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Abū Ḥanīfa has been seriously and repeatedly censured from various angles starting during his lifetime. One can easily come across these criticisms in biographical literature such as the ṭabaqāt and rijāl works. It may be observed that... more
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      Islamic LawMamluk StudiesBiographyIslamic Studies
German-born, Paris-based Karl Lagerfeld was one of fashion's most remarkable figures. Lagerfeld's great versatility provides us with a unique opportunity, within fashion studies, for inter-disciplinary researches. For the elucidation of... more
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      Cultural HistoryFashion designFashion TheoryFashion Photography
Objective: Conceptual understanding of how management of food and eating is linked to life course events and experiences.
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      EducationNutritionPovertyLife course
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      SociologySocial PsychologyNarrative MethodsBiographical Methods
This paper explores the figurational process in transnational families through the study of the biographical self-presentations and the life courses of family members who live apart (in Bilbao, Spain and Guayaquil, Ecuador) but remain... more
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      BiographyInternational MigrationBiographical MethodsFigurational Sociology
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      Medical SciencesPsychotherapySociology Of Scientific KnowledgeBiography
Individual lifestyles and practices play an important part in governmental strategies to improve environmental outcomes, both in the UK (DEFRA, 2008) and elsewhere. This often involves promoting actions deliberately aimed at reducing... more
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      Environmental SociologyNarrativeLife courseBiographical Methods
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      Human GeographyHistorical GeographySouth Asian HistoryBiographical Methods
Este artículo estudia las dimensiones de género, sexo y cuidado en los campos de desempeño y en la configuración de las trayectorias laborales de profesionales que se graduaron de la carrera de Antropología en la Universidad Nacional de... more
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      Gender StudiesAnthropologyHistorical AnthropologySex and Gender
Notwithstanding its status as a modern classic, Hannah Arendt's study on The Origins of Totalitarianism is generally considered to be lacking a clearly reflected methodological basis. This article challenges this view and argues that in... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical PhilosophySocial Research Methods and MethodologyResearch Methods and Methodology
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      Biographical MethodsCollaborative Research
Der Beitrag widmet sich einer besonderen Migrationsgruppe – jener der transnational mobiles – und verortet diese innerhalb der Theorie und Empirie des migrationssoziologischen Diskurses. Obgleich transnational mobiles infolge der... more
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      Biographical MethodsSociology of MigrationTransnational migrationTransnational Mobility and Cosmopolitanism
This article aims to compare the biographical experiences and individual memories of child deportees and migrants from Eastern Europe. The analysis is based on a field study of over 100 biographical interviews in two local communities... more
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      Sociology of Children and ChildhoodQualitative methodologyChildren and FamiliesPolish History
Traditional election forecasting models are estimated from time-series data on relevant variables and that limits the type and number of variables that can be used. Index models do not suffer from the same restrictions. We used as many as... more
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      ForecastingBiographical MethodsRegression ModelsElections
As individuals, we value our ability to learn productively from such everyday experiences as going about our work, caring for our family, encountering friends and neighbours, experiencing illness, enjoying sports and hobbies, or sitting... more
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      Adult EducationLifelong LearningNarrativeSituated Learning
Over the past two decades, Singapore has steadily become a popular destination for migrants. While the reasons for migrating to Singapore are many and contextual, labour and education have been the primary driving factors for attracting... more
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      EducationFamily studiesMigrationFamily
In recent years, debates about energy justice have become increasingly prominent. However, the question of what is at stake in claims about energy justice or injustice is a complex one. Signifying more than simply the fair distribution of... more
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      Place AttachmentQualitative methodologyEmbodimentBiographical Methods
The concept of mobility biographies has recently gained considerable currency in social-scientific transport research, reflecting increasing awareness of the long-term development of mobility practices. To complement existing work on the... more
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      Sustainable TransportationMobility/MobilitiesTransportation StudiesTransportation
"We are invited to think about the now ubiquitous everyday practices of interpreting and producing narratives across a range of modalities. The result is a text that inspires readers to think in new ways about narratives, invites them to... more
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      EthnographyNarrativeQualitative methodologyLife history
This paper connects existing mobility biographies research with social practice inquiries into the dynamics of consumption and examines the potential of a biographic, practice-centred approach for researching everyday practices. Following... more
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      Mobility/MobilitiesBiographical MethodsSocial PracticeSustainable Consumption
In this paper, I will reread the history of molecular genetics from a psychoanalytical angle, analysing it as a case history. Building on the developmental theories of Freud and his followers, I will distinguish four stages, namely: (1)... more
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      PsychoanalysisMolecular BiologyLife SciencesBiographical Methods
The paper examines the post-war period of reconstruction of the Polish academic system from the perspective of young academicians and students of that time. The generation born in the 1920s and early 1930s witnessed a profound change in... more
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      Historical SociologyBiographyHistory of UniversitiesBiographical Methods
This article discusses the concept of a violent career and demonstrates its explicative value for biographical research and the sociology of crime. Relying on a study grounded in intensive interviews with young repeat offenders, it... more
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      Youth StudiesDomestic ViolenceSociology of Crime and DevianceBiographical Methods
The aim of this article is to demonstrate how body-representations offer an opportunity for its visual interpretation from a biographical point of view, enhancing, on the one hand, the image's own narrative dynamics, and, on the other,... more
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      BodyBody ImageBiographical MethodsVisual Methods
Dai Vaughan's Portrait of an Invisible Man: The Working Life of Stewart McAllister, Film
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      Film Theory and PracticeDocumentary (Film Studies)CollaborationBiography
Drawing on my experience of writing an account of Chota Motala, a Pietermaritzburg-based medical doctor and anti-apartheid activist, this article considers some of the historiographical and methodological challenges of writing biography... more
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      BiographyApartheidSouth Africa (History)Biographical Methods
This paper focuses on Vahshi Bāfqi (d. 991/1583), especially on the sources for the study of his biography and works. The various editions of his collected poems are assessed. Next, all of the known early sources on Vahshi’s biography are... more
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      Persian LiteratureEarly Modern HistoryPoetryIranian Studies
Mit der Verknüpfung einer gedächtnis-, diskurs- und biographietheoretischen Perspektive geht der Beitrag der Frage nach, wie sich Erinnerungen, die in der DDR nicht als gesellschaftliche Phänomene thematisierbar waren, im Zuge des... more
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      Memory StudiesBiographical Methods
"Between the Person and the Appearance: On the Biography of Roman Witold Ingarden" The article is a commentary on Radosław Kuliniak’s and Mariusz Pandura’s biography of Roman Witold Ingarden “Jestem filozofem świata” (Κόσμου φιλόσοφός... more
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      PhenomenologyBiographyEdmund HusserlMartin Heidegger
Since the beginning of qualitative sociology migrations have been central to the development of biographical research. Migrant communities have interested the founders of the Chicago School, also concerned by questions of isolation and... more
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      Narrative MethodsQualitative ResearchBiographical MethodsRefugees
The main purpose of this article is to discuss the achievements of biographical research at the Institute of Social Economy of the Warsaw School of Economics, with particular emphasis on the memoirs of the unemployed. The article has... more
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      Sociology of WorkUnemploymentArchivesHistory of Sociology
Though prevalence of HIV and especially Hepatitis C is high among people who nject drugs (PWID) in New York, about a third of those who have injected for 8–15 years have avoided infection by either virus despite their long-term drug use.... more
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      HIV/AIDSSymbolic InteractionQualitative Health ResearchQualitative Research
In this article, we analyse the processes of migration from the perspective of agency-structure debate. In particular, we focus on the reflexive and emotional aspects of geographical movement and the complex relations between the... more
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      Biographical MethodsAgency StructureTransnational migration
Flexibility and change are typically viewed as endemic features of late modernity, leading to increased emphasis on the importance of transition during the adult life course. The paper examines experiences of transition for eight... more
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      Adult EducationLifelong LearningLiminalityBiographical Methods
This article analyzes a number of recently published autobiographies by leading participants in the Human Genome Project (HGP), in order to determine to what extent they may further our understanding of the history, scientific... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyGenomicsBiographical MethodsHGP
Über Menschen, die vom NS-Regime als „Berufsverbrecher“ etikettiert und in Konzentrationslager deportiert worden waren, wurde jahrzehntelang geschwiegen, wenn sie nicht mit den sogenannten Kapos der Konzentrationslager identifiziert und... more
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      SociologyStigmaBiographyMemory Studies
Scholars have interpreted changes in sexual discourses from behaviouralist and structuralist perspectives, in the context of social movements, as expressions of power relations, among other approaches. This article advocates the study of... more
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      Self and IdentityNarrativeQualitative methodologyGender and Sexuality
Event history calendar (EHC) methods have received increasing attention from the life-course surveys that have been used in recent years. According to the literature, the EHC provides high-quality data in retrospective surveys because it... more
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      Quantity SurveyingBiological Life CourseLife historyBiography
It is widely believed that technology is enabling students to engage with their education in new and innovative ways, both inside and outside the formal learning environment. However, many e-learning interventions do little to change... more
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      Educational TechnologyE-learningLearning TechnologyBiographical Methods
Based on a long-term ethnographic study of a group of French boxers, this article retraces the biography of one of its members. Éric was an average boxer who never truly mastered the art of dodging his opponents. He never left the ranks... more
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      ViolenceSociology of Crime and DevianceLeisure StudiesBiographical Methods
Successive governments have pledged to enhance the quality of apprenticeship in Britain so as to achieve ‘parity of esteem’ with academic study. Yet, at the same time, the discourse of the academic-vocational divide has dominated the... more
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      Sociology of EducationBiographical MethodsVocational Education
Este artículo analiza la memoria colectiva de las protestas contra la reconversión naval a través de las historias de vida de dos sindicalistas de las centrales CCOO y CNT en el astillero de Puerto Real (Cádiz). Los relatos de los... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsSocial MovementsBiographical MethodsTrade unions
This article deals with an aspect of religious behavior that has remained in the shadows, both in the scientific literature and in public discourse: deconversion from New Religious Movements. The article analyses the deconversion from a... more
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      New Religious MovementsQualitative methodologyReligious ConversionQualitative Research
Biographies of anthropologists are widely recognized as useful for the history of science and the discipline. Introducing this special issue ''Biographies of Anthropologists,'' I argue that they not only provide information about... more
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      EthnohistoryHistory of Social SciencesHistory of AnthropologyBiography
This paper is a case study of the ethno-cultural identity politics that young Muslim men since the events of 9/11 and 7/7 are found to be engaging with, using a life history methodology and the experiences of Moazzam Begg as a lens... more
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      SociologyEthnic StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesColonialism
Understanding the patterning of energy demand at different scales and temporalities is essential for comprehending dynamics in everyday consumption practices. An important but under researched temporal scale of analysis for energy demand... more
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      NarrativeConsumptionBiographical MethodsSocial Practice
This conversation takes place in Warsaw. Carolyn Ellis has come to Poland to accompany Jerry Rawicki, a Warsaw Ghetto survivor, on his first trip back to Poland since the Holocaust. There she arranged to meet Marcin Kafar, a scholar in... more
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      CommunicationHumanitiesQualitative methodologyAuto-ethnography
In spite of all the industrious efforts Peirce scholars have made so far, Peirce's biography still retains a number of gaps, among which the problem of identity of Peirce's second wife, Juliette Froissy, stands out most significantly. It... more
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      SemioticsHistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural History
"Im Kontext der Gastarbeitsmigration sind unzählige transnationale Biographien und Lebensweisen entstanden. Wie aber nähert man sich ihnen aus soziologischer Sicht? Am Beispiel der griechischen Arbeitsmigration in Deutschland geht Irini... more
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      TransnationalismMigration StudiesBiographical MethodsTransnational migration
The biographical approach aims to understand a subject's life story and its personal interpretations. Produced in specific settings, this approach considers how the elements of this production play a role in the narratives. Therefore,... more
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      Biographical MethodsSubjectivityGenerations