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On the night of September 20,1615, the eve of the feast of St. Matthew, an expedition of Basque whalers lost their ships in a fjord near Trekyllisvik, Iceland, during a terrible storm. This led to a series of events that culminated in... more
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      Basque StudiesAtlantic WorldNorth Atlantic archaeologyBasque History
Ahozko literatura lantzeko ariketa (EGA)
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      Basque StudiesBasqueBasque LiteratureAhozkotasuna
Patxi Salaberri Zaratiegi, euskaltzain urgazlea eta Onomastika batzordekidea o. Sarrera Gaur aurkezten dugun lan hau Irufieko Udalak Iruna eta euskara izen-pean 1995eko abenduan antolatu jardunaldietarako prestatu genuen lanaren ume da,... more
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      Basque StudiesBasque linguisticsEuskeraBasque
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      Japanese StudiesBasque StudiesJapanese Language And CultureJapanese Linguistics
This article deals with two authors connected through the region traditionally called Basaburu Txikia. They left written evidence of the Basque language during the 19th Century. One of them is Mariano Erbiti of whom we only knew his name,... more
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      Basque StudiesBasque linguisticsFilologíaManuscripts
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      JapaneseComparative LinguisticsFranciscan StudiesLinguistics
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      Basque StudiesIdeophonesBasque
" GERO " . Autorea: Pedro de AXULAR ( Urdax, 1556 - Sara, 1644 ). Itzulpenak: Aita Villasante. Apaingarriak: Joxe Mari Tellería. En Euskera y Castellano.
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      Basque linguisticsBasque HistoryEuskeraBasque
My old paper on Basque-North Caucasian relations.
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      Historical LinguisticsBasque StudiesBasque linguisticsBasque
RESUMEN: Este artículo analiza la representación de la violencia sexual masculina en cuatro relatos de la escritora vasca Eider Rodríguez: "Ojos de abeja", "Carne", "Calle de la Providencia" y "Puntos suspensivos", incluidos en sus libros... more
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      Spanish LiteratureGender StudiesWomen's StudiesFeminist Theory
This book outlines the evolution of Basque society during the modern period. It traces the interrelated histories of the Basque Country, France, Spain and Europe following significant themes such as industrialization, migration, and... more
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      Basque StudiesBasque HistoryBasque PoliticsBasque Conflict
Su nombre responde a la creencia general de que el euskera no tenia ni reglas ni gramática. Larramendi acomete su empresa de desentrañar las reglas del idioma vasco para ofrecérselas a sus detractores. Y logra su empeño, saliendo airoso y... more
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      Basque StudiesBasque linguisticsEuskeraBasque
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      Mythology And FolkloreAnthropologyFolkloreMedical Anthropology
"Gardeners of Identity: Basques in San Francisco Bay Area" uses historical archive research and voluminous interviews to trace the history of San Francisco’s Basque population from the city’s prehistory to the present. Under the Spanish... more
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La Lista Swadesh de voces vascas estables resistente a la donación lingüística y lo que revela su comparación con las restantes familias de lenguas del mundo. Aún hallamos en los libros de textos universitarios y en las enciclopedias más... more
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      Historical LinguisticsBasque StudiesAmerindian StudiesIberian Studies
1.1. Hamazazpi urte badu gaurgero 1987an Nafarroa Behereko euskara deskribatu edo genuenetik. Ordukotik egungora aldatu da gure ikuspegia, uler daitekeenez. Hego Euskal Herritik so egin genion gaiari or-duko hartan, ez Nafarroa Beherearen... more
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      Basque linguisticsEuskeraBasqueBasque Literature
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      Basque StudiesBasque linguisticsBasque HistoryEuskera
Chapter 6 (by Santazilia) is a study of the Basque noun morphology, which sets out the noun paradigm of historical Basque and the structure of its NP, and then goes on to list the explanations proposed so far for every aspect concerning... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsPhonology
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      SpainBasqueCatalanNationalist Movements
ENGLISH The object of this research work is to examine the living Basque dialect of Orozko. Now located at the southern end of Biscay province, this village lived on its own from Middle Ages until the 18th century, mainly linked to the... more
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      Historical LinguisticsBasque StudiesDialectologyHistorical Dialectology
Preface Throughout all of Europe we find examples of folk-belief assigning special qualities to the seventh-born son or daughter of a family. At times these attributes were positive, at times negative. However, they always had a magical... more
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      Creative WritingScreenwritingCritical TheoryDiscourse Analysis
Los 40 términos más estables determinados por Holman et al. (2008) de la “Lista de Swadesh” original de 100 voces del vocabulario nuclear básico que (salvo unos pocos excepcionales casos) no son adoptadas por familias de lenguas... more
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      Historical LinguisticsBasque StudiesBasque linguisticsAltaic Linguistics
Main (genealogical) part of the Basque language is North(east) Caucasian. Proto-Basque migration from Caucasus might continue (in several waves?) during the Neolithic period, from the Cardium Pottery/Impresso. The Basques spread in... more
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      African StudiesNear Eastern StudiesBasque StudiesEtymology
""""This article provides phonetic, lexical and grammatical evidence that Basque is an Indo-European language. It provides a brief history of previous research into the origins of Basque; a short description of the genesis of this... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsIndo-european language reconstruction
La presente tesis doctoral analiza la acción exterior del Gobierno Vasco en Estados Unidos entre 1937 y 1979. Una acción que vino definida por la estrategia atlantista del Gobierno Vasco en el exilio, es decir, la búsqueda de una relación... more
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      Basque StudiesNationalismExileSpanish Civil War
Erroibarko eta Esteribarko Hiztegia
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      Basque StudiesBasque linguisticsEuskeraBasque
In 2013, a detailed research paper by Gianfranco Forni appeared in The Journal of Indo-European Studies, describing a breakthrough finding: the Basque language, whose origins had so far remained obscure, actually is an Indo-European... more
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      LanguagesDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsHistorical Linguistics
Lan honetan XVI. eta XVII. mendeetako auzibide zenbaitetan ageri diren euskarazko pasarteak aztertu ditut. Hasteko, eskribauek lekukoen ahotik pasarteok nola eta zergatik jaso zizkieten azaldu dut. Ondoren, dialektologiari eta... more
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      PhilologyDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsBasque Studies
LABURPENA Artikulu hau Jean Etxepareren Beribilez (1931) liburuari buruzko tesi baten jarraipena da. Hari nagusia da Jean Etxepareren eta Pío Barojaren arteko paralelismo bat egitea, zenbait berdintasun eta alde zerrendatuta.... more
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      Comparative LiteratureIntellectual and cultural historyIdeology and Discourse AnalysisNietzsche, Schopenhauer, German philosophy
Sakana erdialdeko euskara. Autorea: José Luis Erdozia
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      Basque linguisticsEuskeraBasqueBasque Language
Izarbeibarko Euskara Hiztegia / Diccionario Vasco-Castellano de Valdizarbe. Autor: Aitor Arana
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      Basque linguisticsEuskeraBasqueBasque Language
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      DialectologyBasqueDiacronical LinguisticsHistory of Basque
Regarded as marginal varieties, Eastern Basque dialects —in particular the Roncalo Souletin branch— show a strong tendency to archaism, which makes diachronic research on these dialects most necessary. Souletin is undoubtedly the main... more
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      LanguagesLanguages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsBasque Studies
Musika mugimenduak gizartearen errealitate baten adierazgarri dira. Punka metala eta rock erradikala izan dira orain arte Euskal Herriko musika alternatiboen erreferentziarik nagusienetakoak baina poliki-poliki rap eszena bere lekua ari... more
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      Basque StudiesBasque linguisticsHip-Hop/RapBasque Politics
The "Serora"s were members of a basque semi-monastic institution, that different theories link to ancient deaconesses or early eremitical life and monastic communities. It included a wide range of lifestyles that flourished in the most... more
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      Women's StudiesBasque StudiesWomen's HistoryMedieval Women
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      Basque StudiesBasque linguisticsTranssexualityBasque History
Laburpena: Nafarroako Errege Artxibo Nagusian XVI. eta XIX. mende bitarteko milaka justizia-auzibideren dokumentazioa gordetzen da. Gaztelaniaz idatzita dago, eta eskribauek euskaldun elebakarren aitortzak gaztelaniara itzultzen zituzten... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsBasque StudiesBasque linguisticsLinguistics
The "Serora"s were members of a basque semi-monastic institution, that different theories link to ancient deaconesses or early eremitical life and monastic communities. It included a wide range of lifestyles that flourished in the most... more
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      Women's StudiesBasque StudiesWomen's HistoryMedieval Women
Basque-Sumerian language parallels
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyBasque StudiesBasque linguisticsAncient Near East
An old Basque-Caucasian hypothesis might be now interpreted as Basque-North(east) Caucasian affinity whereas some relations (affinity, macro-family affinity, or contact/Sprachbund) between Kartvelian and Basque-North Caucasian are also... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsBasque StudiesEtymologyGeorgian Language
Due to the long-term situation of intensive contact, Basque has borrowed a number of morphemes from Latin and Romance languages. Whilst certain varieties show an incipient inflectional distinction of gender as a result of the borrowing of... more
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      Basque StudiesLanguage and GenderBasque linguisticsLanguage contact
Basque speakers can use verbs in two different ways: synthetic conjugation, consisting of a single word (e.g. dakart ‘I am bringing it’), and analytic conjuga- tion, also called periphrastic (e.g. mintzatzen naiz ‘I speak’, ikusiko ditugu... more
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      Basque StudiesBasque linguisticsVerbal MorphologyBasque
La revista de lingüística vasca Fontes Linguae Vasconum: studia et documenta (FLV), publicada por la Institución Príncipe de Viana del Gobierno de Navarra, ha cumplido este año medio siglo. Estos cincuenta años han dado para mucho, y se... more
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      PhilologyLanguages and LinguisticsBasque StudiesBasque linguistics
This presentation focuses on an aspect of old pan-European belief that reaches back, ultimately, to a hunter-gather mentality, namely, the belief that humans descended from bears. It is a belief that the Basque people kept alive into the... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreCultural HistoryCultural StudiesNative American Studies
Basque-Hurrian language parallels
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      Basque StudiesEtymologyBasque linguisticsBasque History
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      ScreenwritingLanguagesReligionNew Religious Movements