Bronze Objects
Recent papers in Bronze Objects
Löwen, Drachen oder gar Frauen zu Pferde – figürliche Gießgefäße für den Handwaschungsritus, die mit dem modernen Begriff als ‚Aquamanilien‘ bezeichnet werden, erfreuen sich seit mehreren Jahren großer öffentlicher Aufmerksamkeit.... more
Cómo citar este artículo / How to cite this article Graells i Fabregat, R. (2022): "Colgantes alóctonos y cinturones articulados en la península ibérica y las Islas Baleares (siglos Vii-Vi a. C.): entre vestimenta y joyería".
The present paper discusses 19 artefacts from Romania and Bulgaria with at least 1% tin in their composition. These artefacts were dated mainly to the first three quarters of the 3rd millennium BC. Fourteen of them cluster in a distinct... more
Researches of the last fifty years in the western South of France brought new evidences about the pre-colonial phase, the discovery of the Greek city of Béziers (Béziers I)-one of the two Rhòde of the sources-, considerable advances on... more
166 pieces of bronz objects (from Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine Period) from Tokat Museum are evaluated in this book. Each object is dated by analogical method.
A palstave from Libeř (Prague-West District) and other bronze finds from the Lower Sázava River region. A contribution to the genesis of Middle Bronze Age palstaves. In 2016 a bronze palstave with a trapezoidal flanged recess was found... more
The Museum of Hatay (Antioch on the Orontes, today Antakya, southeastern Turkey) preserves a mummiform bronze lamp of great interest, so far unpublished (accession no. 7587). The lamp, in the shape of a mummified Osiris, has only a few... more
In 1878 a bronze cauldron was discovered in a peaty context near the railway station of Valthe (province of Drenthe, The Netherlands). It was reported that the cauldron was found not far from the former entrenchment of Valthe, that was... more
GILDED TERRACOTTA WREATHS IN PARION SOUTH NECROPOLIS Two Stone Chest Tombs (SCT-TSM) adjacent to each other were found in the excavation in 2009 in the South Necropolis of Parion, one of the cities of Troad Region. Two terracotta wreaths... more
Through finding small fragment of mine, individuals began to proceed minerals, because there are not many mineral in the nature. The important part of Anatolia metallurgy is Northwest Anatolia. It is been examined out of all mining... more
The Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg owns a small bronze female figure that entered the collection at the beginning of the 20th century and was later catalogued under the term Luristan bronze. This term was conceptualised well after... more
The article discusses the implication of dents on late medieval and early modern bronze cooking pots. Already in the 19th century a bronze cauldron was discovered near the medieval churrch of Eelde. The vessel was heavily damaged, most... more
Since 1865, the Antikensammlung of Berlin has held a remarkable archaic bronze tripod in its collections. The tripod is also famous among non-specialists due to the animal gures depicted in its sculptural decoration. For a long time, it... more
Aquamanilien – figürliche Gefäße zur rituellen Handwaschung – gehören zu den besonders kostbaren Metallarbeiten aus dem Mittelalter. Die Publikation stellt in mehreren Aufsätzen einen neuen Glanzpunkt der Sammlung des Dommuseums... more
SENOMATY: A CONTRIBUTION TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF BRONZE HOARDS OF THE Br B1 HORIZON IN BOHEMIA. In 2012, a hoard disturbed by ploughing (Fig. 1) was discovered with the help of a metal detector at Senomaty (Rakovník District). It most... more
Bu bölge topoğrafik ve jeolojik yapısına bağlı olarak erozyona ve kitlesel toprak kaymalarına çok müsaittir. Bu nedenle yerleşimin kuruluşundan itibaren, toprağın korunması için Tümtüm Tepe'nin bütününde, günümüze kadar ulaşabilmiş... more
A repertory of Roman military bronze equipment (1st-3rd century AD) found at the archaeological site of Thamusida (Rabat, Morocco) was analysed by non-destructive X-ray fluorescence and time of flight neutron diffraction (TOF-ND). Most... more
descubierto como enclave arqueológico por Javier Cortes y Domiciano Ríos a mediados de la década de los años setenta del pasado siglo XX. En las tierras de labor el trabajo de los agricultores dejó en superficie escasos restos... more
In 1721, during the course of Daniel Gottlieb Messerschmidt’s Siberian expedition, a number of small-scale bronze objects were found. Among them were so-called aquamanilia, vessels used for hand-washing rituals, as well as a candlestick... more
R. Graells, Problemas de cultura material: Las fibulas itálicas de la primera edad del hierro en el Golfo de León Occidental, Madrider Mitteilungen 55, 2014 [2015], 212-315.
The paper present bronze objects from the Archaic area of the Temple E at Selinunt, originally votive offerings, with a huge number of fragmented bronze vessels, suggesting the attribution of this material to ritual feasting and libation... more
Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Milano n. 1940 del 2/5/1950 Con approvazione ecclesiastica Note per gli autori Arte Cristiana pubblica articoli proposti dagli autori o commissionati su invito, che sottopone al vaglio della Redazione e di... more
Bronze short sword from Klecany, Pragae-East District. The paper deals with a bronze short sword found in an inhumation grave of the Middle Danubian Tumulus culture in Klecany, in the northern border of Prague, which has not been... more
In dem Vortrag wird der Bronzeschmuck aus der Grabung von André Plassart und Gustave Blum in Orchomenos (Arkadien) im Auftrag der EFA vorgestellt. Die Grabung fand vom Spätsommer bis Herbst 1913 statt. Der Schmuck besteht aus... more
Resumen: Por contra al punto de vista de la historiografía tradicional, el análisis de un recipiente metálico con «asas de manos» de época Ibérica y el estudio de otros hallazgos similares con variados contextos arqueológicos, nos permite... more
A repertory of Roman military bronze equipment (1st-3rd century AD) found at the archaeological site of Thamusida (Rabat, Morocco) was analysed by non-destructive X-ray fluorescence and time of flight neutron diffraction (TOF-ND). Most... more
Two bronze statuettes - dog and deity - from Late Roman Pannonia found in the ruins of Tác. They may be interpreted with the help of Germanic mythology.
Este es un artículo de acceso abierto distribuido bajo los términos de la licencia de uso y distribución "Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 Internacional" (CC BY 4.0) RESUMEN Se presenta un fragmento de espada de tipo itálico encontrado... more
Arqueomenorca, monografies, 118
КЛАДЫ И ТАЙНИКИ БРОНЗОВЫХ ПРЕДМЕТОВ С ЖЕЛЕЗНЫМИ ИНСТРУМЕНТАМИ ГУННО-САРМАТСКОГО ВРЕМЕНИ СО СРЕДНЕГО ЕНИСЕЯ. На Среднем Енисее клады и тайники бронзовых предметов с железными инструментами расположены в Назаровской, Чулымско-Енисейской и... more
An unknown variant of a Middle Bronze Age pin from Srbsko u Karlštejna (Beroun District). Approximately 750 m northeast of the village of Srbsko u Karlštejna in the Bohemian Karst, a bronze pin (Fig. 1–2) was found with the help of a... more