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      Turkish Art (Archaeology)Ancient Turks
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      Archaeology of Central AsiaAncient Turks
In th s study the f gur nes of Gokturk Per od, wh ch are from Yed su (Sem reche) n Kazakh stan; South of Kazakh stan Otrar and Taraz; Suyab (Chu R ver reg on)
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      Terracotta FigurinesAncient Turks
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      Ancient TurksMetal WorkGöktürk Sanatımaden sanatı
Кулешов Вяч. С. Северная окраина тюркского мира в отражении персидского географического трактата X в. «Худуд ал-‘алам» // Древние и средневековые культуры Центральной Азии (становление, развитие и взаимодействие урбанизированных и... more
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      Old TurkicSiberian Turkic languagesPersian Language and LiteratureAncient Turks
A study of the imperial ideology of the Türk Qağanate and its use in varying forms among the Turkic nomads of the western Eurasian steppes from the Khazars to the Cuman-Qıpčaqs
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      Turkic Speaking PeoplesOld Turkic CultureKhazarsAncient Turks
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      Eurasian NomadsTurkish and Middle East StudiesCentral AsiaEarly Middle Ages (History)
The Stele commemorated Idiquts of Qocho, dating to 1334 and found in 1933 in Gansu, bears Chinese and Uyghur inscriptions including a legend on the origin of the Uyghur ruling dynasty. According to the text, its founder was Udan Boquq Qan... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreMythologyInner Asian Studies
Turks who, were living under the rule of the Rourans had been serving as a blacksmith. However, Turks who increasingly were getting strong by means of growing population during Bumin's reign, had been waiting for an appropriate time to... more
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      Turkish HistoryInner Asian HistoryGenel Türk TarihiAncient Turks
Специальность 07.00.02 -Отечественная история АВТОРЕФЕРАТ диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата исторических наук Екатеринбург -2006 Работа выполнена на кафедре истории России в ГОУ ВПО «Уральский государственный университет... more
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      Eurasian NomadsAncient Turks
Исследованные за последние 200 лет на Алтае раннесредневековые памятники специалисты обозначают, как правило, как «древнетюркские» или «тюркские», либо как памятники «алтае-телеских тюрок» или «алтае-орхонских тюрок», подразумевая под... more
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      ArchaeologyCentral Asian StudiesEurasian NomadsEarly Medieval Archaeology
Кулешов Вяч. С. Фрагменты генеалогии правителей Волжской Булгарии X века // Вспомогательные исторические дисциплины в современном научном знании : Материалы XXXII Международной научной конференции, Москва, 11–12 апреля 2019 г. /... more
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      NumismaticsIslamic NumismaticsTurkic Speaking PeoplesOld Rus'
This book is the extended and English version of one of my published books, Kültür Tarihi Açısından İskit-Türk Aynılığı (Selenge, Istanbul 2017, Turkish). My goal is to reach to people in the world who are interested in Scythian culture... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesCultural HeritageCulture
A rkeolojik verilere ve tarihi kaynaklara göre Hunlar (Hiung-nu/M.Ö.3.yüzyıl-M.S.6. yüzyıl) ve Kök Türkler (Kök Türük /Tuküe/ M.S.552-744), Ki-lin (Qi-lin/ ) denilen efsanevi bir yaratığa inanırdı. Göçebelerin bu yaratığa inandıkları... more
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      Ancient HistoryIconographyAncient ReligionChina studies
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      Ecological AnthropologyEurasian NomadsTraditional Ecological KnowledgeAncient Turks
In 2020, the doctor of historical sciences V. V. Trepavlov turns 60 years old. The article describes the biography and career path of the scientist. Interest in the history of Eurasian nomads appeared in V. V. Trepavlov in his school and... more
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      MongolsLife of Genghis KhanHistory of Golden HordeTurks
The current paper covers education and the constructed lifestyles around it in the Pre-Islamic Turks. Specializing on the first Turk states, despite the shortage of resources about the interested topic, the Hun Empire, Göktürks and... more
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      Turkish EducationTurkish Education SystemAncient TurksAncient Turk and Uighur
377’de İstanbul önlerine gelen, 6. yüzyılda kente yerleşmeye başlayan, burada askerlik, esirlik, misafirlik, ticaret, eğitim, sığınma, siyasî rehin olmak, siyasî evlilik ve kolonizatörlük için kısa ya da uzun süreli kalan Türkler... more
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      ByzantiumConstantinopleByzantine EmpireTurks
Überlegungen zu verschiedenen Aspekten der vormuslimischcn Geschichte Mirtelund Zentralasiensrgehören zu den Randerscheinungen hiesiger historischer Forschung. Diese Tatsache ist um so bedauerlicher angesichts cines seit Jahren... more
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      Eurasian NomadsTurkish and Middle East StudiesNomadismOld Turkic Culture
Elinizdeki kitabın temel iddiası da, en eski tarihî devirlerden ortaçağlara ve modern döneme, Türkler ve İskitlerin aynı halklar olduğudur. Bu iddia, atlı-savaşçı Türk-İskitlerin konar-göçer yaşam tarzı unsurları ve eklemeli dilleri... more
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      Turkish HistoryScythiansTurksih Traditions and CustomsScythian History
The study of ancient Turkic antiquities in the Altai is of particular significance since this region is considered to have been the native land of the ancient Turks. According to genealogical legends, the Altai is connected to the early... more
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      ArchaeologyMaterial Culture StudiesHistory of CostumeEurasian Nomads
УДК 902.2 ББК 63.444-427 С 325 Научный редактор: доктор исторических наук А.А. Тишкин Рецензенты: доктор исторических наук В.В. Горбунов; доктор исторических наук А.В. Харинский; кафедра архелогии и всеобщей истории Горно-Алтайского... more
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      ArchaeologyCentral Asian StudiesEurasian NomadsSocial Archaeology
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      KyrgyzCentral AsiaEarly Turkic HistoryAncient Turks
Öz: İskit/Saka-Türk yaşam tarzı ve dil birliğini kanıtlayan deliller ışığında iz sürüldüğünde, Türk kadının Avrasya bozkırlarından Anadolu'ya, yaşamı ve toplumsal konumu nasıl bir dönüşüm sergiler? Çalışmamızda bu sorunun cevabını bulmaya... more
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      Women's StudiesWomen's HistoryTurkish and Middle East StudiesWomen and Culture
The first summarizing work in historiography on the history of the Western Turkic khanate - State of VI-VIII centuries on the territory of modern Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Eurasia. Book of international team of authors for... more
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      ArchaeologyEurasian NomadsBulgarian historyKhazar archaeology and history
En el libro HIJOS DE TITANES • EL SECRETO ÍBERO, Enrique Cabrejas Iñesta nos relata de modo llano su experiencia personal con un descubrimiento extraordinario. El 21 de Abril de 2012 consiguió lo que parecía imposible: descifrar la... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryEuropean History
Монография представляет собой опыт исследования воп-росов исторической географии и этнической истории Внутренней Азии и Сибири на основе совокупности сведений письменных, этнографических, лингвистических и фольклорных материалов.... more
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      Historical GeographyInner Asian StudiesOnomasticsMongolian Studies
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      ArchaeologyCentral Asian StudiesEurasian NomadsEarly Medieval Archaeology
Regarding the context of the titles Qaghan (Khaqan) and Khan, and their relations with each other, a consensus has not been reached until now among scholars studying the organization of Turkic and Mongol polities. Some scholars are of the... more
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      Inner Asian StudiesCentral Asian StudiesInner Asian HistoryCentral Asia
Рахно К.Ю. Дух йин в ногайской демонологии и его параллели // Ногайцы: XXI век. История. Язык. Культура. От истоков — к грядущему. Материалы Второй Международной научно-практической конференции, г. Черкесск, 12-13 октября 2016 г. –... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreMythologyDemonology
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      Eurasian NomadsSilk Road StudiesTurkish and Middle East StudiesCentral Asia
Статья посвящена введению в научный оборот и интерпретации наскального изображения женского персонажа в трехрогом головном уборе эпохи раннего средневековья из урочища Апшиякта в Центральном Алтае. Подобный персонаж представлен в... more
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      ArchaeologyCentral Asian StudiesEurasian NomadsEarly Medieval Archaeology
Eski Türk ve Moğol devletlerinin teşkilatları üzerine çalışan uzmanlar arasında, Kağan (Ḳaġan, Ḫaġan, Ḫâḳân) ve Han (Ḳan, Ḫan) unvanlarının içeriği ile bunların birbirleriyle olan ilişkileri konusunda bugüne kadar bir fikir birliğine... more
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      Ancient Turkseski Türklerİslamiyet öncesi Türk TarihiThe Cultural History of Pre-Islamic Turks
The first post-classical appearance of descent from Trojan exiles is found in the Merovingian _Chronicle of Fredegar_. The author describes the Franks as sharing a common ancestry with the Turks. This connection seems absurd but could... more
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      Ancient TurksFredegar
Until relatively recently, the centuries between Xiongnu and Türk domination in the Mongolian steppelands (both north and south of the Gobi Desert) appeared as an archaeological »dark age«. At the same time, the steppe empire of the... more
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      Eurasian NomadsLate AntiquityCentral Eurasian StudiesBactria (Archaeology)
Published in: Восточная Европа в древности и средневековье // Чтения памяти чл.-корр. АН СССР В.Т. Пашуто. М.: ИВИ РАН, 2022. Вып. XXХIV. Межэтнические контакты в социокультурном контексте / отв. ред. Е.А. Мельникова. С. 251–256.
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      Inner Asian StudiesEurasian NomadsHistory of MongoliaInner Asian History
Chernoles archaeological culture, which existed in the area between the rivers Dniester and Dnieper between from XIth until VIIIth centuries BC, was a culture belonging to Pre-Scythian period. According to the preaviling point of view in... more
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      Eastern European StudiesSlavic LanguagesIranian StudiesIndo-European Studies
Статья вводит в научный оборот материалы раннесредневекового погребения у Большой Тавдинской пещеры в нижнем течении р. Катунь на Алтае. Погребение совершено по обряду ингумации в сопровождении коня под курганной насыпью, имеющей крепиду.... more
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      ArchaeologyCentral Asian StudiesEurasian NomadsEarly Medieval Archaeology
The subject of the article was the identification of authority symbols among the early Middle Age Turkic population groups in the Central Asia. The study was based on archaeological materials, primarily from the excavated burial complexes... more
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      Central Asian StudiesEurasian NomadsEarly Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval History
Türklerin İslâmiyete geçişleri ve bunun nedenleri konusunda farklı görüşler bulunmaktadır. Bu konuda öne sürülen görüşlerden birine göre, eski Türk inançları ile İslâmiyet arasında, özellikle de Teŋri ve Allah kavramlarında benzerlikler... more
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      History of ReligionReligious ConversionTurkish and Middle East StudiesTurkish History
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      Middle East StudiesCentral Asia (History)Central AsiaArchaeology of Central Asia
Translations of books in the English language is technical and may contain errors
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      Eurasian NomadsCentral Asia (History)Sacred (Religion)Islamic History and Muslim Civilization
Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über... more
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      Byzantine StudiesArchaeology of the AvarsGreat Migration periodKhazars
This is the second edition of the book originally published in 2005, by the 'Gutenberg" Publ. House, Sofia. It deals with the so-called 'Inside' and 'Outside' Others in the histories of Bulgars, Khazars, Ancient Turk, and Uighurs and... more
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      Stereotypes and PrejudiceCentral Eurasian StudiesKhazar archaeology and historyOtherness
Within this article, we are publishing excavation materials of a burial with an accompanied horse, in Shanaga, Bukhmurun sum, Uvs aimag. The rescue excavation was made in 2011 by researchers of the Institute of Archaeology in the coal... more
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      Inner Asian StudiesCentral Asian StudiesMongolian StudiesFuneral Practices
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      Eurasian NomadsEarly Medieval ArchaeologyTurkish and Middle East StudiesCultural Anthropology, Anthropology of Nomadic Societies; Oral Cultures
В эпоху раннего средневековья на территории Центральной Азии существовали микрооазисы, жители которых образовали самобытные культуры, поддерживая тесные связи с населением сопредельных регионов, и окружающими кочевыми племенами. В этот... more
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      Cultural StudiesCentral Asian StudiesCentral Asia (History)Central Asia
Göktürk Kağanlığı'nın siyasî tarihini ele alan bazı araştırmacılar, bu devletin Doğu ve Batı Kağanlıkları olarak ikiye ayrılmasının 581'de yaşandığını, Batı Göktürk Kağanlığı'nın bu yılda Tardu Ḳaġan tarafından kurulduğunu, devletin... more
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      Turkish and Middle East StudiesTurkic Speaking PeoplesTurkic StudiesTurks
Abbâsîler’in iktidara gelmesine kadar Müslümanlar tarafından fetihlerde ve gazâlarda ele geçirilmiş çok sayıda esir çoğunlukla köle olarak istihdâm edildiklerinden Müslümanların ayrıca uluslararası köle ticaretine başvurmalarına gerek... more
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      European HistoryEastern European StudiesRussian StudiesMedieval History