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      Social DemographyIntergenerational RelationshipsEconomic DemographyActive Ageing
Background: The academic literature contains little information regarding the interventions that create age-friendly cities and communities in order to promote active ageing. Objectives: A systematic review was carried out to determine... more
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      Human GeographyQuality of lifeActive AgingCities
Background: recent evidence suggests that the interaction between periods of sedentary and activity behaviour is important for health; providing distinctive information to assessment of activity alone. This study quantified activity and... more
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      Physical activity and sedentary behaviour epidemiologyInactivity (sedentary behaviour) physiologyActive Ageing
“Active ageing” has become the leading scientific and policy conceptualization of a later life over the past two decades in the European Union (EU). It has been used as a key strategy for responding to demographic ageing. In the United... more
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    • Active Ageing
Positive psychology and third wave cognitive behavioral therapy approaches have seldom been applied to older adults. This study therefore examined whether two concepts drawn from these areas, hope for the future and avoidance in the... more
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      Positive PsychologyHopePsychology of HopeAcceptance and Commitment Therapy
Social capital has been a popular concept used in research and policy to stress the value of social contacts for the health and well-being of older adults. However, not much is known about the obstacles to and the opportunities for local... more
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      Cultural GeographySocial GeographySocial SciencesQualitative methodology
Technology is entwined in 21st Century society, and within the lives of people across all ages. The Technology In Later Life (TILL) study is the first piece of work contributing to the impact, behavior, and perception of technology use,... more
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      Rural SociologyTechnologySocial SciencesGerontology
As populations continue to grow older, efforts to support the process of aging well are important goals. Various synonyms are used to cover aging well,
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      AgingActive AgingQuality of Life and Elderly PeopleHealthy Aging
Ageing Europeans are today healthier than previous generations and often manage to live independently up to a high age. The proportion of people 80 years of age and older has increased significantly, and with high age the risk of... more
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      Social PolicyPublic Health PolicyPublic HealthAgeing and Health
Social participation amongst older adults is considered generally beneficial and is supported by active ageing policies in Europe. However, efforts to increase the quality of life and enhance the ageing experience may have the unintended... more
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      SociologySocial PolicyWelfare StateIntersectionality Theory
It seems rather obvious that the experience of ageing is not indifferent to gender, and that studies of gender ought to account for ageing and old age. Yet, the two subject matters have been rarely investigated together. This is due to... more
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      Historical AnthropologyMedical AnthropologyWomen's StudiesPhilosophical Anthropology
The world is aging, and the percentages of older people are on a dramatic ascent. This dramatic demographic aging of human society is not gender neutral; it is mostly about older women. One of the key policy approaches to address the... more
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      Gender StudiesGerontologyOld AgeActive Ageing
This paper examines the contributions that generativity in older age may make to the concept of successful ageing. To this end, two perspectives on successful ageing are described: successful ageing as a set of clinical criteria, and... more
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      Active AgeingParticipación SocialSuccessful AgingSuccessful Ageing
Background Population ageing, demographic change and the financial crisis has put the financial sustainability of the German pension system at risk. In reaction to these challenges, Germany recently abandoned generous early retirement... more
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      Social PolicyPensions and retirement incomeAgeing & retirementRetirement
The smart city rhetoric stresses both citizens' well-being and urban efficiency; however, critical perspectives suggest a worsening of existing societal inequalities for less-productive citizens, posing implications for how urban planners... more
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      Technology (Gerontology)Urban PlanningInclusionAging
Volunteering in later life is an important way of staying involved in one’s community and engaging in a meaningful activity that has a positive impact on others. Previous research has mainly described the antecedents and consequences of... more
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationHealthy AgingActive AgeingParticipación Social
Grandparents play a vital role in providing childcare to families. Qualitative research and evidence from parents raise concerns that it is grandparents who are socioeconomically disadvantaged who provide grandchild care more regularly,... more
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      SocioeconomicsEducationAgingFamily Caregivers/Carers
Resumen. Los objetivos de esta investigación son identificar barreras discursivas para la transfe-rencia de la estrategia de envejecimiento activo de la UE y hacer recomendaciones de mejora en las políticas de envejecimiento. Se presenta... more
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      Galician StudiesEuropean UnionErving GoffmanPolicy Transfer
The active ageing policy supports several types of activities, including labour force participation, caregiving, social participation, and physical activity. The paper illustrates the prevalence of supported activities across individual... more
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      Social InequalityOlder AdultsDescriptive StatisticsActive Ageing
decline steadily in the elderly. Given that older people can preserve to some extent verbal and visual divergent thinking , these findings have important implications for active aging, that is, divergent thinking might be fostered in... more
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      CreativityWell-BeingElderlyActive Ageing
This article presents non-representational theory as a methodological approach to illuminate the lived experiences of older people’s everyday mobilities using the example of travel to and from the supermarket. Previous studies have... more
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      Cultural GeographyMobility/MobilitiesRetail MarketingActive Ageing
ÖZET Demografik verilere göre yaşlı nüfus tüm dünyada hızla artmaktadır. Tüm dünyada 2050 yılında her beş kişiden birinin 60 yaş ve üstünde olacağı öngörülmektedir. Nüfus yaşlanması, artık önemli bir olgudur ve artan yaşlı nüfus göz önüne... more
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      Lifelong LearningGood practicesActive AgeingUniversity of the Third Age
Many Vietnamese families in the Czech Republic hire Czech nannies to look after their children. Usually they are young retirees who find themselves at a new life stage, passing from a productive to an " unproductive " age. Drawing upon... more
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      Sociology of Children and ChildhoodCaregivingActive Ageing
The active and healthy ageing measure reported here is calculated for the 28 European Union countries, with a specific focus on the current generation of older people and by using the latest data from multiple surveys. It covers diverse... more
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      Older peopleActive AgeingHealthy AgeingHealth care and demographic ageing
Purpose-This paper aims to consider how the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic questions the neoliberal project of ageing, based on a notion of a healthy, active, working older person. A long-term struggle to include older people has been... more
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      Social InclusionSociology of AgeingSocial IsolationActive Ageing
Citation: Pedell, S.; Borda, A.; Keirnan, A.; Aimers, N. Combining the Digital, Social and Physical Layer to Create Age-Friendly Cities and Communities. Int. J. Environ. Res. Publisher's Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to... more
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      Public HealthOlder AdultsCitizen ScienceWearable Technology
This paper outlines the ways in which the cohort born immediately following the Second World War illustrates changes in consumption patterns within their lives. The paper suggests that this cohort (often known as baby boomers) view... more
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      SociologyAgingBeat GenerationConsumer Culture
Casual sexual encounters are closely wedded to leisure travel, and have received a lot of attention in both theoretical and empirical work. However, the relationship between romance tourism and female ageing remains largely... more
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      Tourism StudiesWomen's StudiesGenderTravel Behaviour
Most EU Member States have carried out substantial pension reforms over the last decades in order to enhance fiscal sustainability, while maintaining adequate pension income. The intensity of pension reforms has been particularly strong... more
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      Pensions and retirement incomeEconomics of aging & pensionsPensionsActive Ageing
Background: Interest in the use of digital game technologies by older adults is growing across disciplines from health and gerontology to computer science and game studies. The objective of this scoping review was to examine research... more
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      TechnologyResearch MethodologyGerontologyTechnology (Gerontology)
In the context of the current policy emphasis on extending working lives, we investigate whether the relationship between participation in paid work, other formal, and informal activities among people aged 50–69 is complementary or... more
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      Civic EngagementEngagementOlder peopleActive Ageing
Ageing is a continuum of biological processes characterized by progressive adaptations which can be influenced by both genetic and physiological factors. In terms of human maturation, physically and cognitively functional centenarians... more
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      AgingHealthSport And Exercise PsychologyActivities of Daily Living
Background Older adults (OA) represent a core priority group for physical activity and Public Health policy. As a result, significant interest is placed on how to optimise adherence to interventions promoting these approaches. Extra Time... more
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      SociologySport PsychologyHealth SciencesHealth Promotion
This paper attempts to understand the exclusion of ageing people within contemporary society through developing a model around the notion of the “encounter with the ageing body”. It is divided into three parts. In the first, I develop a... more
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      FearModernityAffect (Cultural Theory)Sociology of Ageing
The aging of the population, together with the need for more inclusive and responsive policies and services, has contributed to a burgeoning interest in co-production and co-research with older people. To date, however, only a limited... more
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      Participatory ResearchCommunity Engagement & ParticipationNew Models Of Participatory And Direct DemocracyAgeing and Health
Global ageing has led European and international organizations to develop programs for active ageing, in order to reconstruct the role of the elderly in society. Active ageing includes social communication aspects which have been the... more
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      CommunicationDigital DivideEducationDigital Literacy
The contemporary increase in life expectancy in Western countries has led to an intensified focus on good ageing processes as a way to manage ageing populations. We argue that while qualifications of the ageing process such as active and... more
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This book chapter reviews current research in the area of digital game technology for rehabilitation, socialization, quality of life (QoL), design, and cognition. In recent years, there has been substantial progress in these areas. With... more
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      Information TechnologyTechnologyGerontologyEnvironmental Studies
Research across a number of disciplines demonstrates that digital technologies have intensified migrants’ connections to both old and new homelands. Yet to be explored, however, is how this interconnectedness intersects with shifting... more
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      Irish StudiesNew MediaInternet StudiesLifelong Learning
This paper rethinks the role of technology in the life of older people by critically considering the discourses around ageing: drawing on insights from literatures on active ageing, findings from two studies conducted with older citizens... more
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      DesignComputer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)Assistive TechnologySocial Care For Older People
Dominant discourses of ageing are often confined to what is less painful to think about and therefore idealise or denigrate ageing and later life. We present findings from an exploratory psychosocial study, in a Nordic context, into three... more
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      DeathDeath StudiesDementiaImagination
This paper explores attitudes of staff, residents and family members towards sexually diverse persons based on data from the first national study of its kind in Aotearoa New Zealand. The study was a two-arm mixed-method cross-sectional... more
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      SexualityActive AgeingResidential Aged CareSexual and Gender Diversity
Research on the silver economy shows that products and services, which enhance personal autonomy and social cohesion, are common to successful enterprises that serve the needs of both older adults and their carers. Policymaking focuses on... more
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      Healthcare ArchitectureActive AgeingFacilities Design
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to critically evaluate an innovative collaboration between health, housing and social care by exploring the “short stay project” apartments from service users’ perspectives and considering the... more
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      Research Methods and MethodologyOccupational TherapyHousing & Residential DesignQualitative methodology
A basic premise underlying this article is that the social surroundings of individuals as they gradually age are not homogeneous and have influence on their well-being. Furthermore, if significant variation on the social context are... more
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      FamilyAgingPublic Health PolicyDemography of ageing
The aim of this study was to document the perceptions of elders in six Caribbean countries about ' active ageing ' and on the basis of their reports to make recommendations to improve their situation. Data were collected principally... more
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      Health PromotionGerontologyCaribbean StudiesPublic Health
Knowledge about the experiences of flow by older adults through the engagement of digital games is scarce. This article describes an important element of an international , multicenter, randomized, controlled trial which utilized three... more
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      Research MethodologyGerontologyTechnology (Gerontology)Physical Activity
As the aging population and workforce constitute a worldwide concern, it is becoming necessary to predict how the dual threat of aging and technology at work increases the job vulnerability of older workers and jeopardizes their... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceVulnerabilityOlder WorkersRobotic
Background: Grandparents play a vital role in providing childcare to families. However, little is known about when grandmothers and grandfathers look after grandchildren, what they do with them, and why. Objective: Using novel questions... more
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      AgingGenderGender EqualityFamily Caregivers/Carers
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      Sociology of AgeingSocial Policy and AgeingOlder peopleActive Ageing