Clowns, Fools, and Jesters
Recent papers in Clowns, Fools, and Jesters
Pussy Riot’s surprise punk prayer at the altar of Moscow’s Cathedral of Christ Our Savior instigated significant controversy in Russia and resulted in the conviction of three Pussy Riot members on the charge of “hooliganism motivated by... more
Sicut scriptum est». La parola scritta e i suoi molteplici valori nel millennio medievale PROSPETTIVE STORICHE Studi e ricerche collana diretta da «Sicut scriptum est». La parola scritta e i suoi molteplici valori nel millennio medievale... more
An overview of the Fools Are Everywhere project which builds on the book of the same title, creating a global online resource dedicated to the study and appreciation of fools and jesters across history. Please visit:... more
The 2019 J. B. and Maurice C. Shapiro Annual Lecture at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum 13.3.2019 - based on a chapter of my upcoming book.
Italian filmmaker Federico Fellini (1920-1993) is one of the most renowned figures in world cinema. Director of a long list of critically acclaimed motion pictures, including La strada, La dolce vita, 8½, and Amarcord, Fellini's success... more
Few people would describe the tragedy of King Lear or the philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas as funny. To the contrary, these works feel weighty, momentous, and serious. In "Sweet Fooling," however, I use recent work on the place of humor in... more
A short piece examining the importance of the story to the horror genre.
It is not an easy task to understand the nature of carnival as it is shown by the many failures of the last century after Mikhail Bakhtin’s work became generally known. My book is an attempt to define carnival in relation to another... more
1 szekspirowski Błazen po polsku W dramatach Williama Szekspira z okresu wczesnej i późnej twórczości czytelnik napotyka całe spectrum postaci, które są utożsamiane z groteską, satyrą oraz ze śmiechem. Od prostaka w Zimowej opowieści... more
I saggi del volume si richiamano al concetto di ironia; ma è ironia compenetrata con una «pena» profonda e cosciente, come si riscontra nel saltimbanco palazzeschiano, nell’artista dello sberleffo (anche nel dizionario ungarettiano,... more
Rosemarie Garland Thompson created the term “the extraordinary body” to describe the figure once called monstrous and subject to both stigma and “minstrelization,” that is, forced or passive exhibition. Early modern courts... more
El fenómeno clown nos permite ver parte significativa de la importancia que el juego tiene en la vida social de los grupos populares, específicamente como una figura oblicua cuyo poder permite ejercer una reflexividad en torno a los... more
Estudio sobre Till Eulenspiegel, bufón y embaucador legendario del medievo alemán, y sobre las implicaciones sociales de sus leyendas.
I. Renato Serra e Alfredo Panzini, l'Esame di coscienza di un letterato e il Diario sentimentale della guerra. Scambio testuale, dialogo abbozzato, colloquio muto, fra biciclette e trincee del primo conflitto planetario […] cotesta... more
This paper deals with the depiction of the fool in visual art in late medieval Bohemia. Following a brief summary of the literature on the iconography of the jester or fool and the meaning of the figure in medieval culture, the paper... more
This dissertation will ask whether the Scottish natural fool had a vital relationship with Stewart rulers because of their neurodiversity and will prove they had a vital yet changing dynamic during the period. The unique nature of the... more
The scholarship of Donna Haraway conducts a searing polemic against essentialist theorizing in feminist and gender studies by relying upon a novel methodology, which neither rejects the trappings of a culture addicted to technoscience,... more
Summary. Death and Jester. On the Death and Life of the Jesters: Hans Mieske (circa 1540-1619) and Michael Neuber (1596-1648). The ritual of dying and the funeral rites of a court jester are a special case of curt ceremonies. An insight... more
Resumen En este artículo analizo las prácticas políticas de resistencia que una " brigada " francesa de payasos ponen en marcha a través de la risa y el juego. Acciones, stages, entrenamientos, manifestaciones, reuniones y entrevistas... more
'If ignorance is bliss, ..., 'Sirrah, the whip! (King Lear), "A fool for Christ's sake," David's feigning of madness in the presence of Abimelech, one could go on, but I trust a point has been made. There is a place for the jester, fool,... more
Devoir de maîtrise, rendu en 2013.
Faute de relecture extensive, ne sont publiées pour l'heure que le plan, l'introduction et la conclusion.
Faute de relecture extensive, ne sont publiées pour l'heure que le plan, l'introduction et la conclusion.
Europe. 2 Two classical stories known in the Middle Ages can serve to locate the center of the spectrum of riddle contests. Both end in failure to solve a riddle. In one, the poet Homer dies because he can't solve a riddle posed to him by... more
La recente edizione di sermoni valdesi tardomedievali 1 curata da Andrea Giraudo, sotto la direzione di Luciana Borghi Cedrini, induce pressoché inevitabilmente ad interrogarsi sulle forme di predicazione attestate nelle origini e nelle... more
Abstract Paper -a: During the Middle Ages, the Church openly kept a hostile attitude to the social category of jesters. The disapproval was of a moral kind, since the Church recognized that jesters were the essence of perdition,... more
Originally published as The Stations of the Fool (journal article , Comedy Studies Journal, Taylor and Francis, Oct 2017,)this is an attempt to develop Victor Turner's formulation of liminality into a dramaturgic method relating to... more
Der Tagungsband Über den Clown kombiniert kulturhistorische Texte mit Berichten und Interviews zum Thema ‚Clown‘, in denen berühmte Clowninnen und Clowns aus ihrer Praxis berichten. Das Buch zeigt diese vielschichtige Figur mit der... more
This essay takes the antics of ritual clowns, koyong, as an entry point into the ways in which rural Mapuche people in southern Chile come to under- stand and reflect upon the inevitability of urban migration and the “becoming white”... more
Reborned public clowning trend spread in different European countries, even though it started in the U.S. in August 2016. While some people consider it as a part of humour, a worldwide prank, there seems to be fear for others. Public... more
“Camminare a testa in giù” in un mondo che punta all’arrivismo e all’autoaffermazione significa riscoprire l’umiltà e l’eironeia socratica per arrivare allo sviluppo dell’intelligenza emotiva e al benessere che deriva dalla scoperta delle... more
The Shiji 史記 chapter "Guji liezhuan" offers a collection of oral forms and practices that remind readers of the performed oral culture from pre-Han and Han times. Language games, storytelling, songs, rhymed speeches, informal fu 賦, as... more
La publication du Portrait de l'artiste en saltimbanque, de Jean Starobinski, a mis en lumière un thème cultivé par les artistes depuis le Romantisme : le saltimbanque sert à attaquer l'honorabilité bourgeoise, en même temps qu'il figure... more
Podemos decir que en el Medioevo hubo un teatro sin teatros, es decir, una actividad espectacular no codificada que no tuvo un edificio específico para mostrarse y que, por lo tanto, pudo emerger en cualquier parte. En ausencia de un... more
Robert Wilson's The Three Ladies of London offered its first audiences entertaining stereotypes of 'naturally' vicious southerners who corrupt the vulnerable English with lechery, greed, papistry, and love of foreign luxuries. The only... more
Clowns and their feet in Shakespeare's day and Shakespeare's plays, with especial attention to "King Lear" (Forthcoming in Shakespeare Studies 43, Forum: Skill, ed. Evelyn Tribble).
Curator | Josef-Hegenbarth-Archiv, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (May 30th, 2021 - April 24, 2022). Inspired by the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden's annual theme "Loneliness and Empathy", the exhibition in the... more
En évoquant le milieu du cirque à Liège au milieu du XIXe siècle, Xavier De Reul (1830-1895), géologue et romancier), décrit et dénonce à la fois, dans un style "coruscant", les sévices dont les forains sont victimes et le mépris qui les... more