Hardware Description Languages
Recent papers in Hardware Description Languages
This paper provides insight into the development of System Verilog Assertions standardization efforts. Specifically it covers the evolution from Accellera 3.1a version to its current state of standardization (the upcoming SVA2012... more
This paper presents a methodology for a unified cosimulation and co-synthesis of hardware-software systems. This approach addresses the modeling of communication between the hardware and software modules at different abstraction levels... more
This paper presents a clock selection algorithm for control-flow intensive behaviors that are characterized by the presence of conditionals and deeply-nested loops. Unlike previous works, which are primarily geared towards data-dominated... more
The introduction of HDLs (hardware description languages) have made a significant contribution to VLSI circuit design. While these languages are well suited to describe circuits in great detail, they are found wanting when attempting... more
In this paper, we present a syntax analyser tool for Verilog programs which can be used as a front end to debugging and program verification tools.
As técnicas de processamento digital de imagens tendem a ser extremamente custosas computacionalmente. Isso leva os cientistas da área a procurar soluções com desempenho otimizado. Sendo assim, neste trabalho foi implementado um hardware... more
This work shows a modular architecture based on FPGA's to solve the eigenvalue problem according to the Jacobi method. This method is able to solve the eigenvalues and eigenvectors concurrently. The main contribution of this work is the... more
FANCI: Identification of Stealthy Malicious Logic Using Boolean Functional Analysis
The VHDL Standard current allows concurrent access to variables shared between processes, but does not define any semantics for concurrency control. The IEEE 1076a Shared Variables Working Group has developed a form of monitors, called... more
The aim of the hArtes project is to facilitate and automate the rapid design and development of heterogeneous embedded systems, targeting a combination of a general purpose embedded processor, digital signal processing and reconfigurable... more
The wavelet transform is an efficient technique for multi-resolution analysis of non-stationary and fast transient signals. For this reason, wavelet transform has been widely applied in signal analysis through processing, encoding,... more
The overall operation of a direct digital frequency synthesiser (DDFS) is based on a look-up table method, which performs functional mapping from phase to sine amplitude. The spectral purity of the conventional DDFS is determined by the... more
The objective of the work reported in this paper is to improve a 4-bit softcore processor previously designed in Verilog language, keeping its compact size. This processor was thought to be used as academic and didactic tool for teaching... more
Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) play many important roles, ranging from small glue logic replacement to System-on-Chip designs. Nevertheless, FPGA vendors can not accurately specify the energy consumption information of their... more
The design of a reconfigurable capacitive sensor array interface comprised of a subsystem able to read an array of capacitive-type sensors and an embedded processor is described. Each sensor is connected to a ring oscillator, which... more
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. As a consequence, there is a growing interest in efficient implementations of the AES. For many applications, these implementations need to be resistant against side channel attacks, that is, it should not be too easy to extract secret... more
Automation industry is experiencing a boom in the deployment of FPGA based controlling systems, which beat the run-time characteristics and behavior of microprocessors-based systems and which will bring new possibilities to the sector.... more
Frequency Modulation, Frequency Modulation, Additive or Subtractive synthesis, Additive or Subtractive synthesis,
This paper presents the design concepts and realization of incorporating micro-operation simulation and FPGA implementation into a teaching tool for computer organization and architecture. This teaching tool helps computer engineering and... more
In this paper, a VHDL model of a second-order all-digital phase-locked loop (ADPLL) based on bang-bang phase detectors is presented. The developed ADPLL is destined to be a part of a distributed clock generators based on networks of the... more
This paper presents how one can effectively transfer electric power wirelessly using magnetic resonance coupling, this paper also shows the results obtained from effective wireless electric power transmission, these results are obtained... more
Performance and power consumption are very important aspects of embedded systems design. Several studies have shown that cache memory consumes as much as 50% of the total power in such systems. Thus, the architecture of the cache governs... more
An efficient piecewise linear approximation of a nonlinear function (PLAN) is proposed. This uses a simple digital gate design to perform a direct transformation from X to Y, where X is the input and Y is the approximated sigmoidal... more
Verification of real time embedded systems is becoming more and more complex in terms of maintaining the code size and keeping equivalence between the specification. It requires the simulation of the system and the checking of its timing... more
The performance of any processor solely depends upon its power, area and delay. In order to get an effective processor, its power, area and delay should be less. Division is always considered to be bulky and one of the most difficult... more
We present a simple and rapid prototyping technique for Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGAs)-based digital controllers for power electronics and motor drives using MATLAB's Simulink and HDL Coder design software. The MATLAB/Simulink... more
Cérémonie de restitution en présence du Ministre de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, M. Niane, Institut français, Dakar. Sénégal, 27 avril 2015
The contemporary design of sophisticated digital signal processing platforms involves the use of specifications at an increasingly raised abstraction level. This scheme is dictated by the ever growing divide between available circuit... more
In this paper we report our implealentation of Serpent algorithm 017 Virtex XCVlOOO FPGA using partial evaluation technique. Partial reconflgurafion is used in this implementation. The major eflect of using partial reconjguration is... more
Recent work has shown the feasibility of integrating nonparametric frequency-domain system identification functionality into digital controllers for switched-mode pulse-width modulated (PWM) dc-dc power converters. The resulting... more
This work proposes an VHDL generation software for optimized FIR filters. In this paper a near optimum algorithm for constant coefficient FIR filters was used. This algorithm uses general coefficient representation for the optimal sharing... more
To successfilly transmit data over any network, a protocol is required to manage the flow or pace at which the data is transmitted. This protocol is defined in Layer 2 of OS1 (Open Systems Interconnection) model. High-level Data Link... more
This paper describes the field programmable gate array (FPGA) implementation of Rijndael algorithm based on a novel design of S-box built using reduced residue of prime numbers. The objective is to present an efficient hardware... more
In this paper, a scalable scheme, configurable via register-transfer level parameters, for full register bypassing in a modern embedded processor architecture, termed ByoRISC, is presented. The register bypassing specification is... more
We address a problem of reusing and customizing soft IP components by introducing a concept of design processa series of common, well-defined and well-proven domainspecific actions and methods performed to achieve a certain design aim. We... more
SystemC promises an environment for faster hardware/ software design-space exploration.
This work focuses on the realization of convolutional encoder and adaptive Viterbi decoder (AVD) with a constraint length, K of 3 and a code rate (k/n) of 1/2 using fieldprogrammable gate array (FPGA) technology. This paper presents a... more
High temperature has a direct impact on the behavior of an integrated circuit (IC). Instrumentation and measurement circuits and systems are one of the most sensitive ICs to such working condition. Modeling the temperature impact on these... more
The inherent parallelism of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) introduces several difficulties for its software implementation because of the sequential nature of von Neumann architectures. In contrast, hardware implementations offer the... more
This paper presents a sensorless neural-networkbased induction motor control scheme, developed by following a holistic approach to electronic system modeling and controller design. The method uses Very-high-speed integrated circuits... more
Math2Mat aims at automatically generating a VHDL description of a mathematical description written in Octave/Matlab. The generation creates a synthesizable RTL description using floating point operators (32 or 64 bits) combined in a fully... more
Finite state machines (FSM) are a basic component in hardware design, they represent the transformation behveen inputs and outputs for sequential designs. FSMs can be rep-resented graphically, which would help the designer to visu-alize... more
This paper presents a hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation technique applied to a series-resonant multiple-output inverter for new multi-inductor domestic induction heating platforms. The control of the topology is based on a... more
Efficient simulation of wireless systems requires the development of antenna models compatible with microelectronic tools. This article describes a first behavioral antenna model using the VHDL-AMS language. Moreover, we present a... more