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      MetallurgyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyAncient jewelleryLate Antique and Byzantine Jewellery
Тези доповідей наукового семінару присвячені актуальним питанням археології Буковини та сусідніх регіонів. Розглядається проблематика кам'яної доби, епохи палеометалу, раннього заліза, середньовіччя та раннього нового часу, а також... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
The first in-depth study of the society and culture of Roman and Late Antique Egypt that uses everyday artefacts as its principal source of evidence, this book transforms our understanding of many aspects of its society and culture. It... more
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyRoman EgyptRoman Leisure and everyday lifeLate Antique and Byzantine Jewellery
Poster presented: International Conference held at the Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World - Brown University.
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      ChristianityHistoryAncient HistoryArchaeology
psychologist Abraham Maslow proposed that all people had a strong desire to realize their full potential and were motivated by a number needs, some of which took precedence over others. Maslow's needs are often represented in pyramid form... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesGemologyCulture
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesByzantine StudiesByzantine ArchaeologyGraeco-Roman Mosaics and Wall Paintings
Course Description: This course looks at jewelry throughout history and from around the world. We will explore aesthetics, design, materials, and production techniques across cultures. We will investigate the role of adornment in... more
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      History of DressCostume and IdentityDecorative ArtsAncient jewellery
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    • Late Antique and Byzantine Jewellery
This article describes replication experiments that producedfne pierced goldwork of the kind ofien termed opus interrasile, and hollow beaded wires oJa type identified on late Roman and early Byzantine jewellery. The use oJ punched... more
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      Art History, Jewellery HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine Jewellery
The Desana Treasure has been well known since its discovery, or rather, since it was purchased on the antiques market in 1938 by the ‘Museo Civico di Arte Antica’ in Turin. The composition of the Desana treasure shows that is was... more
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      MulticulturalismGlobalizationCross-Cultural PsychologyIntergroup Relations
An update of the Roman coin jewels auctioned from 2006 to 2016 is presented and discussed. They are two necklaces, nine pendants and two finger rings. The essay also presents a new ideal assemblage of the necklace from the so-called... more
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      Ancient jewelleryRoman coinsGreek and Roman coins altered in antiquityRoman Imperial Coins
Strings of colorful glass beads were a popular commodity traded throughout ancient Nubia in the earlier half of the first millennium AD. Combining macroscopic examination with laboratory analyses (LA-ICP-MS), the author breaks new ground... more
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      Late AntiquityArchaeometryDress and Personal Adornment (Archaeology)Nubian-Egyptian Relations
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      Byzantine StudiesLate Antique and Byzantine Jewellery
The largest necropolis of Naissus (modern Niš, Serbia) in the late antiquity period was formed on the right bank of the river Nišava, east of the fortification, along the road that led to Ratiaria. It is located on the site of today's... more
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyEarly ChristianityLate AntiquityLate Antique Art and Archaeology
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      IconographyRoman ReligionDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Greek Archaeology
The Ancient City of Parion is located in the village of Kemer, in the Biga district of Çanakkale province, north of Troas Region. Parion, which had its golden age during the Roman Empire period, has been a center of religious and cultural... more
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      Ancient Greek HistoryAncient Greek and Roman ArtAncient jewelleryAncient Metallurgy
in A. Molinari-L. Spera-R. Santangeli Valenzani, L’archeologia della produzione a Roma (secoli V-XV), Bari 2015, 411-425
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyEarly ChristianityChristianity and RomeLate Antique and Byzantine Jewellery
We are organizing an international e-conference entitled “Ancient Greek, Roman and Byzantine engraved gems in the eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea area” that will take place on March 11-12, 2021 on We warmly invite... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyGemology
A Byzantine Casting Mould for a Hystera (Womb) Amulet and a Cross in the Museum Schnütgen, Cologne: A Contribution to the Cultural and Religious History of Byzantium and the Material Culture of Byzantine Magic, in: Lebenswelten zwischen... more
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      MagicMetal CastingByzantine MagicCasting Technology
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesLate Antique ArchaeologyIdentity (Culture)Early Medieval Archaeology
The jewellery and mirrors from Naukratis comprise a diverse group of objects that testify to the changing fashions of adornment at Naukratis between its founding in in the late 7th century BC until the end of the 4th century BC. They... more
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      Graeco-Roman EgyptAncient jewelleryEgyptian jewelleryJewellery
The only surviving early Byzantine broad collar with pendants, the so-called Berlin collar, was acquired as part of the so-called treasure of Assiût in Cairo in 1909. Based on its technique, the motifs of its pierced-work, and its... more
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      Late Antique Art and ArchaeologyArt History, Jewellery HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine Jewellery
Музейні читання. Матеріали наукової конференції «Ювелірне мистецтво — погляд крізь віки». Київ, Музей історичних коштовностей України, 9-11 листопада 2009 р. — Київ: 2010. — 272 с. Чергова конференція ‘‘Ювелірне мистецтво - погляд крізь... more
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      Jewish StudiesMuseum StudiesHistory of ReligionMuseum
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      HistoryArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyHungarian Studies
Chapter in The Oxford Handbook of Byzantine Art and Architecture, ed. by Ellen C. Schwartz, 2021 (print and online)
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      Art HistoryByzantine StudiesByzantine ArchaeologyDecorative Arts
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      ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesEarly Medieval Archaeology
Ricerche sul costume dei chlamydati nei secoli V e VI. Le fibule a croce latina d'oro e d'argento dei tesori di Ténès e Desana zione, società, a cura di I. . 2. I dubbi principali relativi a tali questioni sono riassunti da... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyLate Antique and Byzantine JewelleryHistory of Jewelry TechniquesOstrogothic Italy
In order to facilitate the research of students and other scientists on archaeological material regarding the ancient Thessaloniki and especially the western part of it up around the western area of the ancient fortification, we... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryEarly ChristianityLate AntiquityByzantine Architecture
in Ipsam Nolam barbari vastaverunt. L'Italia e il Mediterraneo occidentale tra il V secolo e la metà del VI. Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi (Cimitile-Nola-Santa Maria Capua Vetere, 18-19 giugno 2009), a cura di Carlo Ebanista e... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval ItalyByzantine NumismaticsOstrogoths
The present work aims to offer an overview of the Byzantine glass finds from Northern Greece. Material is presented geographically. Glass objects had almost completely vanished during the Dark Ages (7th-9th century A.D.), and they... more
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      Byzantine StudiesLate AntiquityGlass (Archaeology)Ancient Glass
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      Ancient jewelleryHistory of JewelryJewellery GranulationMedieval jewellery
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      ArchaeologyLate Antique ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologyVisigothic Spain
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      Art HistoryByzantine IconographyByzantine Manuscripts IlluminationByzantium
Outstanding garnet beads were found recently in an elite tumulus dated to the fourth century AD and located at the cemetery of Hagar el‐Beida in the Upper Nubian Nile Valley region. Whereas contacts of Northeast Africa with South Asia... more
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      Late AntiquitySaharan ArchaeologyNubian-Egyptian RelationsNubia
The purpose of this paper is to present a reading of the monogram on a gold lunate earring from the Benaki Museum, and to propose a connection with three pendants from the Preslav Treasure in the context of a luxurious Early Byzantine... more
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      Greek EpigraphyByzantine StudiesLate AntiquityByzantine History
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      Late Antique and Byzantine JewelleryFuneral Rites
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      ArchaeologyEarly ChristianityLate AntiquityLate Antique Art and Archaeology
The book is devoted to the publication and the study and gold jewelry from the excavations, chance finds and purchases from Phanagoria. The work is based on materials acquired by the Institute of Archaeology of Russian Academy of... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyGreek ArchaeologyRoman burial practicesAncient jewellery
Golden jewels for the head of women
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    • Late Antique and Byzantine Jewellery
Bu tez içerisinde, Myra ve limanı Andriake kazılarında, mezarlardan ve çeşitli yapılardan ele geçen 130 takı ve takı ögesi kataloglanmıştır. Bu takılar tipolojik, stilistik, ikonografik ve teknik açılardan incelenmiştir. Tez kapsamında,... more
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      Ancient jewelleryLykiaLyciaLate Antique and Byzantine Jewellery
Between 1927 and 1931, British archaeologists Guy Brunton and his wife Winifred recorded over 150 graves assumed to date from Late Dynastic to early Islamic times in the cemeteries of Matmar and Mostagedda, Middle Egypt. Sixty-four bead... more
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      Islamic ArchaeologyGraeco-Roman EgyptAncient jewelleryMedieval jewellery
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      Roman HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesLate Antique Archaeology
The volume is (with slight modifications) the Romanian version of "A gyulafehérvári római katolikus székesegyház és püspöki palota. Régészeti kutatása (2000-2002)".
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      Medieval HistoryPottery (Archaeology)Medieval StudiesUrban History
In this paper I discuss two gold pendants, from the Late Antique or Early Medieval Period, which are somewhat unique finds for Slovenian territory. The first pendant is from the Late Antique site of Kranj-Lajh (Carnium); it is... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyVölkerwanderungszeitLate antique small findsGepids, Avars
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      Cultural HistoryArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyJewellery (Craft Knowledge)
The Fall of Great Moravia. Reflections on relative and absolute chronology of Early Middle Ages in the East-Central Europe. Dating the so-called Great Moravian jewelry and Great Moravian church graveyards is one of the crucial tasks of... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyFuneral PracticesBayesian Radiocarbon DatingAncient jewellery
Gilded copper hollow spherical pendants known as gombiky (s. gombik) were examined to identify the technology of gilding and the material chosen as the substrate. The examined ornaments dating from the ninth and tenth centuries AD were... more
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      ArchaeologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyJewellery (Craft Knowledge)
Ein Anhänger in München, frühbyzantinische Diademe und anderer Hochzeitsschmuck Yvonne Stolz Der Anhänger in der Münchner Privatsammlung CS Inv. 378 ist Ausgangspunkt dieser Studie. Er besteht aus zwei getriebenen Goldblechscheiben, deren... more
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyLate Antique and Byzantine Jewellery
Analisi incrociata dei dati relativi allo studio della topografia tardoantica dell'altopiano canicattinese e della cultura materiale (i prodotti dell'artigianato artistico: toreutica e oreficeria) rinvenuta nello stesso territorio.
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyByzantine StudiesLate AntiquityByzantine History
The time between AD 300 and 800 is seen as a period of transition between Antiquity and the Middle Ages; archaeologists and historians increasingly acknowledge its existence under the term ‘Late Antiquity’ as a period in its own right.... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesLate Antique ArchaeologyEarly Medieval Archaeology