Recent papers in Camp
“Taking Out the Trash: Camp and the Politics of Irony,” The Politics and Poetics of Camp, ed. Moe Meyer (NY and London: Routledge, 1994) 182-201.
The motivations for, and intentions of, the performances of any given Drag King are as various as Drag Kings themselves. The boundaries tested by the Drag King are reached through his performances, with the participation or refusals of... more
From Esther Newton’s ethnography of female impersonators to Judith Butler’s theorization of gender performativity, drag performance has consistently served as a source of scholarly inquiry and debate within academia. From various... more
The article analyses Michael Jackson's album Thriller and Prince's movie Purple Rain. We explore their camp aesthetics and their recasting of the cultural representations of the black male. Jackson's and Prince's performative personas are... more
Emitovanje Tre}eg programa Radio Beograda po~inje svake ve~eri u 20.00~asova. Program se emituje na srednjim talasima 1008 KHz (298 m) i preko mre`e ultrakratkotalasnih predajnika: Avala na frekvenciji 97,6 MHz, Deli Jovan na 94,9 MHz,... more
For 35 years Yugoslavia was ruled by one of the most glamorous dictators of the 20th century, Marshal Josip Broz Tito. When in June of 1948 he split with Stalin, the western world compared him to the biblical David, who not only dared to... more
Vestir la epidemia con crespones de seda: el kitsch como posibilidad de reinvención en "El último beso de Loba Lamar"
Emitovanje Tre}eg programa Radio Beograda po~inje svake ve~eri u 20.00 ~asova. Program se emituje na srednjim talasima 1008 KHz (298 m) i preko mre`e ultrakratkotalasnih predajnika: avala na frekvenciji 97,6 MHz, Deli Jovan na 94,9 MHz,... more
Pour citer cet article: LANGLUMÉ Diane, « Quand le cinéma d’horreur rencontre la comédie musicale : Phantom of the Paradise et l’histoire du rock horrifique », in PAQUET-DEYRIS Anne-Marie (dir.), CinémAction n°136 - Les cinémas de... more
It has become a common trope to speak of Ken Russell's films as somehow 'baroque'. But what does that really mean? This article seeks to clarify this question by looking at one of Russell's most overlooked films, Salome's Last Dance. This... more
This dissertation draws its content from the author’s encounter with the film Pinochet Porn (2008–2016) by artist Ellen Cantor (1961–2013). Deeply political in intent and subject matter, Pinochet Porn is an episodic narrative about the... more
Considers the Beatles album as a paradoxical combination of progressive and retrospective elements, via Richard Dyer's concept of camp "entertainment".
Queer Abstraction has become buzzword in contemporary painting, but it has been applied to desperate practices and explained with heterogenous theories. Rather than pursuing a comprehensive account of queer abstraction, this paper... more
Il saggio affronta le relazioni fra moda e camp attraverso il lavoro di tre fashion designer: Jean-Paul Gaultier, John Galliano, Bob Mackie (dal numero 27 della rivista "Riga" dedicato al "PopCamp" a cura di Fabio Cleto)
This paper uses the lens of Susan Sontag's essay "Notes on Camp" to interpret David Lynch's 2001 film Mulholland Drive as an essential, but nuanced piece of Camp film.
In adapting Tony Kushner’s "Angels in America" for television, Mike Nichols accurately respected the political agenda of the author (democratic, hebrew and homosexual), who also wrote the screenplay. The choice of Hadrian’s Villa (instead... more
Durante el franquismo, la censura y la heteronormatividad social dificultaban la representación cinematográfica de disidencias de género y sexualidad. Frecuentemente, estas aparecían en contextos cómicos, flirteando con los límites de lo... more
Húsz éve már (1995), hogy a Xena: A harcos hercegnő amerikai és új-zelandi fantasy sorozat megkérdőjelezte a TV által ábrázolt hagyományos női karakterek egyeduralmát és a feminizmus új, camp ikonjává avanzsált. Az akkoriban kibontakozó... more
An essay commissioned for a monograph of photographs by Ray Cook entitled ‘Diary of a Fortunate Man’ (Brisbane: QCP, 2007) The demimonde of the sideshow, the strategic vulgarity of burlesque, the dark complexity of the grotesque and the... more
Summary: Pier Vittorio Tondelli’s second novel, Pao Pao (1982), has often been considered as an example of hedonism and lack of structural criticism against the military institution. This study contradicts the vulgate by demonstrating... more
Intramuros, núcleo original sobre el que se fundó la ciudad de Manila en 1571, se convirtió desde el primer momento en la punta de lanza de la conquista española de Filipinas. Centro de gobierno, educación y comercio de las Filipinas... more
This presentation draws its content from the author's encounter with the film Pinochet Porn, shot between 2008 and 2016, by late artist Ellen Cantor (1961–2013). Deeply political in intent and subject matter, Pinochet Porn is an episodic... more
Our adventure with the notion of black camp began in 2010 when we co-authored a conference paper on Michael Jackson and Prince. When preparing the paper, we were surprised by an almost complete lack of scrutiny devoted to race in the... more
This paper reflects on the biopolitical implications for tourists and workers of enclavic tourist resorts. I contend that the concept of ‘the Island’ captures very well the metaphorical, but also the functional proximity between many... more
Due to the recent technological advances, Data Mining in massive data sets has evolved as a crucial research field for many if not all areas of research: from astronomy to high energy physics, to genetics etc. In this paper we discuss an... more
S’appuyant sur l’hypothèse que le corps-image du pape est un message susceptible d’interprétations plurielles et hiérarchisées, cette contribution synthétise d’abord les caractéristiques éparses des deux grandes lectures produites dans... more
. What do students gain from a week at science camp? Youth perceptions and the design of an immersive research-oriented astronomy camp. Abstract: This study explored American high school students' perceptions of the benefits of a summer... more
Glee (Fox: 2009-) se convirtió el año pasado en uno de los fenómenos televisivos de la temporada, avalada tanto por el éxito de audiencia (9,772 millones de espectadores de media en la primera temporada y una especial relevancia en los... more
In this presentation I want to ponder what happens when concepts of ‘camp’ or ‘queer’, both rooted in the Western/European, and especially English-speaking cultures, are being used and ‘translated’ onto ‘non-Western’ contexts. My focus is... more
"Pedro Almodóvar‘s High Heels (the original Spanish title, Tacones Lejanos, literally means ―distant heels‖) is a 1991 postmodern film that celebrates performance, fluidity, and fragmentation as ways of being in and understanding... more
Desde la segunda década del siglo XXI podemos encontrar eferencias camp en diversos ámbitos de las industrias culturales y del espectáculo. Desde Eduardo Casanova con su película Pieles y su cuenta personal de Instagram, pasando por John... more
Resumo: O presente artigo investiga os modos de construção do personagem gay Kurt Hummel, da série norte-americana Glee. O seu objetivo é compreender de que modo o personagem é apresentado ao público e como seus conflitos são construídos.... more
In order to set trans-local solidarity on education of camps/refugeehood and develop together tools&methods of architectural education; MAU Architecture Faculty, Graduate Program announce to agree on consortium with Campus in Camps... more
This paper presents a high-level language for expressing image processing algorithms, and an optimizing compiler that targets FPGAs. The language is called SA-C, and this paper focuses on the language features that 1) support image... more