Art History, Jewellery History
Recent papers in Art History, Jewellery History
ABSTRACT: This book chapter considers the interest in Etruscan engraved gems and jewellery in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, from the scholarly and collecting activities of Philipp von Stosch, Anton Francesco Gori and others in... more
A Review of the Treasures of the Back Death Exhibition at the Wallace Collection, London 2009 which showed the amazing 14th century jewellery found at Erfurt and Colmar in Germany.
The debate that raged in the US jewellery industry in the 1920 over the platinum alloys that should be used. Some advocated iridium only and decried what they saw as the "adulteration" of platinum with palladium
A multidisciplinary perspective on one of the most iconic 17th century devotional implements in Portugal, covering its spiritual, historic-artistic and gemmological aspects (pp. 74-94)
psychologist Abraham Maslow proposed that all people had a strong desire to realize their full potential and were motivated by a number needs, some of which took precedence over others. Maslow's needs are often represented in pyramid form... more
« Corps de mode et art du vêtir. Retracer l’histoire du costume, de l’Antiquité égyptienne aux derniers défilés Couture » « Mode et société : valorisation du luxe par l’image » « Des origines de la Haute Couture à la "fringue"... more
Course Description: This course looks at jewelry throughout history and from around the world. We will explore aesthetics, design, materials, and production techniques across cultures. We will investigate the role of adornment in... more
Amber is a natural origin material with a wide range of colours and structures, concealing the secret of the now bygone continent inside. At present, much like in olden days, amber is used to make mainly decorative items. As a material,... more
This review of the evolution of diamond cuts during the 16th to 18th centuries is illustrated with Portuguese jewellery and sacred objects from this period. We follow the evolution from point cuts already in existence prior to Portuguese... more
Part of the investigation taking place within the scope of the opening of the Royal Treasury Museum of the National Palace of Ajuda, João Júlio Rumsey Teixeira presents his first conclusions about the observation and research of the... more
The present surface of an ancient gold object, typically matt and often purer than the underlying metal, will not always reflect the originally intended appearance. The two variables are colour and texture. Colour could be controlled by... more
This article describes replication experiments that producedfne pierced goldwork of the kind ofien termed opus interrasile, and hollow beaded wires oJa type identified on late Roman and early Byzantine jewellery. The use oJ punched... more
This paper aims not only to correct misconceptions, but to summarise what is already known about the discovery of the Cullinan and the events that followed, and at the same time reveal some important and unexplored evidence that eluded... more
Reservados todos los derechos. De acuerdo con la legislación vigente, y bajo las sanciones en ella previstas, queda totalmente prohibida la reproducción y/o transmisión parcial o total de este libro, por procedimientos mecánicos o... more
Complete technical report by Rachel Sabino follows the comprehensive curatorial essay by Sandra Knudsen.
Our knowledge of the history of the French Blue/Hope diamond between the time of its theft from the French Crown Jewels in 1792 and its publication as part of the collection of Henry Philip Hope in 1839 has many tantalising gaps. Based on... more
In un articolo del suo celebre Dizionario di erudizione storico-ecclesiastica, nel 1857 Gaetano Moroni così definiva in sintesi il mestiere di orefice: «L'orafo o orefice […] è quegli che lavora d'oro e d'argento e di altri metalli, co'... more
Overview of the Greek Gold Exhibition, shown in London, New York and St. Petersburg 1994-5
O. SERGI, 33. Custodia e razionale da piviale di Mons. Ottavio Da Pozzo (1738 - 1751) (scheda), in MUDAS. Conservare la memoria. Le arti nelle collezioni museali, a cura di O. SERGI, Catanzaro, ed. MUDAS, 2014, pp. 92 - 93.
The famous "Seal of Nero, a Roman intaglio depicting Apollo, Marsyas and Olympus, was once in the collection of Lorenzo il Magnifico and is now in the National Museum of Naples. Two gems related to that "Seal of Nero" are published here... more
A native of Bruges (now part of Belgium), Jacques de Coutre was a gem trader who spent nearly a decade in Southeast Asia in the early 17th century. In addition to a substantial autobiography written in Spanish and preserved in the... more
The task is to investigate the genesis and implementation of Art Nouveau in the works by the world-famous jewelry firm of Fabergé. Actuality of the problem is caused by appearance and accumulation of a huge amount of Faberge articles in... more
The only surviving early Byzantine broad collar with pendants, the so-called Berlin collar, was acquired as part of the so-called treasure of Assiût in Cairo in 1909. Based on its technique, the motifs of its pierced-work, and its... more
Polish literature on the subject of religious medallions is poor if we do not take into account quite a number of archaeological publications and entries on online forums, and foreign publications, in Polish libraries are almost... more
In a largely under-theorised subject area as the crafts, this practice-based research contributes to the knowledge and understanding of the body related crafts object at PhD level. It conceptualises the narrative methodology necessary to... more
Jewellery has been an indicator of cultural identity from the prehistoric times. However, the study of traditional jewellery in India is largely dominated by art-historical approaches and very rarely is its role in determining migration... more
The book is available to order from: This book is a catalogue raisonée of a rich... more