American Constitutional Law
Recent papers in American Constitutional Law
Conventional understandings of Catholicism, especially the claim that the pope held temporal power over all civil rulers, presented a signal challenge to early American Catholics’ civil and religious liberty. Yet reform-minded Catholics... more
Le contrôle légal des armes à feu aux États-Unis Dans le cadre du cours POL 2102 « Pensée politique contemporaine » Enseignant : Charles Blattberg Correcteur : Charles Blattberg Deṕartement de science politique Université de Montreál Le... more
This 2014 essay discussed the issue of same-sex marriage in the context of judicial review principles. Although the U.S. Supreme Court held that same-sex marriage was a constitutional right in 2015, the reflections in the paper on... more
Стаття присвячена аналізу ідеї верховенства права в американському правознавстві. Пропонуються окремі підходи до визначення досліджуваного поняття, його складових компонентів та вимог для ефективної реалізації. Автор доходить висновку, що... more
The article published in 1890 by Warren and Brandeis in the Harvard Law Review entitled «The Right to Privacy», is considered the foundational essay of the protection of privacy in the United States and the most influential law review... more
In multicultural societies, which are characterized by the diversity of cultures, religions, and lifestyles, it is sometimes necessary to reconcile the right of freedom of speech with other rights, like the right to dignity, equality,... more
This article demonstrates the overlooked contribution of the ancient Near East to the development of constitutional law. The legal corpus of Deuteronomy provides a utopian model for the organization of the state, one that enshrines... more
This chapter shows how a forged charter influenced the afterlife of King Edgar, founded the maritime claims of the British Empire, and shaped the legal status of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
A look at the history and legacy of the Magna Carta elucidates the many ways in which it shaped American jurisprudence and the law of Texas. The Magna Carta is held in high regard because the unknown drafters understood the importance of... more
Prawo do posiadania i noszenia broni jako prawo fundamentalne każdego człowieka – systemowe ujęcie II Poprawki do Konstytucji USA w amerykańskim systemie prawa
It is impossible to tell the history of American antitrust law and economics during the so-called formative era (1890-1915) without a preliminary understanding of the economic rationale underlying that major phase of American... more
This is a case brief I prepared of the case Gibbons v. Ogden for my American Constitutional Law class. I outline the facts, issue, holding, and reasoning of the case.
Existen dos afirmaciones centrales en las cuales convergen todos, o al menos casi todos, los autores que se autodenominan «originalistas»: 1) la tesis de la fijación que mantiene que el contenido semántico de cualquier disposición... more
The 1954 United States Supreme Court decision in Oliver L. Brown v. the Board of Education of Topeka (KS) 1 is perhaps one of the most discussed judgments because of its significant judicial turning points in the development... more
Il libro Eleggere il Presidente», scritto insieme con G. Passarelli (Marsilio, 2020 - ) è un lavoro che presenta il processo di elezione del Presidente degli Stati Uniti e le dinamiche che scatena dentro la rete... more
focus TMT |n. 1/2015 -focus TMT |n. 1/2015 comunicazioni 4 . Già prima dell'indipendenza, del resto, il diritto alla riservatezza personale era garantito in alcune colonie 5 , e patrioti del calibro di Patrick Henry o... more
In this paper, I examine how the Patriot Act contains several controversial titles and sections relating to the 4th Amendment and the decision in Katz v. United States.
Recension de la Fordham Law Review, vol. 82 n°2, 2013
Paru dans le n° 107 de la Revue française de droit constitutionnel (sept. 2016)
Paru dans le n° 107 de la Revue française de droit constitutionnel (sept. 2016)
series on the American presidency | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identi ers: LCCN (print) | LCCN (ebook) | ISBN (hardback) | ISBN
This chapter examines the legal implications of reparative therapy litigation in the United States, which recognized the tight of gay and lesbian children to be spared reparative therapy, even when prescribed by their parents. It argues... more
Il testo intende indagare le radici filosofiche del Secondo Emendamento statunitense, mostrando come il diritto di portare armi provenga direttamente dal diritto naturale e da una visione sussidiaria del potere politico. Esso rompe... more
El originalismo del significado público es en la actualidad el punto de partida ineludible del constitucionalismo norteamericano contemporáneo, tanto para criticarlo como para defenderlo. Una de las novedades más significativas que... more
La emergencia y el proceso de conceptualización del derecho constitucional a la privacidad de la información personal en el sistema constitucional norteamericano, reflejan la consideración de la privacidad de la información personal como... more
Modern Fourteenth Amendment doctrine is difficult to square with constitutional text. The text of the Equal Protection Clause, for example, makes no distinction between racial classifications and other discriminatory practices; it... more
Situé dans le comté de Grafton, dans l'État du New Hampshire, le village d'Ellsworth n'offre pas, au premier abord, un visage très différent de celui de ses voisins. Pourtant, cette petite communauté de 83 habitants est singulière dans... more
While nearly everyone can recognize the text of the United States Constitution, there remains significant disagreement regarding how to interpret and apply the text of the Constitution. In this memo, I examine the 8th Amendment and the... more
Starting from the recent ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court in DirecTV v. Imburgia, this article highlights the differences between the American and the European approaches to mandatory consumer arbitration. While U.S. law now considers... more
eve essere stato proprio questo the best is yet to comeil mantra che Barack Obama ha continuato a ripetere a se stesso sin dall'autunno del 2011 quando il fallimento delle trattative con lo Speaker della Camera dei Rappresentanti John... more
In no country is Magna Carta held in greater reverence than in the United States; this article examines its crucial role in the founding of the republic's political and legal system and looks at the Charter's transatlantic transition.
Although the federal Constitution of the United States does not expressly recognize a «right to privacy», however, the Supreme Court, over a long and gradual case law, has considered it implicit in the guarantees of the First, Fourth,... more
Este ensayo tiene por finalidad analizar el contenido y los problemas interpretativos que ha suscitado la Decimotercera Enmienda a la Constitución estadounidense, que tuvo por finalidad abolir la esclavitud. Para tal efecto, se estudia la... more
here is no liberty, if the judiciary power be not separated fro m the legislative and executive" (C.L. de Montesquieu, The Spirit of Laws, Book XI, 6 Of the Constitution of England, 1748). Così si esprimeva Montesquieu nel XVIII secolo a... more
Prawo do posiadania i noszenia broni w II Poprawce do Konstytucji Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki – ujęcie oryginalistyczne
This article critically discusses the normative definition of liberal-democratic constitutional theory, by focusing on some of the most significant authors. After a brief introduction, the first section engages normative constitutional... more
This is the case brief my partner and I wrote for the Carpenter v. United States Supreme Court case for our American Constitutional Law class. We wrote this brief on behalf of the petitioner, Timothy Carpenter. The relevant question... more
Sommario: 1. Premessa. 2. Un'analisi preliminare delle presidenziali del 2016. 3. Le due fasi del processo di elezione del Presidente: la fase intra-partitica. 4. Il compromesso in fase costituente e l'adozione del metodo del collegio... more
Credible, verifiable reports on covertly supported violent conflicts in Ethiopia, Kenya, Myanmar and Solomon Islands are cited as examples of US illegal interventions designed to slow down China’s efforts to bring infrastructure... more
Nella sua celebre commedia, rappresentata per la prima volta a Londra nel 1895, Oscar Wilde mette in luce attraverso il ricorso ad un arguto espediente linguistico la vacuità dell'attaccamento della società vittoriana all'apparenza. Nel... more