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      Latin LiteratureAeneidVirgilWordplay
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      Ovid (Classics)WordplayOvid MetamorphosesAcrostics
The article presents the results of the search regarding the epithet Logothetes used with the name of the renowned fifteenth-century hagiographer and hymnographer Pachomius the Serb in texts stating his authorship, his signatures, and... more
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      Russian HistoryHistory of philologyNovgorod the GreatRussian and Slavonic Studies
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      Latin LiteratureAnonymityAuthorshipPliny the Younger
Horace’s Epist. 1.7 poses notoriously difficult problems about the author’s relationship with Maecenas. This article proposes that we identify the Calaber hospes of v. 14 with Augustus, and that the entire poem be understood as an... more
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The book of Lamentations has been noted in biblical scholarship for its peculiar acrostic structure, a feature which makes the book unique in the OT in terms of style and literary unity. Taking inspiration from the possible meaning(s) of... more
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      Old TestamentNigeriaBook of LamentationsBiblical Hebrew poetry
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      TibullusApolloSibylline OraclesLatin love elegy
L'acrostiche des Thériaques n'est pas seul.
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      Hellenistic poetryNicander ColophoniusAcrosticsSoundplay
A monograph on Old Polish visual and conceptual poetry (16th to 18th century). Annotated bibliography of all known visual poems with reproductions. Fist chaoters cover ancient and medieval visual poetry, with more attention given to the... more
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      PoeticsEmblem studiesExperimental PoetryJesuit education
В статье рассматривается ряд формальных литературных приемов, основанных на математических закономерностях. Эти приемы предложили и (или) практиковали участники французской группы "УЛИПО", основанной Раймоном Кено и Франсуа Ле Лионне. В... more
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This is an updated paper, using the material from the chapter in my book - Ambrosius Aurelianus and the Apocalypse of King Arthur, on the discovery of the acrostic in De Excido. Thanks to David Howlett, Alex Wolf and Keith... more
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      Roman HistoryMedieval HistoryBritish HistoryHistory of Christianity
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      Book of EstherHebrew Bible/Old TestamentDivine HiddennessAcrostics
This is a chapter from my draft book Recovering Ancient Hebrew Scribal Numerical and Acrostic Techniques.

This chapter explores numerical and acrostics features in Psalm 19 and in related psalms.
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      Book of PsalmsBiblical Hebrew poetryGematriaHebrew Bible/Old Testament
This paper studies the treatment of the Sibyl and Virgil in a speech attributed to Constantine the Great. Scholars generally focus on the role played by one or the other of these two figures in that writing. To do justice to the economy... more
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      Translation StudiesLatin and GreekVergilGreek Oracles and Divination
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      Hellenistic poetryAratusAcrostics
This paper argues that Ovid deliberately arranged lines 3.507–10 of the Ars Amatoria to have the letters at line end spell out AMOR when read vertically. Together with the last word of the passage, which is itself Amor, this telestich... more
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      Ovid (Classics)AratusAcrostics
For Christian literature the name of the first human being has an allegorical interpretation of profound significance. Many auctors observe that the four letters of the name Adam represent the initials of the Greek words for the four... more
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      AugustineEarly Christian Apocryphal LiteratureAugustine of HippoApocrypha/Pseudepigrapha
This is the Introduction to a book draft on the theme of gematria (and other numerical techniques) and acrostic techniques in the Hebrew bible, especially the Psalms. Revised version uploaded 13 June 2019. (Corrections and additions on... more
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      Biblical Hebrew poetryGematriaHebrew Bible/Old TestamentAcrostics
Responding to recent scholarship which discounts apparent traces of an alphabetic acrostic in Nahum 1 as purely coincidental, this essay argues that earlier scholarship was right to detect a tendency towards an alphabetic acrostic in... more
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      AcrosticsBook of Nahum
Les Fanfreluches antidotées de Rabelais et l'Énigme de Mellin de Saint-Gelais, organiquement liées, dissimulent des anagrammes en acrostiche soulignant l'énoncé des poèmes. D'autre part, sur les vingt anagrammes en acrostiche découvertes,... more
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      French LiteratureRenaissance StudiesRenaissance literatureRabelais
Published version available here:... more
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      Latin LiteratureVergilAeneidOvid
In this chapter, I examine the figure of Dido’s sister Anna in the Aeneid. While some scholars have speculated that Ovid fabricated the connection of Anna and Anna Perenna in his treatment of the goddess in his section on the Ides of... more
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      WaterFertilityAeneidOvid (Classics)
In this article I begin by comparing and contrasting our reading practice regarding acrostics with our practice regarding allusions and intertexts, looking in particular at the problematic notion of authorial intention; I suggest an... more
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International conference at the Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 22-24 June 2022. The conference, which is part of the research project The Margins of Ancient Lyric Poetry (NKFI FK 128492), aims at investigating the question of... more
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      Greek LiteratureLatin LiteraturePindar and BacchylidesSeneca
Part I of this study argued that Aratus’s decision to base his LEPTĒ acrostic, which occurs during a discussion of moonlight (Phaen. 783-87), on Homer’s LEUKĒ acrostic (Il. 24.1-5) was motivated by the connection in Homer between the... more
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      HomerMoschusCallimachusApollonius Rhodius
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      Medieval HistoryRenaissance StudiesPetrarchDante
This article argues that the acrostic LUCE in Lucretius, De rerum natura 5.712-15, which occurs during discussion of the light of the moon, is intentional and engages with Homer’s LEUKĒ acrostic (Il. 24.1-5) and Aratus’ LEPTĒ acrostic... more
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In the first seven lines of his opening proem, where we notoriously find a Hymn to Venus, Lucretius compensates the Muses with an invocative Muse-telestich spelling MuSAS/MuSIS, which is signposted by caeli … labentia signa and thus... more
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      Latin LiteratureLucanVergilHorace
This article identifies and analyses the presence of an imperfect thematic acrostic (iamata-iamatura) in the Virgilian passage dedicated to the introduction of the figures Amata and Lavinia in the Aeneid (Aen. vii 53-57). I first discuss... more
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      Augustan PoetryVirgilAcrostics
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      Augustan PoetryLucanVergilSimile
This paper reveals a SuAVIS acrostic at Catullus 14.19–23 by which Catullus, at the end of poem 14, might provide a variation on his initial address to Calvus (iucundissime Calve, 14.2), suggesting that his invective did not change the... more
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      Latin LiteratureCatullusWordplayAcrostics
In this article, I argue that Vergil’s vatic announcement MAius oPUs moVEo in the symbolic middle of his epic (Aen. 7.45, the closure of the invocation to Erato) should be read as containing the poet’s signature... more
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      Latin LiteratureVergilAeneidVirgil
Le deuxième volet de cette enquête fait la lumière sur le «beau Juppin» du Tiers Livre qui «testiculos non habet». Il se poursuit avec l'aveu même de Paolo Giovio, qui se compare au castor qui s'arrache les génitoires, puis par divers... more
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      Renaissance Literature (Literature)Renaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismLuther
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In Aen. 8.685 hinc ope barbarica variisque Antonius armis Vergil describes Marc Antony’s forces at Actium. Here variisque, found in all the extant manuscripts, has been suspected by some scholars and Niklaas Heinsius proposed the... more
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      Latin LiteratureAugustan PoetryTextual CriticismM. Valerius Martialis
This article examines two orthographic features in the Acrostic Hymn of Nebuchadnezzar II. It aims to show that the text makes use of the possibilities of the cuneiform writing system to create various levels of meaning. The first example... more
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      AssyriologyConstruction of MeaningCuneiformMeaning Making
The topic of this paper is a remarkable case of bilingualism: the use of Latin acrostics in Hungarian Renaissance poetry. During the 16th century the acrostic (in its special form called ‘acrostrophe’) had an astonishingly important role... more
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      Comparative LiteratureMedieval LiteratureMultilingualismRenaissance Humanism
This paper presents two notes relating to Jason’s prayer to Apollo before the launch of the Argo in Apollonius’ Argonautica (1.415–419). In both cases, I examine what may be termed the “subtextual” facets of the passage: textual data that... more
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      Apollonius RhodiusGreek EpicHellenistic poetryApollo
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      Latin LiteratureAnonymityAuthorshipPliny the Younger
Ce document se situe en marge de la découverte d’acrostiches dans Les fanfreluches antidotées de Gargantua. Il révèle l'emprunt du premier de ces acrostiches pour le premier emblème de la Morosophie de Guillaume de La Perrière, ouvrage... more
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      Renaissance HumanismRabelaisFrançois RabelaisPaolo Giovio
Eine bestimmte Form der kontroversen Poesie entsteht dann, wenn Dichter einen militärischen Konflikt zum Thema ihrer Werke erheben. Ein besonderer Korpus dieser Art von Gedichten entstand in der ungarischen Literatur des sechzehnten... more
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      Popular CultureRenaissance StudiesOttoman EmpireEarly Modern Literature
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      Hebrew PoetryAcrostics
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      Italian Renaissance literatureFilologia Italiana Letteratura Italiana del RinascimentoMannerismLetteratura italiana
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      Augustan PoetryRoman poetryOvidIbis
The article incorporates an edition and translation of an extraordinary Latin poem by Fray Cristóbal Cabrera, a humanist scholar and Franciscan missionary who worked in New Spain from the early 1530s until 1546–1547. The Ecstasis, the... more
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      ErasmusNeo-latin literatureThe Classical TraditionCicero
Giornate di Studio "Giochi e giocattoli: parole, oggetti e immaginario" (Milano, 19-20 marzo 2018)
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      ArchaeologyAnthropologyGreek LiteratureLatin Literature
Dubellay s'en prend à Ronsard, avec l'arme que celui-ci décochait à un critique inconnu. Cette arme : un acrostiche grec, renversé comme la flèche du Parthe. Dubellay lashes out at Ronsard, by means of an greek acrostic, to be read from... more
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      French Renaissance LiteratureRonsardAcrosticsHumanist Greek
When we read Virgil's famous epitaph, we automatically give the phrase Calabri rapuere a figurative meaning. Based on a contextual study of the words Calaber and rapere, as well as an examination of the rhythmic structure of the epitaph,... more
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      Early ChristianityGreek EpigraphyLatin EpigraphyCryptography
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      Augustan PoetryVergilGeorgicsHorace