Recent papers in Catullus
Facing charges of witchery, Apuleius defends himself by mentioning the name of the African village where one of his accusers, Sicinius Aemilianus, lives. The article begins with a summary of what should be known about the word (spelling,... more
Este artículo intenta demostrar la influencia de determinados pasajes y composiciones del iber de Catulo en Graciliano Afonso (La Orotava, 1775-Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 1861). Se estudia a este fin la Oda 11 de la obra El Beso de... more
The Latin terms used to translate Alexandrian poetics are well-known in the Augustan era, but still insufficiently explored during Catullus’s times. Yet, I argue that Catullus played a major role in the constitution of the Latin... more
Inspired by Alessandro Grilli’s comment, the author proposed a new conjecture to resolve the crux of Catull. 25, 5, correcting mulier aries (O) in molliter mares: cum diua molliter mares ostendit oscitantes. Meanwhile, the author... more
Delete the lines 68b,157-8: it is an interpolation datable to the turn of the 14th century.
I propose a new instance of ‘stichometric allusion’ (when poets allude to a source using corresponding line-numbers) in the Culex. This example (an allusion to Catullus 64) is notable because it spans two lines, and because it contains a... more
This article argues that Catullus c. 34, the “Hymn to Diana” contains coded critique of Valerius Cato’s lost poem the _Diana_. Catullus uses metapoetic language to present the _Diana_ as an Antimachean poem that is over-long,... more
This article offers a reading of Catullus 4 that positions its protagonist—a talking ship—within the networks of travel, plunder, and intellectual exchange that attended Rome's annexation of Bithynia. This ship's reported account of his... more
This discussion outlines the poetical features of style and narrative technique which contribute to Virgil's psychological characterisation and considers the role of audience response - in terms of reception, intertextuality and ideology... more
This essay interprets Eminem's song, "Criminal" (2000, The Marshall Mathers LP, Track 18), as a Catullan project in establishing distance between the poet and poetic persona, accomplished through Catullan invective. Drawing upon... more
The scope of Hamilton’s project is not historical reconstruction, but an “attempt to show what the Romans were as they appear in their great authors” (263). Hamilton’s aim is to pinpoint the peculiar Roman qualities that distinguished... more
Abstract: This study addresses the old question of poem-arrangement in the Catullan corpus from a new angle. It looks to a close-predecessor of Catullus, the epigrammatist Meleager, and traces of his Garland preserved in the Anthologia... more
Catullus's book of poems starts with a small but controversial textual problem: in the second line of the first poem should modern editors write 'arido ... pumice' or 'arida ... pumice' (meaning 'with dry pumice-stone')? This article... more
Il Liber di Catullo è il palinsesto puramente accessorio sul quale la poesia di Ceronetti opera una personale riscrittura del classico, partendo dal principio che quando «un poeta moderno converte nel proprio linguaggio un poeta antico,... more
• Escribe un ensayo de unas líneas sobre cómo los lugares geográficos que se mencionan refuerzan el significado y el tono del poema. Para ello apoya tu argumentación en referencias sacadas del poema. Cada referencia en latín debe llevar... more
This article is a contribution to our understanding of how Archilochean poetics may be situated in the longer poetic tradition. In examining two fragments that have received little attention, I hope to illustrate how Archilochus’ poetry... more
Didaktična predstavitev stare grške in stare rimske književnosti.
This paper studies the use of Catullus’ in aerii [...] vertice montis (68,57) in Petrarch, Africa 5,264-265 and in Gautier de Châtillon, Alexandreis 7,157.
Een studie naar het gender van Caius Valerius Catullus in zijn gedichten aan de hand van zijn zachtaardige en ruwe kant.
Didaktična obdelava Katulove pesmi Blagoslov ljubezni in Petronijeve Efeške vdove.
In 1.35 Martial deals with the crucial theme of the relationship between epigram and obscenity, relating to Catullus (c. 16), who is from his first book mentioned by the epigrammatist as his main model. The epigram’s addressee, Cornelius,... more
Alessandro Ronconi e Vincenzo Tandoi, nonché quello di Eduard Fraenkel 1 nel suo periodo 'inglese'. Questo strato folclorico entra in una relazione molto complessa con la poesia mondana della società c6lta nell'epoca di Catullo a Roma,... more
This article considers Catullus’ reaction to his brother’s death and argues that the poet, having found the masculine vocabulary of grief inadequate, turns to the more expansive emotions and prolonged dedication offered by mythological... more
Catullus 13 is a direct challenge to conventional Roman expectations about liberalitas: it establishes the prospect of an exchange or obligation, but then rejects the usual substance of that exchange, substituting things that the poet... more
Recent scholarship on islands in antiquity has highlighted their role in establishing connections, networks and communication. At the same time, islands for the ancient world were also a locus of isolation, especially given their use as... more
[This is the proof copy of the now-published paper available at] The Asianist orator Hortensius Hortalus is a partial model for Horace's critique of Lucilius in his début collection Satires 1. Much... more
Materiales de trabajo compilados para el taller de traducción de 6 hs de extensión, dictado en la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (Santa Fe), el 22 de septiembre de 2017, en el marco de la Programación General del Ciclo Junio Clásico.
Se si dovesse rappresentare per mezzo di una figura geometrica questo mio contributo, non c'è alcun dubbio che sarebbe quella di un triangolo. Anzi due, perché due sono le sezioni dell'articolo, ciascuna dedicata appunto a una... more