Assistive/Adaptive Technology
Recent papers in Assistive/Adaptive Technology
This paper attempts to discuss and highlight the need and scope for the use of assistive technology in inclusive education, to help include the excluded.
This paper aims to show the possible and actual synergies between social robotics and sociology. The author argues that social robots are one of the best fields of inquiry to provide a bridge between the two cultures – the one represented... more
Wheelchair users can find accessing digital content on large multi-touch tables particularly difficult and frustrating due to their limited reach. We present work in progress that is exploring the potential of enhancing touch table... more
As a proof of concept for anticipation based assisted living we introduce a particular kind of adaptive architecture that integrates intelligent materials within the encompassing IoT. For this purpose, data regarding the anticipatory... more
Background: Children with cerebral palsy may have extensive motor impairments and intellectual disabilities, with negative outcomes on their academic performance and constructive engagement Objectives: To assess the effects of assistive... more
Trunk exoskeletons are wearable devices that support humans during physically demanding tasks by reducing biomechanical loads on the back. While most trunk exoskeletons are rigid devices, more lightweight soft exoskeletons (exosuits) have... more
This comparative review discusses three publications which critically reflect on the history and design of objects by looking through the lens of disability. One of the things that emerges most clearly is a critique of the assumptions... more
With the increasing use of Education Assistant Special Needs (EASN) to support students with special needs in regular settings, it is important to consider the tools and knowledge that they bring to the role. The use of assistive... more
Japan faces a large and rapidly growing care labor shortage. A common assumption is that the government has a choice between alternatives that will shape the future of its institutional elderly care provision: increase the number of... more
From the articles, dedicated to stability in biological systems and to determining differences between living and non-alive (physical-chemical) systems that is ensured via neurophysiological control over living creature control over its... more
Academic labour is often considered to be abstract and disembodied in the popular imagination, and its recent transformation by digital technologies might make this seem even more the case. But the advent of the digital also makes all... more
The study is based on the Inclusive Education Resource Center at the Balasaheb Khardekar Connaught Resource Center at Shivaji University. This study reviews the services provided to students with disabilities through the Inclusive... more
This paper describes an RFID and GPS integrated navigation system, Smart-Robot (SR) for the visually impaired. The SR uses RFID and GPS based localization while operating indoor and outdoor respectively. The portable terminal unit is an... more
This paper presents a soft, tendon-driven, robotic glove designed to augment grasp capability and provide rehabilitation assistance for postspinal cord injury patients. The basis of the design is an underactuation approach utilizing... more
This paper examines the ways in which dance is re-imagining traditional binaries of able and disabled bodies and foregrounds the ways in which assistive devices utilized in dance prompt new embodied approaches to assistive device design.... more
Tunadaksa merupakan merupakan keadaan rusak atau terganggunya tulang, otot, sendi maupun persarafan dalam fungsi yang normal, sehingga mengalam hambatan dalam hal mobilitasnya. Hambatan tersebut membutuhkan suatu alat atau teknologi... more
This chapter is informed by the work of researchers that report research outcomes and case studies regarding the adoption of AT solutions in educational environments. The aim is to provide school staff and other professionals in the field... more
This creative, experimental contribution blends written words and sketches depicting our crip bodies engaging with various mobility technologies, including crutches, walkers, prosthetic limbs, and manual and power wheelchairs. By... more
This paper is focused on the problems and limitations that children with special needs have while playing. These problems can be mental or physical, and both types cause several barriers in the moment of play. The objective of this paper... more
Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) locates, retrieves and displays images alike to one given as a query, using a set of features. It demands accessible data in medical archives and from medical equipment, to infer meaning after some... more
This systematic review of research on adaptive learning used a strategic search process to synthesize research on adaptive learning based on publication trends, instructional context, research methodology components, research focus,... more
After almost four years in special education (occupational therapy, speech therapy, and inclusive education), beginning a research study on the strategic use of assistive technology in inclusive education presented a new challenge. The... more
A Mobile Ad hoc NETwork (MANET) is a collection of wireless mobile hosts that form a temporary network without a centralized administration or wired infrastructure. Due to the high mobility of nodes, the network topology of MANETs changes... more
Last summer was inaugurated an autism-friendly sensory room in the Emergency Department of Careggi Hospital in Florence. It is the first example of a sensory waiting room in Italy and one of the few examples in Europe. It has been one of... more
The influence of Islam in West African education systems was significant. The transformation from traditional Quranic schools to more modern Islamic education was slow but evident. However, there was a lack of empirical study on the... more
Conference report for "Assistance, Assistants, and Assistive Media. Barriers and Interfaces of Digital Cultures", July 1st-3rd, 2021, Lüneburg (online) First published on H-Soz-Kult - Communication and information services for historical... more
A B S T R AC T Deafblind readers are heterogeneous in reading skill acquisition. This qualitative study uses in-depth interviews and protocol analyses and queries the three deafblind adult participants in describing their... more
This paper discusses two major challenges that AT teachers and students face as Philippines grapple with COVID-19. It asserts that proper learners' analysis need to be implemented before moving the entire education system into a new... more
Influência da tecnologia assistiva no desempenho funcional e na qualidade de vida de idosos comunitários frágeis: uma revisão bibliográfica Influence of assistive technology on the functional performance and quality of life of... more
Influência da tecnologia assistiva 113 Resumo Dispositivos de tecnologia assistiva têm sido utilizados como forma de incrementar capacidade funcional, autonomia e qualidade de vida dos idosos fragilizados que vivem em seu domicílio. A fim... more
The research aims at exploring the status of communication and interactivity among employees and users visually impaired in the library of University of Santiago de Compostela. The study reflects the characteristics of... more
Purpose: In this paper, the authors explore the use of mobile devices as assistive technology for students with visual impairments in resource-limited environments. This paper provides initial data and analysis from an ongoing project in... more
What must happen so that people like me, who are visually impaired, can work more efficiently is a standardization of the website layout with each category, e.g. citation should always be in the upper left corner and have an orange... more
Streszczenie: W artykule opisano wsparcie teleinformatyczne aktywizacji edukacyjnej i zawodowej osób niepełnosprawnych na przykładzie opracowanej przez autorów koncepcji zintegrowanego teleinformatycznego środowiska osoby... more