Antiquarianism in the seventeenth century
Most downloaded papers in Antiquarianism in the seventeenth century
""Nel XVIII secolo la città di Siracusa divenne una delle mete principali del Grand Tour, il viaggio di istruzione e formazione che ogni giovane aristocratico europeo del tempo doveva compiere, per via dell’enorme patrimonio... more
Fin dall’inizio del Seicento il rapporto tra le collezioni di antichità romane e artisti, pittori e disegnatori di professione, testimonia la diffusione di nuovi metodi e di istanze innovative rispetto alla consolidata tradizione... more
The belief that Roman London was graced by a temple dedicated to Diana, standing on the site now occupied by the cathedral church of St Paul, is a persistent one. This paper traces the origins of the belief in antiquarian writings of the... more
UPDATED 2020. This unfinished paper brings together material published previously as 'Jack Cade at London Stone' (Clark 2007) and 'London Stone: Stone of Brutus or fetish stone – making the myth' (Clark 2010), expanded and updated,... more
secrétariat scientifique du colloque Nicola Iodice La loi du 11 mars 1957 n'autorisant aux termes des alinéas 2 et 3 de l'article 41, d'une part, que les « copies ou reproductions strictement réservées à l'usage privé du copiste et non... more
for off-prints
La personalità del vicentino Pietro Stefanoni (1557ca.-1642 ca.), noto per essere stato il più grande editore delle incisioni dei Carracci, è qui ricostruita per la prima volta partendo dalle sue due uniche lettere note, indirizzate a... more
Unpublished 1990 lecture, updated 10/2018, discussing the collection(s) of sculpture, antique and modern, brought together by members of the Barberini family in Rome, 1608 through ca. 1640. Information drawn from my published Barberini... more
Noto nella letteratura storico-artistica soprattutto come autore delle Vite, Giovan Pietro Bellori (1613-1696) è ricordato anche come uno dei più importanti e prolifici antiquari della Roma barocca. Nel venticinquennio compreso tra il... more
Du croquis à la peinture à l’huile, restées à l’état original ou diffusées par l’intermédiaire de la gravure, seules ou en conjonction avec le récit viatique, les images du voyage en Orient véhiculent une image riche en contrastes et... more
Attraverso la lettura di passi ligoriani relativi al cd. Tempio di Minerva Medica, è possibile ricostruire i termini di una querelle cinquecentesca circa la corretta identificazione dell'edificio. Tra gli avversari di Pirro Ligorio, i... more
Atti delle quinte giornate internazionali di studi sull'area elima e la Sicilia occidentale nel contesto mediterraneo Erice, 12-15 ottobre 2003 Workshop «G. Nenci» diretto da Carmine Ampolo EDIZIONI DELLA NORMALE Redazione a cura di... more
In virtù dell'importanza rivestita nel mondo greco-romano dal banchetto, quale momento di socialità e di scambio intellettuale, e delle profonde differenze che distinguevano l'antico triclinium dai conviti moderni -prima fra tutte il... more
This paper examines the relationship between the aesthetic thought of Joseph Addison and Richard Steele and early modern virtuoso culture. It argues that both Addison and Steele did not reject virtuoso culture so much as to attempt to... more
I would like to introduce engraved gems to you, and their collecting-tradition. Under the name of “engraved gems” are grouped two types: intaglios and cameos. Intaglios are engraved into, allowing its owner to use it as a seal. Cameos... more
The Janiculum Hill in antiquity was a place of noble villas, military triumphs,, ancient burials and Christian martyrdoms, all of which were recorded ad interpreted in various ways in antiquarian maps and literature of the sixteenth and... more
Severi uomini d' arme, instancabili viaggiatori, accorti diplomatici, mecenati alla ricerca di visibilità, appassionati collezionisti in instabile equilibrio tra matura consapevolezza intellettuale, antica protervia e progressivo... more
Per oltre un cinquantennio, corrispondente pressappoco alla prima metà del Seicento, intercorsero tra il nobiluomo riminese Francesco Gualdi, uno dei protagonisti del collezionismo antiquario nella Roma barberiniana, e la Francia rapporti... more
Rubens had a profound impact on the visual culture of his age. He was admired not only as a painter but also for his learning, for the knowledge of classical literature and imagery which he exploited so brilliantly in arresting and... more
General Introduction by Francis Haskell and Henrietta McBurney to the multi-volume series, 'The Paper Museum of Cassiano dal Pozzo. A Catalogue Raisonne. Drawings and Prints in the Royal Library at Windsor Castle, the British Library, the... more
"In 'A Roman Road in the Dutch Republic', Jaap Evert Abrahamse investigates the origins, design, and realization of a long forgotten 'grand projet', which was undertaken in the Dutch Republic during its Golden Age. Amersfoortseweg... more
Paintings of art galleries do not only represent works of art, they also provide us with a visual understanding of the context in which they were once displayed. Of special interest is the art gallery of Rubens, an artist who himself... more
Attached is the Introduction to *The Theater of Experiment: Staging Natural Philosophy in Eighteenth-Century Britain* (Oxford UP:2016). For the full text, copies are available for sale via OUP website. You can message me for a discount... more
Il De Bibliothecis Syntagma di Giusto Lipsio, nel 1602, rappresentò il punto d’inizio della moderna storia delle biblioteche, influenzando Federico Borromeo nel periodo della fondazione dell’Ambrosiana e ispirando Gabriel Naudè durante la... more
Member This paper examines three aspects of Lhuyd's work on Irish megalithic tombs: (i) the context of his famous account of Newgrange is assessed and is shown to have a more complex background than hitherto assumed; (ii) using several... more
Ce travail se fonde sur une partie de ma thèse de doctorat (2010), dédiée à Claude Le Maire et aux activités archéologique françaises en Afrique du nord et remploi des monuments en France, entre XVIIe et XVIIIe (dir. A. Schnapp). On... more
Nell'ambito degli studi antiquari sul convito nel mondo greco-romano, e in particolare sul costume antico di cenare sdraiati, al quale gli eruditi del Cinquecento dedicarono una speciale attenzione 1 , la discussione del tema all'interno... more
I would like to express my gratitude to the organisers for their kind invitation. Furthermore, I would like to thank the Stiftung Alfried Krupp Kolleg, Greifswald, which generously funded the underlying research on migration narratives in... more
The work titled Dell 'Antico Ginnasio Napoletano, published posthumously in 1641 and reissued in 1688, was the first work dedicated to a specific ancient monument of Neapolis, written by Peter Lasena (1590-1637 ) scholar and Neapolitan... more
The large framed slab of São Miguel de Odrinhas, Sintra (Portugal), that during the first century A.D. was placed above the door of the mausoleum inside which were entombed the ashes of several members of the gens Aelia and other people... more
Se i rapporti di Ottavio Tronsarelli con il mondo artistico romano furono molto intensi, come mostra Maria Cristina Terzaghi nel suo saggio in questo volume, non meno stretti ed interessanti furono i contatti del poeta con gli ambienti... more
Collana Arti 17 Titolo dell'opera Le componenti del Classicismo secentesco: lo statuto della scultura antica Atti del convegno internazionale, Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore, 15-16 settembre 2011 Volume pubblicato con il contributo del... more
Présentation de l'ensemble des collections numismatiques particulières et institutionnelles rassemblées par les jésuites français et enquête sur l'enseignement de la science des médailles dans leurs collèges en France au XVIIIe siècle.
Constantijn Huygens (1596-1687) was a secretary to three successive stadholders, diplomat, poet, playwright, composer and architect - to mention a few of his activities. His library of ca. 10,000 volumes was sold by his three sons and... more
Most Experts usually agree that all history has its beginnings in fables and that they enjoy a close relationship. Fables, however, as everybody knows, received their name from beans, or fabae. ni This is why it seems fitting to begin a... more
This chapter was published as a contribution to a handbook about vernacular bibles in the Low Countries in the past eleven centuries (Heerenveen, 2015), edited by a team of Dutch and Flemish scholars headed by Paul Gillaerts. The States'... more