Cinema and Socio-Political Consciousness
Recent papers in Cinema and Socio-Political Consciousness
"El cine argentino en sus primeros años de vida sirvió como portavoz de una idea de país que se quería difundir y exportar y, por lo tanto, no había lugar en él para ningún tipo de crítica social o política. Ciertas temáticas de acuciante... more
Le projet de recherche « Cinéma des luttes autochtones », né en 2017, a pour enjeu de mieux interroger les formes filmiques produites lors des situations de luttes que les communautés autochtones – aborigènes, amérindiennes et rurales –... more
This paper explores Hollywood’s portrayal of women in war films, how it has changed, and how it compares to the evolving role of women in the United States military. While most academics view Hollywood film as pure entertainment, seeing... more
Between 1945 and 1954, some politics, religious, economic and cultural manifestations had been fomented by the dissemination of the anticommunism in the Brazilian and United States society. From a conception of Social History of the... more
Film is a device that gives platform for reflecting contemporary social issues and it also works as watchdog for political system. Indian cinema has been, since long, a strong medium to portray and comment on social issues of its... more
This treatise deals with popular heroic archetypes. It differs from previous research, because by exploring narrative structures of (anti)heroic fiction, it shows that essential parallels exist in transgressive heroic myths in Japan and... more
Gücü anlamak ve idare etmek ve günümüze ne şekilde ayak uydurduğunu anlamak için gücü etkileyen faktörlerin, uluslararası sisteme uygun titizlikle araştırılması gerekmektedir. Gücü etkileyen faktörlerin ne kadar çok ve... more
Produit d’un mémoire de Master 2 en Esthétique du cinéma sous la direction de Luc Vancheri, soutenu en mai 2013, ce texte est une tentative pour penser la politique en dehors de son attachement direct au cadre idéologique et partisan –... more
Exibição do curta documental Vigília (2019, 22’) no LASA Film Festival, no contexto do XXXVIII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, LASA Améfrica Ladina: vinculando mundos y saberes, tejiendo esperanzas, em... more
La inves tigac ión qu e dio o rigen a este libr o fue fina ncia da por el Fondo del Fom ent o Aud iov isua l (2.005) del Co nsejo aciona l de la C ultura y las Artes.
"This book challenges widespread and largely negative assumptions about Italian postmodernism and postmodernism in general. It considers contemporary Italian culture as a particularly interesting testing-ground for pluriform struggles of... more
In der Nacht vom 20. auf den 21. August 1968 setzt der Einmarsch der Truppen des Warschauer Pakts dem Prager Frühling gewaltsam ein Ende. Damit kündigt sich auch das Ende für eine Entwicklung im tschechischen Kino an, die seit Beginn der... more
Mi texto escrito para mi ciclo (13 proyecciones) "La Tricontinental. Cine, utopía e internacionalismo" para el Museo Reina Sofía (Madrid). My text written for my film program (13 screenings) "Tricontinental. Cinema, Utopia and... more
Questo paper intende analizzare "Travolti da un insolito destino nell’azzurro mare d’agosto", uno dei più conosciuti film della regista romana Lina Wertmüller, seguendo una pista costituita dalle tracce inferenziali legate alla dimensione... more
The point of departure of the thesis is a question how to bring human rights discourse out of the closed circles of human rights organisations often drowned by the traditional methods of advocacy. I answer: by Film. Although a label... more
Rétrospective "Fernando Solanas" au festival de L'Acharnière (Lille) 2016.
ACLARACION: Este texto es una revisión actualizada a 2016 del publicado originalmente en 2002, con un título ligeramente diverso. En 2016 se publicó en un número especial de la revista Secuencias, de homenaje al Profesor Alberto Elena,... more
In his description of modern political cinema, Gilles Deleuze touches rather briefly on Youssif Chahine's Alexandria Why? (1979) as he explains how it subscribes to minor cinema. He ascribes to Chahine's film the quality of a... more
This issue’s films are for children. The Dreamstone (1990); Potsworth & Co. (1990); Princess Tutu (2002); Princess Minky Momo trans from Japanese "Mahô no purinsesu Minkî Momo" (1982)
Capítulo incluído en "Las rupturas del 68 en el cine de América Latina". Mariano Mestman (coordinador general). Akal 2016 PRESENTACION Las rupturas del 68 en el cine de América Latina. Contracultura, experimentación y política. Mariano... more
"Ohne Genehmigung. Cinéma militant, Internationalismus, anti-koloniale Kämpfe. " At Zeughauskino (Deusches Historisches Museum), curated by Madeleine Bernstorff, Sebastian Bodirsky, Brigitta Kuster.
Concluding this issue, my own essay explores the particular case of Christian Petzold’s approach to symbolism, which works with the materiality of objects and functions as a narrative device. Be it a car-shaped keychain, a book, or a... more
Parmi les cinéastes d'origine germanique immigrés aux Etats-Unis pendant les années 1920-1940 Dieterle est un des plus sous-estimés. Un seul ouvrage lui est consacré en français et la bibliographie anglaise, assez curieusement, est encore... more
Tepenin Ardı filmi bilinmeyen bir öznenin henüz olgunlaşmakta olan kavaklara saldırısı ile başlar. Kavaklara şiddetini hoyratça yönelten özne, zavallı kavakları dallarından ve gövdesinden yaralar. Her kaba saba sopa darbesi rüzgârın... more
Durante el segundo gobierno de Juan Domingo Perón, las tensiones políticas, ideológicas y sociales crecieron rápida y violentamente, desembocando en el Golpe de Estado del 16 de septiembre de 1955. La autodenominada Revolución... more
Sinemanın söylem üretme ve bu söylemleri küresel bir kültüre dönüştürme kabiliyeti olduğu malumdur. Bilhassa popüler kültür unsuru haline gelen çeşitli figürler kullanılarak tesis edilen sinema filmleri, söylemlerini daha etkin bir... more
Deconceptualizations: Beyond Identity, Coloniality and Subaltern, 6th Biennal (des) articulaciones 2017, Graduate Student Symposium, Department of Hispanic Languages and Literatures, University of Pittsburgh, 20-21 October 2017.
Documentos de la trayectoria del filme "Cualquier cosa", escrito y dirigido por Douglas-Pedro Sánchez, México (1981).
La película está disponible en
La película está disponible en
Photo-Essay included in: Framework 62, No. 1, Spring 2021, pp. 107–133. Copyright © 2021 Wayne State University Press, Detroit, Michigan // Special Issue: DOCUMENTING THIRD CINEMA... more
¿Podemos analizar la descolonización de Argelia basándonos en las expresiones culturales surgidas a raíz de la misma?
. “Mineros y campesinos entre la cultura andina y la insurrección.”. En: VVAA, Jorge Sanjinés y el cine boliviano, Ed. Tierra del Sur, Buenos Aires, 2010; ps. 21-49.
"… Daha sonra sinema geldi ve zindandan oluşma bu dünyayı saniyenin onda biri uzunluğundaki zaman parçacıklarının dinamitiyle paramparça etti." (Benjamin, 2012) Giriş:
Abstract: Everyone acknowledges the fundamental transformation of the due to various media new and improved technology. One only needs to read the daily headlines about a new media consumers or the latest content delivery channel for... more
This is a legend embodying human consciousness:) AT THE TIME WHEN BERTA FILAVA At the time when Berta spun the inhabitants of Balestrino used to pass down from father to son the ancient legends that are part of what I like to... more
El artículo aborda la historia del Instituto de Cinematografiá de la UNL hacia 1973/1974. Se trata de la Escuela Documental de Santa Fe, creada por Fernando Birri en 1956, cuya dirección éste dejó al partir al exilio hacia 1963. En... more