of Manchester, 19 June 2017,... more
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      AbleismAbleism and Disability Studies
Western representations of the Southern disabled subject are shaped by discourses of Inclusive Development that simultaneously produce the conditions of the subject's visibility and intelligibility. The article traces these conditions... more
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      Development StudiesDisability StudiesHuman RightsInclusion
Der Beitrag fragt aus Sicht der Urenkelgeneration, welche Folgen die Ermordung Emilie Raus im Rahmen des NS-"Euthanasie"-Programms für die Familie hatte und hat und wie mit ihrer Ermordung gesellschaftlich umgegangen wurde und wird. In... more
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      Ableism and Ability StudiesAbleism
L’assistència sexual és un treball sexual que proporciona a la persona amb diversitat funcional un suport per a accedir sexualment al propi cos o al cos d’una altra persona amb diversitat funcional, però no al cos de l’assistent sexual.... more
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My primary interest in this article is to reveal the complexity of neoliberal temporalities on the lives of disabled people forced to participate in workfare regimes to maintain access to social security measures and programming. Through... more
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      Critical TheoryPolitical SociologyGeographyHuman Geography
In this collection of my Book Riot articles, Twitter threads, and blog posts, I attempt to expose the intellectual ableism underlying the philosophies of solipsism and René Descartes' first principle "cogito, ergo sum" (Latin for "I... more
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      PhilosophyDisability StudiesLiteratureLiterary Criticism
Academic Ableism brings together disability studies and institutional critique to recognize the ways that disability is composed in and by higher education, and rewrites the spaces, times, and economies of disability in higher education... more
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      Disability StudiesAbleismEnseignement CollégialDiversité
Resumen: apoyado en una etnografía realizada entre 2018 y 2019 con personas participantes de una comunidad y cultura Sorda en Cali —principalmente de la Asociación de Sordos de Cali—, el presente artículo discute la pertinencia de adaptar... more
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      EthnographyEthnography (Research Methodology)Ethnographic fieldworkFieldwork
The following article is written from the perspective of disability studies (Głodkowska, Pągowska 2017) and concentrates on cultural ableism as a dominant pattern present in Poland during the Iron Curtain (1945-1989). The authors are of... more
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      EducationDisability StudiesCritical Disability StudiesAbleism and Ability Studies
Ableism a zjawisko infrahumanizacji " obcych " Celem artykułu jest zwrócenie uwagi na zjawisko infrahumanizacji obcych w kontekście able-ismu. W rozważaniach odniesiono się do samego pojęcia infrahumanizacji, jaka jest jego istota i czym... more
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short story written 2011-13
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      LiteratureDisability and Illness in LiteratureShort story (Literature)Disability
Keynote presentation. Youtube video (only presentation and not the second unplanned for Q & A session):
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      Disability StudiesEquality and DiversityHistory of UniversitiesIntersectionality
This essay argues that rhetoric is both the means by which ableist culture perpetuates itself and the basis of successful strategies for challenging its practices. Public demonstrations, countercultural performances, autobiography,... more
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      RhetoricAristotleDisability StudiesKenneth Burke
This paper is an attempt to inject enthusiasm into the paradox of inaccessibility and the promotion of accessible environments through revisiting the impact of social exclusion and inaccessibility in the lives of disabled people. I... more
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      Disability LawAbleismSri Lanka Law
Perception of what is waste and wasteful, as well as what kind of waste one can and is willing to produce or not produce has changed over time and continues to change and, the author submits, is linked to cost benefit analysis... more
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      WaterEnergyWasteEnvironmental Sustainability
This is my collection of my published articles and blog posts on Flannery O’Connor’s fiction. This is my critical writing, thus far, on her work. My story “The Only Way to Travel,” published in Corporeal Lit Mag in June 2022, also quotes... more
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      LiteratureCritical Disability StudiesThe uncannyFlannery O'Connor
Children’s literature is a powerful influence on the social construction of perceptions and narratives, and it is critically important that all children see themselves represented in the books in their classrooms. However, strength-based... more
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      SociologyDisability StudiesEarly Childhood LiteracyEducation Systems
Our analysis is inspired by the fracas that arose around the second episode of the fourth Season of Netflix’s series Queer Eye, titled "Disabled But Not Really." This case will help us to articulate two important elements of... more
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      RacismMicroaggressionsAbleismIntersectional Analysis
The papers explore how verbal metaphors and signs of difference (such as disability, deformity, struggling with a foreign language) are visualized on stage and in the reception history of Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew (what if Kate is... more
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      Visual StudiesDigital HumanitiesDeaf CultureDeaf studies
A pernicious impact of ableism is its tendency to take-for-granted ability as a legitimate criterion for negative differential treatment, thereby making disability discrimination difficult to challenge for people with disabilities. This... more
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      SociologyPsychologySocial identity theoryAbleism
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      PraxisTESOLDisability Studies in EducationDisability
The COVID-19 crisis seems to have already challenged many long-held assumptions. Amongst them are ideas about ageing. My piece on the British Society of Gerontology website argues that the crisis highlights how ageism and ableism are... more
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      AgingDisability TheoryAgeismAging & the life course
This interdisciplinary article draws on the social sciences to posit a tripartite model from which literary research into disability can benefit. Ableism and disablism are defined by normative positivisms and non-normative negativisms... more
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      SociologySocial WorkBlindnessHappiness
Educational expansion has reached the tertiary level; however, inclusive higher education remains an elusive goal despite the ratication, in more than a hundred countries, of the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with... more
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      SociologyAccessibilityUniversal DesignAbleism
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      AnthropologyApplied EthicsWaterEnergy
In many cultural texts, disability and futurity take different paths. We will analyse several narratives which work as a background for this assumption, proposing in every section some counter–narrations. Firstly, disability is often... more
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      DisabilityFeminist science fictionNostalgiaUtopia and Science Fiction
Resumo Este estudo objetivou investigar os significados acerca da deficiência presentes no processo de criação e implementação de um Conselho Municipal de Direitos para Pessoas com Deficiência de uma cidade do sul do Brasil. Para tanto,... more
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      Social PsychologyDisability StudiesAbleism, Disability StudiesAbleism
The onslaught of neoliberalism, austerity measures and cuts, impact of climate change, protracted conflicts and ongoing refugee crisis, rise of far right and populist movements have all negatively impacted on disability and created more... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesDisability StudiesCritical Disability StudiesFeminist Disability Studies
This work takes the most recent, interdisciplinary research and demonstrates how to make higher education institutions open, accessible and socially just for staff and students with disabilities. Combining the scholarly fields of media... more
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      Teacher EducationDisability StudiesMobility/MobilitiesCritical Disability Studies
This chapter analyzes educational development through the lens of disability studies, exposing commonplace barriers and providing recommendations to ensure those who identify as having a disability are included in programming.
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      SociologySocial WorkDisability StudiesAbleism
This paper illuminates the potential of diversely embodied sporting cultures to challenge ableism, the ideology of ability. Ableism constructs the able body as conditional to a life worth living, thus devaluing all those perceived as... more
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      EthnographyHabitusDisabilitySituated Action