Archaeology in Labrador/Northern Quebec
Recent papers in Archaeology in Labrador/Northern Quebec
Colloque Enjeux énergétiques et patrimoines archéologique, bâti et paysager,
Montréal, 26 septembre 2024
Montréal, 26 septembre 2024
See - Traces in the archival and archaeological records of the 16th to late 18th century show that Labrador Inuit were engaged in a long-term struggle for place in southeastern Labrador, Canada. This examination of... more
While the survival of ancient parietal art to the present implies that numerous individuals may have viewed it, much occurs in such concealed or difficult to access locations (caves, rockshelters, cliff faces) that it seems rather to have... more
Colloque "Enjeux énergétiques et patrimoines archéologique, bâti et paysager: perspectives historiques", Montréal, 25-27 septembre 2024
Les sites archéologiques du territoire côtier s’étirant entre le Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean et le nord du Labrador recèlent au moins 78 collections de perles de verre. Ces petits objets, témoins d’échanges interculturels formels et... more
Table of Contents Map Figure 7: Sketch with measurements of wing wreckage from Hudson bomber in unnamed pond on Long Island, Placentia Bay. (Sketch: Neil Burgess).
Illustration de la couverture : Tétradrachme à l'effigie de l'empereur romain Maximien Hercule (c. 250-310), provenant du site Viger (BjFj-15-3M3-179), à Montréal. Trois siècles de perles de verre. Une sériation contextualisée pour le... more
On I3 July 190s, Mina Hubbard's expedition reached the portage that led to Seal Lake, the first major landmark on her journey into central Labrador. Hubbard recorded the arrival in her field notes in terms that signal not only the... more
As part of ongoing multidisciplinary research at Uivak Point (HjCl-09) and Oakes Bay 1 (HeCg-8) in Labrador, Canada, undisturbed soil samples were collected in order to document archaeological sediments and examine anthropogenic processes... more
Jornalista-historiadora RESUMO: Este artigo trata do tema do maravilhoso tendo como cenário o Pólo Norte, o mundo nórdico, "o império do frio", entre os séculos XVI e XVIII. Baseado em 13 documentos originais sobre os esquimós, busca... more
Archaeological excavations carried out from 1990 to 1993 on île aux Basques (Quebec), in the middle of the St Lawrence River, have revealed objects testifying to a Basque presence as early as the sixteenth century. This discovery is... more
In 2015, the Canadian government created Akami-Uapishku-KakKasuaak-Mealy Mountain National Park Reserve. Located on the central coast of Labrador, it was designed to protect 11,000 square kilometres of natural landscape and safeguard a... more
La revue Archéologiques est indexée sur les plateformes Érudit et EBSCO. La direction laisse aux auteurs ou autrices l'entière responsabilité de leurs textes. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez contacter : Association des archéologues du... more
Sarai Barreiro-Arguellas digging Area 8 midden view to the North. Photo by Wilfred Richard. Bill Fitzhugh checking packs on Will's Volvo. Photo by Wilfred Richard. Harp seal bathing on an iceberg. Photo by Bill Fitzhugh.
1+1 National Library of canada SibliotheQue nalionale du Canada canadian Theses SeMce Service des dleses canadiennes ()naw3. Canada KtA ON~ The author has granted an irrevocable nonexclusive licence allowing the National Library of canada... more
Labrador Inuit have expressed concern about the impacts of climate change on their health and well-being and their future access to marine resources, including fisheries. This study filled important knowledge gaps identified by the... more
This research was originally designed to document what was then called "Early Dorset" on the Island of Newfoundland~ however, analysis of the data suggested that we should not refer to the Factory Cove remains as "Early... more
* Ce travail a bénéficié de l'aide à la recherche 1999 d'Eusko Ikaskuntza. brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at provided by Hedatuz L a b o rde, Denis: Des pêcheurs de baleines aux joueurs de... more
Labrador is the northeasternmost part of mainland Canada-a stretch of rocky and rough land along the north Atlantic coast. It has long been the homeland of two Native peoples, the Inuit and the Innu, who are a branch of the Cree Indian... more
Avec la participation de l'Association Rivages propres décembre 94 Un calendrier de ramassage des macrodéchets a été mis en place:
As part of ongoing multidisciplinary research at Uivak Point (HjCl-09) and Oakes Bay 1 (HeCg-8) in Labrador, Canada, undisturbed soil samples were collected in order to document archaeological sediments and examine anthropogenic processes... more
The Stock Cove site (CkAl-3) is a large, deeply stratified, multicomponent site located in southeastern Newfoundland. The richest strata at the site, which have yielded thousands of artifacts and multiple overlapping house features,... more
What do we do with coasts that have been lost? What are we to do with places and stories large and small which once embodied the lived experience of life and work on the fishing coats of North America? This essay, following the work of... more
Abstract:Les commerçants de fourrures britanniques et Inuit du Sud intégrèrent la pêche et la traite des fourrures dans leurs relations sociales par transculturation dans le Labrador de la fin du 18e siècle. Plus précisément, les... more
- by Stephen Hay
The colonial process often occurs within a pluralistic context in which all the actors continuously renegotiate their identities. Traditionally, this context has been framed within a colonizer/ colonized dichotomy, but recent scholarship... more
The labelling and categorization of archaeological sites have consequences for the interpretation and subsequent research completed. As such, we as archaeologists must always be vigilant regarding the unintended consequences of labels we... more
The Far Northeast: 3000 BP to Contact is the first volume to synthesize archaeological research from across Atlantic Canada, Quebec, and northern New England for the period spanning from 3000 years ago to European contact. Recently,... more
This dissertation examines the effects of an increasing European presence on Labrador Inuit society from the late sixteenth- through early nineteenth centuries. Previous research on this topic has tended to focus on site-specific analyses... more
Some of the most severely affected communities in the world during the 1918-19 influenza pandemic were in Labrador and Alaska. Although these two regions are on the opposite ends of North America, a cultural continuum in the Inuit... more
A pesquisa arqueológica na província mais oriental do Canadá se beneficiou de uma longa e expansível história de parcerias com as comunidades. Tal deve-se, em parte, ao mandato excepcional da Memorial University, assim como ao engajamento... more
- by Lisa Rankin
Documentary evidence suggests that Inuit were present in the Strait of Belle Isle by the late 16th century, yet the archaeological evidence for Inuit settlement in southern Labrador is sparse. Inuit sites are difficult to recognize south... more
Here is a ctmnlry ihtii one can visit at leaxt expert se with Unie danger and enjoy the freedom of primitive mon, There are no big crowds, now hustling business centres, no mdlwnaires or trusts, no no police, no magazines. no felegraphs... more
Memorial University, located in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, was created in 1925 to help build a better future for the people of Canada’s easternmost province, whose largely rural fishing communities were rapidly transforming... more
An updated assessment of the trade beads in the Jamestown collection has long been overdue since Heather Lapham's 1998 study. The size and variation of the collection has expanded to include nearly 4,000 glass beads representing over 100... more
This study engages with both the archaeology of colonialism and historical archaeology in a manner that brings them into direct dialogue with each other to explore how essentialized identity tropes are used to frame our conceptualizations... more