Bible, Assyriology, Ancient Near East
Recent papers in Bible, Assyriology, Ancient Near East
Mainstream historians, without exception, consider that co-regencies never existed among Assyrian dynasties, because according to an ideological dogma “the king never shares power, even with his Crown Prince”, but at the same time,... more
Two of the most prominent members of Ištar’s male cult attendants were the assinnu and the kurgarrû. It is generally assumed by scholars that, although males, these persons bore clear feminine attributes, as did other members of this... more
“Chronology is the backbone of history” is usually taught in schools but in the same time the first fall of Babylon is currently fixed today (2016) either in 1595 BCE or in 1651, 1531, 1499 depending on historians! In Egyptology the... more
This volume examines how gender relations were regulated in ancient Near Eastern and biblical law. The textual corpus examined includes the various pertinent law collections, royal decrees and instructions from Mesopotamia and Hatti, and... more
Hermann Gunkel’s cosmos and chaos analysis addressed the Mesopotamian origins of Genesis 1. My preliminary analysis here will focus on geographic motifs in Gen 2:4b–25 based on Gunkel’s Genesis commentary as part of a larger study of... more
In this paper I suggest that the mutilation of the woman's palm in Deuteronomy 25:11-12 is intended as a form of "instrumental talion," or punishment of the offending organ, based on related traditions in Middle Assyrian law. Moreover,... more
Pasquali Jacopo, « Symbolique de mort et de renaissance dans les cultes et les rites éblaïtes : dga-na-na, les ancêtres et la royauté », Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale,
The article tries to shed a new light on the case for Ugaritic -MESH & -HI.A in the Amarna Tablets as a source (or motivation) for the alleged 'Plural of Abstraction' in the hebrew suffix -IM
This authoritative volume brings together a team of world-class scholars to cover the full range of Old Testament backgrounds studies in a concise, up-to-date, and comprehensive manner. With expertise in various subdisciplines of Old... more
At the beginning of the nineteenth century, little was known of the ancient Near East except for what was preserved in the Bible and classical literature. By the end of that century, an amazing transformation had occurred: the basic... more
This paper clarifies the ancient Hebrew linguistic distinctions between the penalties of capital punishment, and live human substitution, which appear in the Covenant Code. Such differentiations are significant for the legal history of... more
Gegenwartig wird der Begriff »Re-fonn« in der Politik flir die unterschiedlichs ten Programme im Bildungs-, Wirtschafts-, Banken-, Sozial-, Gesellschafts-, Staats-, Wahrungs-, Gerichts-und Strafrechtsbereich benutzt, wobei konkurrierende... more
94 -[3] 5 kg and 128,65 gr of gold; [4] 609,62 kg of gold, 202,5 kg of silver: [5] 5168 animals.
The River and the City On their Origins and Semantics in Sumerian. Great rivers are a 'temen' part of the history, offering important advantages to a developing civilization. They provide water to irrigate the fields, and a basic food,... more
Der wegen seiner späten antisemitischen Ausfälle umstrittene Assyriologe Friedrich Delitzsch hat sich sein Leben lang auch der philologischen, vor allem lexikographischen Erforschung des hebräischen Bibeltextes gewidmet. Seine Arbeit an... more
Histara, Les comptes rendus (ISSN 21000700).
At the beginning of the nineteenth century, little was known of the ancient Near East except for what was preserved in the Bible and classical literature. By the end of the nineteenth century, an amazing transformation had occurred:... more
referee. We accept papers which fulfill the ethic requirements as detailed in the home page of Harrassowitz Verlag. The journal is included in the Italian list of Class A scientific publications.