Recent papers in XRF
The complexity of X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectra has lead to a number of computerised interpretation and element identification systems being developed and reported in the literature. In practice, however, human operators can generally... more
and sharing with colleagues.
Over the last two decades, together with the increasing prices in the antique market and the proliferation of private 'hobby collectors', the number of fakes in circulation among antique shops, auctions and even institutions and museums... more
Новая книга кандидата исторических наук, ведущего научного сотрудника сектора нумизматики Национального музея истории Украины – Андрея Бойко-Гагарина «ФАЛЬШИВОМОНЕТНИЧЕСТВО В ЦЕНТРАЛЬНОЙ И ВОСТОЧНОЙ ЕВРОПЕ В ЭПОХУ СРЕДНЕВЕКОВЬЯ И... more
MacDonald, B.L. The Analysis of Inorganic Pigments using Spectrometric Techniques. In, The Unvarnished Truth: Exploring the Material History of Paintings. Edited by B.L. MacDonald, N. Hathaway, C. Podedworny. McMaster Museum of Art:... more
Pubblicazione realizzata nel quadro del progetto PRIN 2003100558_004 Nessuna parte di que sto libro può essere riprodotta o trasmessa in qualsiasi forma o con qualsiasi mezzo elettronico, meccanico o altro senza l'autorizzazione scritta... more
The altar frontal from the church of Sant Llorenç de Morunys is a late thirteenth-century or early fourteenth-century polychrome wooden structure. At present, the altar frontal is in a precarious condition that neither allows the... more
La Pietà di Viterbo sima. Onde acquistò Sebastiano grandissimo credito e confermò il dire di coloro che lo favorivano» 3 .
Con questo volume, il Centro Internazionale d’Arte e di Cultura di Palazzo Te prosegue un progetto editoriale iniziato con Indagando Mantegna del 2007, e che, come aveva a suo tempo chiaramente indicato il presidente Enrico Voceri, “si... more
“Bazı Arkeometrik Yöntemler İle Yapılan Çalışmalar ve Elde Edilen Sonuçlar” adlı bu araştırmada, Arkeometri yöntemleri hakkında bilgi verilmiş ve bu uygulamaların hem yurt içi hem de yurt dışı örnekleri verilerek bir sonuca varılmak... more
This portion of the bibliography deals with the determination of the chemical properties and composition of beads of all materials from around the world, as well as their dating and sourcing.
The frequent occurrence of iron slag in excavation layers at the Gnezdovo settlement’s floodplain area indicates continuous and large-scale ironworking during the 9th-10th centuries. All slag samples were identified as smithing hearth... more
In this thesis we tried to work out a study, based on the particular record, to perform an analysis of the structural. This inference method builds on the archaeological record and intends to build through it an archaeological and... more
The subject of the present analysis are bronze rings (bracelets/armlets?) decorated with a cord ornament, known in archaeological literature as type Șimleul Silvaniei and Rustoiu 3. The paper starts out with an overview of past research... more
In this article, results using confocal m-Raman to analyse the cross-section of paint samples are presented. Results obtained with light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) combined with an energy dispersive X-ray analysis... more
Бойко-Гагарин А.С. О кустарной подделке голландского дуката 1729 года // Нумизматика и Фалеристика. - №3. - Киев, 2014. - С. 18
Telah dilakukan serangkaian pengukuran magnetik dan non-magnetik terhadap sembilan belas sampel batuan peridotit dari Desa Awang Bangkal Kabupaten Banjar, Kalimantan Selatan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat sifat dan karakter... more
In the past the settlement pattern of middle Holocene Egypt was based on the presence or absence of material correlates including structures, stone tools, pottery, and domesticated plants and animals. Together these formed the traits of a... more
The tasks and problems which the study of ancient artefacts involves are manifold and almost as numerous as the different classes of materials and objects studied by modern specialists. This happens especially because the conservation of... more
“Arkeometrinin Ortak Çalıştığı Disiplinler, Thera Yanardağı Patlaması Sonuçları ve Bazı Arkeometrik Yöntemler ile Yapılan Çalışmalar ile Elde Edilen Sonuçlar” adlı bu araştırmada, Arkeometriye yardımcı olan disiplinler, Thera yanardağının... more
Bronze objects from the Noua-Sabatinovka cultural assemblage mainly come from hoards or are stray finds, while being very rarely found in settlements. They are usually represented by pins, awls, chisels, sometimes ornaments, knives,... more
The collection efficiency of two widely used gunshot residue (GSR) collection techniques-carbon-coated adhesive stubs and alcohol swabs-has been compared by counting the number of characteristic GSR particles collected from the firing... more
In recent years the number of archaeological finds associated with the Celtic presence in the area north of the Carpathians and the Sudety has grown perceptibly. This evidence is helping to validate the claim that the role played by the... more
Бойко-Гагарин А.С. Состав металла пенязей волынского князя Любарта (1340–1384). Банкаўскі веснік. Материалы Х Международной нумизматической конференции «25 лет белорусской памятной монете». 6-8 октября 2021 г. № 11 (700). Лістапад 2021.... more
In recent years, several groups of archaeological metal finds from the areas around the southeastern Alps, dated between Bronze Age and Roman times, have been scientifically analysed (by ICP, AAS and/or XRF) within the framework of... more
The present study is a multi-analytical approach on the characterization of several potsherd samples, dated from prehistoric to hellenistic times, from Aiani, ancient Upper Macedonia, northern Greece. In particular, X-ray Diffraction... more
In routine examination of inks on questioned documents non-destructive analytical methods, such as microscopic and optical techniques are applied first. However, they are often insufficient to identify the inks used for the preparation of... more
A series of well-characterized specimens, known as the Peabody-Yale Reference Obsidians (PYRO) sets, has been designed to aid with calibrating and assessing X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF) data, including portable XRF (pXRF)... more
An unusual metallic pigment was identified on an ancient Italian manuscript containing the Homilies on the Gospels of Gregory the Great, belonging to the Archive and Chapter Library of Vercelli (Italy) and datable to the IX century. Green... more
Archaeology has been called ‘the science of the artefact’ and nothing demonstrates this point better than the current interest displayed in provenance studies of archaeological objects. In theory, every vessel carries a chemical... more