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      Instructional DesignCurriculum DesignInstructional TechnologyCurriculum Theory
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      AccessibilityUniversal Design for LearningUniversal Design EducationClosed Captioning
Since previous documents with the subject was loaded on Academia, a lot of research and development has been conducted and the South African Tactile pedestrian crossing layouts evolved. This lecture gives background on this process to... more
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      Universal Design EducationUniversal Design (Architecture)Accessibility and universal design (Architecture)Universal Design
La investigación llevada a cabo plantea, como objetivo general, analizar y conocer las actitudes, percepciones, creencias y opiniones que poseen las personas con discapacidad sensorial ante la situación de la accesibilidad a la cultura... more
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      EducationAccessibilityUniversal Design EducationDisability
The report’s primary goal is to inform and provide a guide for future strategies in design education, in order to ensure the beneficial impact of design as a key player in our unfolding future.
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      Teaching and LearningDesign educationUniversal Design EducationCodec
Accessibility is a hot topic in online education these days. Despite the increased focus on accessibility, most discussions of creating "accessible" online courses and elearning simply focus on adding alternative text to images and... more
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      Instructional DesignAccessibilityInclusive education (Learning And Teaching)Web Accessibility
Nella logica attuale la persona con disabilità ha risentito di rappresentazioni che ne hanno sottolineato soprattutto la condizione di mancanza, oggi, invece, le linee della logica inclusiva vanno oltre l’attenzione per il deficit e per... more
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      Inclusive DesignUniversal Design EducationUniversal DesignDesign for All, Inclusive Design, Universal Design
IIEPJudo is an Inclusive Educational Program designed to teach basic Judo techniques to children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, under the Universal Design of Learning methodology. IEPJudo was, additionally, designed to bring in active... more
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      Autism Spectrum DisordersUniversal Design for LearningUniversal Design EducationInclusive Education
The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of three different navigation aids with students with intellectual disability. Participants included six college-aged students with intellectual disability who attended a postsecondary... more
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      NeuroscienceEducational TechnologySpecial EducationVirtual Reality (Computer Graphics)
Slide dell'intervento "Universal Design for Learning" tenuto il 17 novembre 2020 presso l'Università di Pisa nell'ambito del Corso di Tecnologie Assistive e Didattiche.
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      EducationInstructional DesignEducational TechnologyMOODLE
This chapter describes two strategies for making classrooms multilevel:  tiered assignments and universal design for learning.  These strategies can be implemented in any classroom at any level
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      Teaching and LearningEducationTeaching English as a Second LanguageTeacher Education
The aim of this thesis is to examine in detail the value that letterpress printing provides by connecting people to the craft. By looking at relevant sources from examples of contemporary letterpress work to literature surrounding the... more
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      Print CultureArtArt TheoryDesign education
This note talks  about three methods of teaching
First one was prescriptive and explorative, the second one was inventive and explorative and the third one was experimentative and explorative - the three methods of creative practice.
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      Art HistoryDesignInstructional DesignDesign education
Ce projet a été rendu possible grâce à la collaboration de : Consortium d'animation sur la persévérance et la réussite en enseignement supérieur (CAPRES) Université du Québec 475, rue du Parvis Québec (Québec) G1K 9H7 Téléphone : 418... more
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    • Universal Design Education
Kentsel ölçekte yapılan eksik ve yanlış uygulamalar, bireylerin bir mekana ulaşımını ve o mekandaki hareketlerini zorlaştırabilmektedir. Fiziksel engelliler, yaşlılar, çocuklar, bebek arabası kullanan veya eşya taşıyan bireylerin kent... more
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      Universal Design EducationArchitecture EducationInterior Design Education
1 GİRİŞ Kentler, içinde yaşayan tüm kentlilere eşit oranda yaşama şansı vermesi gereken bir düzen oluşturmayı hedefler. Nitekim Avrupa Konseyi tarafından 1992 yılında kabul ve ilan edilen Avrupa Kentsel Şartında da (European Urban... more
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      Inclusive DesignArchitectural EducationUniversal Design EducationUniversal Design
In this third volume of It’s All About Thinking, the authors focus their expertise on teaching and learning in the middle years, translating principles into practices and exploring questions such as: How can we help students develop... more
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      LiteracyTeaching and LearningEducationTeacher Education
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      Educational AdministrationMoroccoUniversal Design EducationEducational reform
In this article, Federico R. Waitoller and Kathleen King Thorius extend recent discussions on culturally sustaining pedagogy (CSP) in order to explicitly account for student dis/ability. The authors engage in this work as part of an... more
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      Special EducationInclusionUniversal Design for LearningUniversal Design Education
It is vital that all university staff have awareness of the difficulties that may be experienced by students with disabilities. Staff must be given the knowledge and resources to support these students effectively. University College... more
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      Teaching and LearningHigher EducationTraining and DevelopmentStudent Motivation And Engagement
Kegiatan pembelajaran yang ada sekarang ini umumnya menyajikan presentasi materi yang sama untuk setiap peserta didik karena menganggap bahwa karakteristik semua peserta didik adalah homogen. padahal dalam kenyataannya setiap peserta... more
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      Social Learning TheorySocial MediaUniversal Design for LearningUniversal Design Education
Evidence suggests that students with disabilities increasingly choose to participate in online courses at higher rates then other student populations. Research examining factors that influence the success of these students is... more
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      Online LearningUniversal Design Education
This note presents a research work in progress, carried out in the Doctoral School of Pedagogy and Social Science of «Roma Tre» University: it describes its approach, method and initial results. The research, which started in 2009 and... more
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      E-learningDidacticsQualitative ResearchUniversal Design Education
Sustainability in Higher Education is usually interpreted as a concept applying solely to operations management and energy policy. Though the applicability of the concept to social justice is immediately tangible, few campuses have found... more
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      Disability StudiesHigher EducationInclusionUniversal Design for Learning
How can we help students develop the thinking skills they need to be successful learners? How does this relate to deep learning of important concepts? How can we engage and support diverse learners in inclusive classrooms where they... more
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      LiteracyTeaching and LearningEducationTeacher Education
Blind and visually impaired mathematics students must rely on accessible materials such as tactile diagrams to learn mathematics. However, these compensatory materials are frequently found to offer students inferior opportunities for... more
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      EducationEducational TechnologyMathematics EducationConversation Analysis
Un gruppo di aspiranti insegnanti iscritti al Tirocinio Formativo Attivo ha affrontato un’esperienza di digital storytelling come parte dei compiti di didattica a distanza. Viene qui descritta la struttura del lavoro svolto dai corsisti e... more
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      Universal Design for LearningUniversal Design EducationDigital StorytellingUniversal Design
Progettare in un’ottica inclusiva significa costruire percorsi di apprendimento flessibili in funzione di tre principi fondamentali: fornire molteplici mezzi di rappresentazione, di azione ed espressione, di coinvolgimento. È questo... more
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      Latin LiteratureEducational TechnologySpecial EducationDigital Humanities
In this paper the principles of Universal Design (UD) are discussed in the context of design education. The application of the concepts of UD to building and urban design has ensured a better quality of life for users with disabilities,... more
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      Universal Design EducationAccessibility and universal design (Architecture)Tactile Maps
Progettare in un’ottica inclusiva significa costruire percorsi di apprendimento flessibili in funzione di tre principi fondamentali: fornire molteplici mezzi di rappresentazione, di azione ed espressione, di coinvolgimento. È questo... more
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      Latin LiteratureEducational TechnologySpecial EducationAutism Spectrum Disorders
E-learning can offer great opportunities to students with disabilities, but still few practitioners know exactly how to make it accessible. Although there are many technical standards and specifics to make e-learning platforms accessible,... more
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      Special EducationE-learningDidacticsQualitative Research
The shift in the last twenty years from an industrialised economy to a knowledge economy demands new modes of education in which individuals can effectively acquire 21st century competencies. This article builds on the findings and... more
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      SociologySocial NetworksDesign educationTransdisciplinarity
The 2nd class lecture on universal design, including seven central principles.
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      Universal Design EducationUniversal Design (Architecture)Universal DesignPlace Making
Introduction to psychologist Donald Norman's "human-centered design" and "universal design."
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      Disability StudiesAbleism and Ability StudiesUniversal Design EducationUniversal Design and Inclusion
Telephone interviews were conducted with 18 blind academic library users around the U.S. about their experiences using their library and its website. The study uses the perspective that blind users’ insights are fundamental. A common... more
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      Library ScienceUsabilityDisability StudiesAccessibility
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      ArchitectureDesign Research Method (Architecture)Historic PreservationSustainable Development
In this article, Federico R. Waitoller and Kathleen A. King Thorius extend recent discussions on culturally sustaining pedagogy (CSP) in order to explicitly account for student dis/ability. The authors engage in this work as part of an... more
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      EducationSpecial EducationInclusionUniversal Design for Learning
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      Universal Design for LearningUniversal Design EducationDisability Studies in EducationSpecial Educational Needs
Despite a growing awareness of the need to create more usable, comfortable, and sustainable buildings for everyone, in many countries, the adoption of universal design (UD) as a design strategy is still limited. As key stakeholders,... more
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      ArchitectureInclusionUniversal Design EducationUniversal Design (Architecture)
Studies have shown that development at the grassroots takes place more effectively if there is a motivation and desire for the local people to create value for themselves, rather than depending on the assistance and subsidies provided by... more
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      Universal Design EducationGrassroots Innovations
Websites are today the face of an organization in the virtual world, with a global reach, while Universities are organizations (in India) offering higher education. They use their websites for education and the dissemination of... more
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      New MediaEducational TechnologyE-learningDisability Studies
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      Disability StudiesMobility/MobilitiesSustainable DevelopmentDisabled people movement
Delegates to the 'Include 2001' conference, hosted by the Helen Hamlyn Research Centre, were asked, as part of an 'obstacles and solutions' workshop, to identify barriers to the uptake of more inclusive design strategies, and to propose... more
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      ArchitectureInclusive DesignUniversal Design EducationAccessibility and universal design (Architecture)
Attraverso la presentazione di ventiquattro esperienze didattiche, gli autori illustrano le competenze base della progettazione con l’ambizione di rispondere a due domande semplici ma impegnative: quali competenze dovrà possedere il... more
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      DesignArchitectureLearning and TeachingService Learning
Here Kathleen A. King Thorius and Federico R. Waitoller respond to Harvard Educational Review's Spring 2017 forum on their 2016 article “Cross-Pollinating Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy and Universal Design for Learning: Toward an... more
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      SociologyEducationDisability StudiesCritical Disability Studies
Author of this paper has been involved in an existential research from 1985 to understand the cognitive damages of modernity- reductionist, alienated, fragmented and anthropocentric way of being and also the biological roots of human... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyAnthropologyEducationDesign
El acceso universal a la salud y la cobertura universal de salud implican que todas las personas y las comunidades tengan acceso, sin discriminación alguna, a servicios integrales de salud, adecuados, oportunos, de calidad, determinados a... more
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      Universal Design EducationSalud PublicaCoberturaModelos De Atencion En Salud
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      Disability StudiesMobility/MobilitiesSustainable DevelopmentOccupational Health & Safety
This paper focuses on the drive towards developing a framework for infusing inclusive design principles in the education of all students in the built environment industries. Various countries use differing terminology; whilst UK favour... more
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      ArchitectureInclusive DesignUniversal Design EducationEngineering & Built Environment Education
Mulla smiled at them and told, “So friends, thank you for teaching me and each other that design is not about complementing, substituting, replacing or removing things from a structure to enhance the abilities or aesthetics of the form... more
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      Design educationDesign pedagogyUniversal Design EducationArt and Design Education