Bernie Sanders
Recent papers in Bernie Sanders
It’s a curious thing that, months after the election which saw Jeremy Corbyn become leader of the Labour Party in September 2015 with a thumping 59.5% of the first round vote, the mainstream media were still struggling to understand how... more
This study aims to investigate the language and the attitude of two well-known U.S. politicians, U.S. President Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, towards media in their social media messages on Twitter microblogging site. The comparison... more
tactical blueprint for how we can each make change. Make Change is all three and all the more towards an equitable and just world." --Ibram X. Kendi, National Book Award-winning author of Stamped from the Beginning and How to Be an... more
In 2016 and 2020, the Bernie Sanders campaign gave American leftists a path towards social change through electoral politics. After progressive Democrats discovered that Hillary Clinton and party insiders had blocked the Sanders... more
Articles from the Platypus Review 2015-2017 Edited by Chris Cutrone Trump’s victory is the beginning not the end of a process of transforming the Republican Party as well as mainstream politics more generally that is his avowed goal. So... more
The stunning defeat of the ‘Remain camp’ in the Brexit referendum in the UK and the surprise ‘discursive dominance’ of Bernie Sanders and Donald J. Trump throughout the presidential primaries cycle on the other side of the Atlantic have... more
The aim of this paper is to analyse the political language of Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump during the 2015/2016 presidential primaries in the United States. The narrative delivered by both candidates is interpreted from the perspective... more
In the wake of US debt crisis a wave of protest swept through the advanced Capitalist countries and around the world bringing down governments in Tunisia, Egypt and challenging neoliberal centrist parties throughout the developed world.... more
Since the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States, an intense debate has developed around the connection between social media and populist movements. In this article, I put forward some theses about the reasons for the... more
Le nouveau populisme américain : Résistances et alternatives face à Trump. Paris: Syllepse, May 2018.
Although many men perceive their masculinity to be threatened by feminism, several men explicitly embrace it. Among them are a couple of male politicians. In this thesis, their subversions and reproductions of hegemonic masculinity (the... more
Working with the notion of translation, this paper illustrates a central contribution of Gramsci to communication theory: his philosophy of praxis. Such a framework works through an indissolubly twofold historical materialist program: (1)... more
What is happening at Iŋyaŋ Wakháŋagapi Othí (which is located near to the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s reservation in so-called North Dakota) has been widely hailed as the largest gathering of Indigenous peoples in a generation, or more.... more
In den USA gibt es keinen Sozialismus. Das weiß alle Welt. Das sagt auch das politische Spektrum. In diesem ist der Sozialist nicht einmal vorgesehen. US-Alltagsverstand und Politikpresse unterschieden hier von rechts bis links... more
Hard questions must be asked: what errors did Bernie Sanders, his staff, his followers commit that could have been avoided? Would a better understanding of the theoretical and practical contradictions in his campaign clarify the ways in... more
In this paper I sketch a Levinasian theory of human rights in relation to contemporary political calls for a Human Rights Revolution. In so doing, I identify three ways in which liberalism, the original political-philosophical harbinger... more
The dawn of New Deal progressive politics is an era that has been relegated to a single chapter in history books, a time of contentious politics, a time of radical political doctrines of the far left and the far right. From the... more
This presentation reflects upon the significance of settlers using the language of ‘civil disobedience’ to describe the ongoing standoff against the Dakota Access Pipeline, centred around the Sacred Stone Camp and the Standing Rock Sioux... more
This is the English language version of my book Le nouveau populisme américain : Résistances et alternatives face à Trump. Paris: Syllepse, May 2018. The English language version differs somewhat from the French translation and it... more
Warum Bernie Sanders im US-Wahlkampf bislang so erfolgreich ist.
An intellectual portrait of Bernie Sanders from his childhood to 2020.
This article explores the ‘democratic socialism’ being proposed by new left movements on either side of the Atlantic, and evaluates its claim to be a form of anti‐ or postcapitalism. It argues that in the democratic socialist worldview,... more
Edito nell'Aprile del 2016, il saggio approfondisce la carriera politica di Bernie Sanders, contestualizza la sua corsa alla nomination democratica sia all'interno della vicenda dei Dem, sia all'interno della più articolata sfida contro... more
Robert Barsky and Noam Chomsky discuss Bernie Sanders life and work.
In light of the peculiar circumstances of the 21st century, what is the most effective approach of the democratic left? This piece is an early position paper, subject to revision.
4 de? Candidatos:¿Apoyan la Agenda Globalista Progresista? #2020Election #BernieSanders #JoeBiden #2A @VoteMpls @MNSecofState #Military @realDonaldTrump #Republican #Democrat #YellowVest #Progressive @MNCourts @USSupremeCourt... more
States. However, after the experiences of SYRIZA, Podemos and Sanders, one might ask: is left-wing populism still relevant today or is it an already out-dated phase of the radical left?
To address the appeal of Bernie Sanders for a college-age population, I created a course at Vanderbilt, and see what the students had to say about the Bernie they knew, and the Bernie they came to know better as they read primary... more
A recent book by Leo Panitch and Sam Gindin critiques the shortcomings of Social Democratic governance and campaign platforms and discusses the difficulties of left-socialist political strategy in Europe and the United States.
REVIEW ARTICLE - Francesco Campolongo e Loris Caruso, Podemos e il populismo di sinistra. Dalla protesta al governo, Milano, Meltemi, 2021; - Raffaella Fittipaldi, Podemos. Un profilo organizzativo, Milano, Meltemi, 2021; - Jorge... more
Ernesto Laclau's On Populist Reason (OPR) explains the social logic behind populism independent of a predetermined ideology. Through utilizing Laclau’s text and theoretical approach, one can gain a greater understanding into the... more
This is my blogpost for Political Power and Social Theory's new blogpages, edited by Julian Go. It explains the rise of Donald Trump as symptomatic of what Gramsci called a "crisis of hegemony."
La diffusione del socialismo democratico negli Stati Uniti e la polarizzazione elettorale accresciutasi con l'ascesa alla presidenza di Donald J. Trump ha permesso a diverse figure della società civile di assumere un ruolo influente nel... more
The present thesis uses methods of Critical Discourse Analysis to examine 16 front-page newspaper articles, from The New York Times and The Washington Post, covering progressive presidential candidate Bernie Sanders during the 2015... more
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Even though Hillary has the lead in the Democratic Party primaries (and also in the general election), Sanders’ popularity cannot be overlooked. In particular, it represents a shift towards the left of a significant part of the... more
English translation of a piece originally published in "Der Freitag".
5 de? Candidatos: ¿Te opones al Nuevo Orden Mundial? #NWO #2020Election #BernieSanders #JoeBiden #2A @VoteMpls @MNSecofState #Military @realDonaldTrump #Republican #Democrat #YellowVest #Progressive @MNCourts @USSupremeCourt... more
Il 3 marzo 2020 si è tenuto il Super Tuesday, giorno in cui si è votato contemporaneamente in più Stati per le elezioni primarie presidenziali statunitensi, in vista delle nomination per i candidati per le prossime elezioni presidenziali,... more