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La dynamique liant acculturation et fatigue apparaît double : fatigue résultant du processus d’acculturation, d’une part, et acculturation à la fatigue, d’autre part. Une réflexion à partir du monde contemporain du travail (Europe,... more
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      Social PsychologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyClinical Sociology
The environmental and social costs of Brazilian economic development have been paid by displaced populations in rural areas and poor residents of shanty towns in urban and metropolitan regions. These population segments mainly consist of... more
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      Social MovementsSustainable DevelopmentClinical SociologyEconomic Development
Public confidence and trust in higher education has declined (Johnson and Peifer 2017) and the future of the higher education sector has been questioned (AGB 2020). More specifically, the discipline of sociology is considered to be in... more
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      Public SociologyClinical SociologyCanadaApplied sociology
Recension publiée dans la revue ¿Interrogations?. Référence électronique:Vandevelde-Rougale Agnès, « Hélène Weber, Du ketchup dans les veines. Pratiques managériales et illusions. Le cas McDonald’s », dans revue ¿ Interrogations ?, N°15.... more
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    • Clinical Sociology
Drawing on participant observations and interventions while counseling 160 heroin addicts over a two-year period, the author explores the possibilities and limitations of using sociology to counter his clients' addictions to heroin and... more
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    • Clinical Sociology
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    • Clinical Sociology
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      Medical SociologyAdult EducationMentoringMedical Education
En el trabajo procuramos explorar críticamente la propuesta teórico-metodológica de la llamada Sociología Clínica, disciplina que ha estado en construcción desde fines de los '70 con sede principalmente en Francia. Dentro de dicha... more
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      SociologyClinical SociologyPsicoanálisisSociología
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      Political ScienceClinical SociologyPublic Administration and Policy
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      Critical TheorySociologyClinical Sociology
La sociologie clinique appréhende les phénomènes sociaux et psychiques dans une perspective théorique, pratique, critique et politique. Elle s’intéresse à la dimension existentielle des rapports sociaux. Elle prend en compte la façon dont... more
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      EpistemologyClinical SociologyPsychosociology and Social PsychologySociologie Clinique
Recension publiée dans la revue Changement Social. Référence: Vandevelde-Rougale Agnès, « Vincent de Gaulejac, Travail : les raisons de la colère », dans E. Tuffa (coord.), « Histoires de vies et choix théoriques en sciences sociales t.5... more
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    • Clinical Sociology
Call for Dutch sociology to be more publicly and socially engaged.
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      Public SociologyClinical SociologyCivic EngagementSociological Imagination
Distribution électronique pour ERES. © ERES. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays.
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      SociologyClinical SociologyAnthropologie de la santé/ sociologie de la santéSociologie Clinique
Whistleblowing involves the unauthorised disclosure of organisational wrongdoing by an employee (or former employee) to those who are perceived to be in a position to act on this information. When considering whether to disclose such... more
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      Business EthicsSociology of WorkClinical SociologyMorality (Social Psychology)
Mobilisant des apports de l’analyse de discours institutionnel et de la linguistique de l’énonciation, cet article interroge l’influence du discours managérial sur la relation du sujet au langage. L’attention est portée sur la parole de... more
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      ManagementDiscourse AnalysisEmotionLanguages and Linguistics
Sociotherapy was launched as a therapeutic system in 20th Century, which has very strong theoretical and historical relations with the discipline of Sociology. Why there was a need to suggest a new way of therapy, while psychotherapy is... more
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      Group TherapyPsychotherapy and CounselingClinical SociologyInterpersonal Therapy
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      Clinical SociologySociologie UrbaineSociologie Clinique
HAROCHE, Claudine. A condição sensível. (Tradução de Jacy Seixas e Vera Avellar Ribeiro). Rio de Janeiro: Contracapa, 2008. No livro A condição sensível -forma e maneiras de sentir no Ocidente, Claudine Haroche reúne doze artigos que... more
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      Contemporary HistoryClinical Sociology
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      Clinical SociologyBiography
Éric SORIANO, maître de conférences à l'Université Paul Valéry Ce texte est le fruit d'une vingtaine d'heures d'entretiens réalisés entre le mois d'avril et le mois de juillet 2007 1 . Il est surtout le résultat d'une quinzaine d'années... more
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      Higher EducationClinical Sociology
The main research focus of the sociology of business ethics is on (i) the moral foundations of people’s behaviour, both within and outside the business context, (ii) how compatible or contradictory these behaviours are and (iii) how... more
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      Business EthicsSociology of WorkWhistleblowingClinical Sociology
Recension publiée dans la revue Changement Social. Référence: Vandevelde-Rougale Agnès, « Gilles Herreros. La violence ordinaire dans les organisations », dans V. de Gaulejac et C. Lecomte (coord.), « Histoires de vies et choix... more
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    • Clinical Sociology
Le titre de cet article reprend celui d'un numéro de la revue Quasimodo, « Art à contre-corps », consacré aux usages subversifs du corps dans l'art. Il développe à la première personne mon parcours de recherche et montre comment celui-ci... more
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      AnthropologyEpistemologyAnthropology of the BodyClinical Sociology
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      Clinical SociologySociologiePsychotherapieAnthropologie de la santé/ sociologie de la santé
ABSTRACT. “Clinical Sociology” is the name of a relatively young proposal in social sciences. The term is attributed to the sociologist and physician Louis Wirth, a member of the Chicago School of Social Sciences (in the early twentieth... more
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      SociologySocial PsychologyClinical SociologyPsychosocial Studies
Article fully available online on: - By accessing language, an individual is granted the means to represent experiences and to share meaning. However, ill-being resulting from workplace... more
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      ManagementEmotionLanguages and LinguisticsClinical Sociology
Cases collected from medical examiner's records are used to assess a three-dimensional model of failure suicide. The data are suggestive that youthful suicide can be explained in part as a reaction to perceived failure, the perception... more
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    • Clinical Sociology
La perspectiva de la “sociología clínica” ya fue abordada en 1931 por uno de sus pioneros y miembro de la Escuela de Chicago, L. Wirth, en su artículo “Clinical sociology” (American Journal of Sociology, vol. 37, No. 1), si bien cuenta... more
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      SociologyClinical PsychologySocial PsychologyClinical Sociology
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    • Clinical Sociology
Comment dire le mal-être au travail ? Que faire des émotions ressenties au travail, celles qu'on ne peut pas exprimer parce qu'on se révèlerait « trop sensible », ou pas suffisamment « performant » ni « professionnel » ? Comment dire la... more
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      ManagementDiscourse AnalysisLanguages and LinguisticsClinical Sociology
Interactionist concepts and explanations of human behavior prevalent among major psychological theory groups are traced in relationship to the symbolic interactionist principles of emergence, voluntarism, and process. I argue that most... more
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    • Clinical Sociology
Le dossier est consacré à l'étude de la contrainte exercée sur la parole des sujets par certains dispositifs d'accompagnement, d'accueil ou de prévention, essentiellement liés aux politiques publiques. Qu’il s’agisse de l’aide à... more
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      SociologySocial PsychologySocial WorkSociolinguistics
Distribution électronique pour Martin Média. © Martin Média. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays.
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      Critical TheorySociologyClinical SociologySociology of Work & Labour
Sociotherapy was launched as a therapeutic system in 20th Century, which has very strong theoretical and historical relations with the discipline of Sociology. Why there was a need to suggest a new way of therapy, while psychotherapy is... more
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      Psychotherapy and CounselingClinical SociologyGroup TheoryInterpersonal Therapy
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      MarketingComputer ScienceClinical Sociology
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      SociologySocial PsychologyClinical SociologyPsychosocial Studies
This article acquaints the clinical sociologist with the sociodynamic model underlying the family therapy approach associated with the "Palo Alto" group and referred to here as the strategic communication approach to family therapy... more
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    • Clinical Sociology
In spite of supposedly comprehensive protective legislation, evidence suggests that whistleblowers enjoy little effective legal protection. Rather than emphasising the processes needed to support, strengthen and protect the... more
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      Business EthicsSociology of WorkWhistleblowingClinical Sociology
The domains of psychiatry cannot escape an investigation devoted to the incapacities of citizens. One of the particularities of psychic disorders is in fact altering the patient’s ties to his entourage, to the point of limiting his social... more
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      SociologyClinical SociologyPsychiatrieAnthropologie de la santé/ sociologie de la santé
Résumé de thèse de doctorat en anthropologie et sociologie soutenue en juin 2014.
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      Discourse AnalysisClinical SociologyWorkplace Bullying
The throughput rates of South African universities have been on the agenda of government and educational institutions for quite a while now. One of the factors that could impact university throughput rates positively is the influence of... more
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      Clinical SociologyRole Models for young peopleMentors and Role Models for Young Adults
Editions du Cerf | Revue d'éthique et de théologie morale 2012/HS -n°271 pages 67 à 82
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      SociologyClinical PsychologyClinical Sociology
The collection of dzīvesstāsti always was driven at least by two interests: One of them scientific, one of them practical. In the paper to be presented at the conference I will address the dilemma that derives from this multifold interest... more
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      Clinical SociologyOral historyHistorical memoryRegional Studies
Few people that I meet professionally know that clinical sociology and somatic education can work together to help people shape themselves through action. For over twenty years, I have been both a certified clinical sociologist and... more
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      CommunicationEducationTheatre StudiesEmbodied Cognition
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    • Clinical Sociology
This article discusses the issues and experiences facing sociologists who take jobs in business schools, including the differences in political environment, the interaction and differences between sociologists and psychologists and... more
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    • Clinical Sociology
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      Social WorkClinical SociologySociometrySosyal Hizmet
Article disponible intégralement et gratuitement en ligne sur le site de la revue ¿Interrogations? : Cet article présente les fondements théoriques de l’organidrame,... more
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    • Clinical Sociology
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      Social MovementsSustainable DevelopmentClinical SociologyEconomic Development