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Mary Smith teaches about better communication through correct body language of the speaker.
Saga Publishing 2025
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      SociologyFree SpeechBody Language
Çalışmanın amacı, eğitim sistemi, okul ve akademik alanda son yıllarda sürekli gündeme gelen; vatandaşlık eğitimi, çokkültürlülük ve kapsayıcı eğitim gibi konu ve alanların benzer ve farklıklarını dile getirebilmektir. Ayrıca vatandaşlık... more
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    • Humanities
The development of pre-service teachers to teaching career are enhance through a field study. Field study is one of the major courses of pre-service teachers in which they are exposed to teaching environment in a school setting.... more
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      PsychologyPerceptionHumanities and Social Sciencesservice Business
Through a collaborative research project at the Centre for Adult Continuing Education (ACE) within the University College Cork (UCC), we sought to elucidate the dynamic and complex process of curriculum design for lifelong learning (LLL)... more
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      Curriculum DevelopmentAdult Education and Lifelong LearningEducational research methods
This paper opens with a story of what was once cutting-edge, state-of-the-art technology and its integration into preservice teacher preparation. It is a story of the technology, in this case video recording, the theories applied to its... more
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      Educational TechnologyEthnographyHigher EducationPolitical Science
Apresentação Contribuições da educação freiriana para a prevenção do human papiloma virus (hpv) entre os alunos do PEJA
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The goal of the paper is to identify the message in letters written by Polish and Czech seniors. The letters were subject to qualitative analysis. The method used was the analysis of the inspired texts-letters written by older people to... more
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      Human ValuesValuesYoung PeopleGenerations
In the age of intensive development of information society, the education of people considered to be digitally-excluded gains a special meaning. Through institutional and non-institutional forms of education, the eldest part of society... more
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This paper explores the critical role of lifelong learning in enhancing the competitiveness of the workforce, which is crucial for nation building in the 21st century. Lifelong learning, characterized by ongoing, voluntary knowledge... more
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      Lifelong LearningNational Development
Cite as/ Atıf: Yalçınkaya, D. (2024). The impact of neo-liberal policies on distance education focused on lifelong learning and adult education. Deniz YALÇINKAYA: Neo-Liberal Politikaların Hayat Boyu Öğrenme ve Yetişkin Eğitimi Odaklı... more
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      Adult EducationDistance EducationNeo-liberalismAdult Education and Lifelong Learning
The tension between research of policy and research for policy in an era of transnational education policy-making: an introduction. In Desjardins, R., & Rubenson, K. (eds), Research of vs research for education policy: in an era of... more
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      GlobalizationPolitical SciencePoliticsEducation Policy
Versión en portugués del libro ya editado en español sobre la trayectoria histórica de la educación popular en América Latina y El caribe, así como de los debates y prácticas educativas actuales dentro de este campo teórico práctico.
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      Paulo FreireEducación PopularPedagogía de la liberaciónTransformación Social
Schools are settings where intergenerational relationships can be forged in their capacity as microcosms or small communities through cooperative approaches and meaningful learning. This paper outlines the main practical, policy-related,... more
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      SociologyLifelong LearningIntergenerational RelationshipsLearning Communities
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The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) is the European Union's reference centre for vocational education and training. We provide information on and analyses of vocational education and training systems,... more
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      Education PolicyInformeFranceFinland
Bu çalışmanın amacı Türkiye'de 2013 yılından 2023 yılına kadar hayat boyu öğrenmeyle ilgili yayınlanan araştırma/inceleme türündeki makaleleri yayınlandıkları yıllara, konusuna, yöntem ve desenine, örneklem türüne, örneklem büyüklüğüne,... more
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      Yetişkin EğitimiHayat Boyu öğrenme
Wenowknowalotaboutwhatenablesusto putoffdecrepitude�Itis,aboveall,activitythatis appreciated and useful and then also a vivid propensitytohaveone'sinterestssatisfied� AleksanderKamiński
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      EpistemologyArgumentation TheoryPsychological MaturityPhenomenon
The paper presents reflections of Polish centenarians about fundamental principles and values they would like to pass on to future generations. The research was conducted as a collective case study (Stake, 2009) with an in-depth interview... more
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    • History
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      SociologyHumanitiesIntelligenza Artificiale
Este trabalho apresenta as análises de parte dos dados levantados para realização da pesquisa de doutorado que teve como objetivo investigar o processo de internacionalização e de consolidação da Pedagogia Social como área de conhecimento... more
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      SociologyHumanitiesIntelligenza Artificiale
Bu calismanin amaci yansitici ogretimi yabanci dil egitmenlerinin mesleki gelisimlerinin bir parcasi haline getirerek yuksek ogretimde mesleki gelisim uygulamalarinin yayginlasmasini saglamaktir. Calismada veri toplama yontemi olarak... more
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Classroom management (CM) is one of the most cited problems of pre-service teachers. This study aims to have a closer look at the issue within a qualitative research design by eliciting problems, coping strategies, and the sources of... more
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      PsychologyMathematics EducationClassroom ManagementPre-service teachers
In the paper some issues and problems regarding the implementation of ICT in initial vocational education and training in Slovenia are discussed. After the brief analysis of the main theoretical characteristics of ICT and ematerials, the... more
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      PsychologyVocational EducationInformation and Communications Technology
A exclusão social e educacional de jovens e adultos das camadas populares no Brasil, agravada pela exclusão digital, tem dificultado e impedido o acesso a direitos humanos e fundamentais. Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar o(s)... more
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      HumanitiesPolitical ScienceEducation Systems
In this article we report research addressing the facilitation of reflection amongst novice (preservice) teachers. This study is based on the analysis of written reports of 35 second-year and 36 third-year Bachelor of Primary Education... more
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    • Reflective practice in education
Schools are settings where intergenerational relationships can be forged in their capacity as microcosms or small communities through cooperative approaches and meaningful learning. This paper outlines the main practical, policy-related,... more
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      SociologyLifelong LearningIntergenerational RelationshipsLearning Communities
The idea that inexorable hegemonic globalization is the only way to development in the aftermath of the cold war has marked most of the current debate in the academy and in the media, even in the field of education. This article will try... more
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      HumanitiesPolitical Science
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    • Social Exclusion
This paper aims at highlighting and interpreting current empirical facets of the Greek educational pathogeny through a sociological approach. Especially, the paper tries to investigate the relationship between education and employment in... more
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      SociologyPoliticsEducation PolicyEducational Issues
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    • Political Science
Bu eylem araştırması, öğretmen adaylarının mikroöğretim sunumlarında, bazı duygusal ve kültürel kısıtlamalar yüzünden, gözlem ve geribildirim sürecine etkili katılamadıklarının fark edilmesi üzerine yapılmıştır. Öğretmen adaylarının hem... more
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Bu eylem araştırması, öğretmen adaylarının mikroöğretim sunumlarında, bazı duygusal ve kültürel kısıtlamalar yüzünden, gözlem ve geribildirim sürecine etkili katılamadıklarının fark edilmesi üzerine yapılmıştır. Öğretmen adaylarının hem... more
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      Computer ScienceTeacher EducationFeedback ControlMicroteaching
The study investigated the influence of organisational policy on employee retention in the telecommunications industry in Lagos State. The study adopted the descriptive survey research design. The sample size of 71 human resources... more
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      Adult EducationSocial Work EducationAdult Education and Lifelong LearningIndustrial Education and Training
Within the framework of action research, connectivity theory has been suggested as a means to encourage learners to manage the process during the teaching practicum. The aim of this study was to explore the impact of self-control and... more
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      PsychologyComputer ScienceReflective PracticePortfolio
Ao aproximar os estudos dedicados à compreensão do papel do letramento digital no empoderamento de grupos sociais subalternizados e estudos situados na interface entre a educação de pessoas jovens e adultas (EPJA) e a perspectiva... more
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      SociologyEducation Systems
The development of digital technology and logistics has promoted globalisation and modernisation of working life creating an increasingly interconnected world. Individuals need to master various technologies and to continuously select... more
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      Computer ScienceAssessment in Higher EducationSoft Skills
Many senior citizens are keeping in touch with modern times and put modern technologies to good use. They attempt to adapt to this era and don't avoid computers or smart devices. Such senior citizens often also educate themselves further... more
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      PsychologyInformation and Communications Technology
Many senior citizens are keeping in touch with modern times and put modern technologies to good use. They attempt to adapt to this era and don't avoid computers or smart devices. Such senior citizens often also educate themselves further... more
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      PsychologyInformation and Communications Technology
In this study, we investigate of science and technology pre-service teachers' opinions about the methods developed reflective thinking and we determined at the level of reflective thinking. This study is a descriptive study. Open-ended... more
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      PsychologyReflective PracticeMathematics EducationCritical Thinking
Reflection is an essential dimension of effective teaching. It prompts classroom teachers to subject themselves to a process of self-observation or self-evaluation. By reflecting on what they do in the classroom, teachers specifically... more
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      PsychologyReflective PracticeMathematics EducationPedagogy
A Kodolányi János Egyetem az alkalmazott tudományok kutatásával foglalkozó intézmény, amelynek kutatási tevékenysége az elmúlt harminc évben az MTA Veszprémi Területi Akadémiai Bizottságával közösen bontakozott ki. E kutatás a civil... more
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Problem Statement: The vast majority of empirical work on second/foreign language teacher education continues to emphasize the notions of 'reflective practice', 'exploratory teaching', and the like based on the premise that teachers... more
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      PsychologyReflective PracticeMathematics EducationStatistical Analysis
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nevelés-és művelődéstörténészi kutatásaiban evidens fejlemény, az az Európa többi régiójában munkálkodók számára nem mindig az. Élő hagyomány híján csupán kutatói érdeklődés és kontinensünk neveléstörténeti folyamatain való töprengés... more
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The field of Adult Education has evolved and democratized access to adult learning over the years in Nigeria through innovation in higher education from extramural studies, outreach works, and correspondence education to open university... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceNon-formal EducationAdult EducationLifelong Learning
O artigo discute as repercussoes na esfera social dos acontecimentos ocorridos na historia da educacao brasileira no periodo situado entre a expulsao da Ordem Jesuitica da Colonia e a publicacao da Lei Saraiva no final do Periodo... more
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      SociologyHistoriographyPopulationFunctional Illiteracy
A exclusão social e educacional de jovens e adultos das camadas populares no Brasil, agravada pela exclusão digital, tem dificultado e impedido o acesso a direitos humanos e fundamentais. Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar o(s)... more
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    • Education Systems
O objetivo deste texto é tecer reflexões em torno da história da Educação de Pessoas Jovens e Adultas (EPJA) no Brasil e na Argentina a partir do momento de sua incipiente organização como modalidade nas décadas de 30 e 40, passando pela... more
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      História Da EducaçãoEducação de Jovens e AdultosEducación de Personas Jóvenes y Adultas
A exclusão social e educacional de jovens e adultos das camadas populares no Brasil, agravada pela exclusão digital, tem dificultado e impedido o acesso a direitos humanos e fundamentais. Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar o(s)... more
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    • Education Systems
Reflection is an essential dimension of effective teaching. It prompts classroom teachers to subject themselves to a process of self-observation or self-evaluation. By reflecting on what they do in the classroom, teachers specifically... more
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      PsychologyMathematics Education